






发布者: zhenru | 发布时间: 2007-5-28 17:37| 查看数: 2451| 评论数: 2|

A Martian Garden


1. 1)Earthlings, prepare to be amazed: New Zealand scientist Michael Mautner at Lincoln University has grown the world's first Martian vegetables! The tiny asparagus and potato plants didn't arrive on a spaceship. They are the first plants to grow successfully in Martian 2)soil, here on Earth. Mautner was interested in exploring whether, in the future, human 3)colonies on Mars might be able to raise 4)crops there.


1.1) earthling (n.)
地球人 2) soil (n.) 土壤 3) colony (n.) 殖民地 4) crop (n.) 农作物

2. So how did Mautner get soil from Mars? He made it by 1)grinding up 2)slices of two Martian 3)meteorites-4)chunks of rock that had landed on Earth from the Red Planet.


2.1) grind (v.)
磨碎 2) slice (n.) 切片 3) meteorite (n.) 陨石 4) chunk (n.) 大块

3. Not many meteorites come from Mars, but Mautner was able to 1)confirm that his did. Tests showed that they contained tiny bubbles of 2)trapped gas. That gas had nearly the same 3)chemical 4)makeup as the Martian 5)atmosphere studied in the late 1970s by the U.S. Viking spaceship.


3.1) confirm (v.)
确认 2) trap (v.) 困住 3) chemical (a.) 化学的 4) makeup (n.) 构造,成分 5) atmosphere (n.) 大气层

4. Before planting, Mautner analyzed the rocks. He was delighted to find high 1)levels of phosphates and 2)nitrates--chemicals that plants need to grow. "It's like the Martian soil is naturally 3)fertilized," he explains. He mixed ground-up rock with water and put 4)pinhead-size bits of asparagus and potato plants into the mixture. In a few weeks the plants grew a couple of inches tall. Plants grown in the Martian soil were larger and healthier than others grown in water alone or in water mixed with ground-up Hawaiian 5)lava rock.


4.1) level (n.)
水平,程度 2) nitrate (n.) 硝酸盐 3) fertilize (v.) 施肥 4) pinhead (n.) 针头 5) lava (n.) 熔岩色


海伦 发表于 2007-6-12 09:55:31
zhenru 发表于 2007-6-12 14:51:13
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