






发布者: samin | 发布时间: 2005-12-10 19:57| 查看数: 27441| 评论数: 32|

hire v. 招聘
availablead j.可得到的,可利用的
opening n.空缺
trade n. 行业
secretary n. 秘书
employee n.雇员
position n.职位
at this time prep.phr. 现在
application n. 申请表
get in touch with...v.phr.和……联系
resumen. 简历
responsible for adj.为……负责
call to see 打电话问一下
Can you tell me about...您能告诉我关于……
apply for v.phr. 申请
fill out v.phr. 填写
I believe I could do sth.我相信我能做某事
sale n. 销售
advertise v.广告

open adj. 空缺
part-time n. 兼职
happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事
to hire employees 招聘雇员
respond to ...v.phr.应,回复……
bachelor's degree 硕士学位
business administration 商务管理
bilingual adj. 双语
be responsible fordoing sth 负责做某事
health report n.健康报告
photograph n. 相片
letter of recommendation 推荐信
checker n. 出纳员
flexible adj.弹性的 灵活的
schedule n. 日程表
fill out v.phr. 填写(表格)
I was wondering if you have a part-time job available now.我想知道贵公司是否有兼职空缺。
We happen to need a receptionist.我们正好需要一名接待员。
I 'd like to apply for that position.我想申请那个职位。
I' m calling to see if you are hiring at this time.我打电话问一下现在你们是否招聘。
Can you tell me about someone of your trade who is hiring employees now 您能告诉我哪家公司在招聘吗
I believe I could make myself useful.我相信一定能为贵公司作出贡献。
Are you here for the position advertised in CHINA DAILY 你是为 《中国日报》上登的广告而来的吧?
I would like to know if that position is still available.我想知道那个职位还空缺吗?
I' d like to meet your manager.我想见您们的经理。
I saw the notice in your window and came right in.我看见您窗上贴的招聘广告,所以就进来了。
Can I ask how much the salary is 我可以问一下薪金多少吗?
I 'd like to speak with M r.….我要同……先生通电话。
I' ve necessary qualifications.我具备必要的资格。
When do you think I 'll hear from you 您看我什么时候能得到消息?
Thank you for your time.谢谢您的接待。
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-10 20:09:46编辑过]


samin 发表于 2005-12-10 19:58:43
how 怎样去应试地点,安排好交通工具,考虑到塞车等因素,不要迟到。
samin 发表于 2005-12-10 20:08:40
情对景话 1
SituationalDialogue 1
林华在 《中国日报》上读到一则招聘广告,于是她打电话给 IT公司询问招聘情况,并简要向公司主管 O wens先生说明了自己的情况,首先进行电话应聘。
Operator: Good morning! IT Corporation.
Lin Hua: Hello,I'd like to speak with Mr.Owensin Personnel.
Operator: OK,I'll connect you.
Owens: Personnel.Good morning.
Lin Hua: Good morning,I'd like to speak with Mr.Owens.
Owens: Speaking.
Lin Hua: Oh,Mr.Owens.I'm Lin Hua and I m responding to your ad in CHINA DAILY.I have a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and I m bilingual,so I have necessary qualifications.
Owens: Could you please tell me your job experience.
Lin Hua: Well,yes,I've worked as a salesman for New Century Company for the past two years.
Owens: Oh,I see.Well,our job needs someone with experience in sales. Please send me your resume.
Lin Hua: Yes,when do you think I'll hear from you .
Owens: We'll phone you within a week if you are selected for an interview.
Lin Hua: Thank you for your time.
Owens: Don't mention that. Have a good day.
Lin Hua:You,too.Bye.
samin 发表于 2005-12-14 19:40:01
black-cat 发表于 2005-12-18 12:40:33
coffee 发表于 2005-12-18 22:06:24
Nemo 发表于 2005-12-18 22:57:42
too hard[em06]
samin 发表于 2005-12-20 18:37:16
What do I do well?
What are my points?
Why would I like the job?
Spare-time interests?
What is my family like?
School activities?
School subject?
Previous work ?
What do I like doing and why?
What do I not like doing and why?
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-20 18:39:23编辑过]
samin 发表于 2005-12-20 18:51:46
情对景话 2
Situational Dialogue 2

LiYue : Hi,my name is LiYue.I was wondering if you have a part-time job available now.
Receptionist: Lucky dog!We happen to need a secretary,an opening at this time
but it is full-time.
LiYue : Oh,great.Could you tell me a bit about the position
Receptionist: You'd be responsible for answering the phones,taking messages and greeting guests.
LiYue :I'd like to apply for that position.
Receptionist: Very good.Please fill out the application,and send it to our Personnel Department.
LiYue : Yes I'll do.May I leave my telephone number to you so you could get in touch with me when interview chance is available to me
Receptionist: That's good.Tell me,please.
LiYue : 80623289.
Receptionist: Thank you.I'll tell you when and where for interview.
LiYue : Thank you.Bye-bye.
Receptionist: Bye-bye 译 文
李 月 :您好,我叫李月。我想知道贵公司是否有兼职空缺。
李 月 :太好了,您能说详细一点吗?
李 月 :我愿意申请这个职位。
李 月 :好的,我会寄的。我可以把电话号码留给您吗?万一通知我面试时您好同我联系。
李 月 :80623289。
李 月 :谢谢,再见。接待员:再见
samin 发表于 2005-12-20 18:56:00
希瑞 发表于 2005-12-21 21:25:55
强烈支持!!! 很不错的!samin真是英语狂徒啊!有那么多资料跟大家分享:) 像你学习
nine 发表于 2005-12-22 09:08:30
flying0422 发表于 2006-1-7 19:59:01
samin 不要在等拉。快点都发出来吧。我很喜欢啊!我等着你那! 这个很有用,可否发多一些,全面点的。我过年后准备学做外贸呢!有这方面的资料么?[em02]
小帅 发表于 2006-3-1 20:01:31
I am very interested in it.Maybe I will use the words or centences later .thank you
samin 发表于 2006-3-6 12:11:04
以下是引用black-cat在2005-12-18 12:40:33的发言:
then,we all should know more new words if hoping for success in job-hunt,while you work in foreign trade company or foreign investment company you must understand it very well or you will make mistakes for unfamiliar words
samin 发表于 2006-3-6 12:13:00
以下是引用flying0422在2006-1-7 19:59:01的发言:
samin 不要在等拉。快点都发出来吧。我很喜欢啊!我等着你那! 这个很有用,可否发多一些,全面点的。我过年后准备学做外贸呢!有这方面的资料么?[em02]

but now I am in office,I will go on if I was free at home

sunjihai 发表于 2006-3-14 12:49:47
smilemouse 发表于 2006-4-1 12:34:25
If I saw this paper before I would catch that choice. It isn't too late,I'll catch the chance in the future.[em07]
cappuccino 发表于 2006-4-12 16:58:31
it's very useful.[em17]
andmcy 发表于 2006-6-22 13:33:42


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