






发布者: 流水绯红 | 发布时间: 2005-12-10 14:29| 查看数: 2182| 评论数: 2|

[MP=480,360,true]http://4english.cn/movies/more/Garfield.wmv[/3g] Garfield: Ahh..., so much time and so littel
I need to do.
Jon: Mouse!
Garfield: No, thanks, I'm full.
Jon: Get him, Garfield!
Garfield: Get him, Jon.
Garfield: It's always got to be smashing and crashing. Nobody
poisons anymore. There's my ball!
Jon: What good is a cat if he can't chase a mouse?
Garfield: I don't do the "chase" thing.
Garfield: I know you don't hear me, but can't you just listen?
Garfield: Louis, what are you doing in the house, in Jon's home?
Louis: Sorry, Garfield, and I couldn't help it.
Garfield: Look, when he sees you here, he expects more from me,
don't you get that?
Louis: Yes, he's got that mint cookie I'm trying to maintain,
you understand?
Garfield: Sure, as long as you understand I have to eat you.
Louis: Ohh...
Jon: Oh, good boy! See I know you can do it if you put your mind
to it! You are the best kind of cat I could have.
Garfield: Have you tasted yourself lately?
Louis: Hey, it wasn't exactly the first-class laundry there for
Garfield: Get yourself washed, Louis. Take a powder for a couple
of days, get a haircut and grow beard.
Louis: Cool! I owe you one, G.


黎儿 发表于 2005-12-10 17:28:43
我有加菲猫里面的歌 是个少年乐队唱的还多好听的
yucc 发表于 2005-12-11 18:56:14
i like 加菲very much! very lovely cat![em05][em40][em34]
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