






发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-11-11 18:40| 查看数: 1403| 评论数: 5|


  第一名:天秤座   天秤座女生天生具有很高的品位,举止也从容优雅,是社交场合中是很受欢迎的类型。在光棍节派对中,装扮典雅,笑容亲切,谈吐不凡的天秤座女生极易受到男性的亲睐,也极易得到异性的追求。   【异性缘指数】★★★★★   No.1 Libra

  Libra girls are usually graceful, who are very welcome in the parties. Also, it is easy for them to get the boys' attention.


  第二名:射手座   射手座比较贪玩,有欢乐的地方就有射手座,在派对之中,她们是个开心果。天性乐观,不怕胖不愁吃,对人对己都很宽容的射手座MM,在光棍节的派对上,很能让大家放飞心情,因此也能够得到异性的喜欢。   【异性缘指数】★★★★★   No.2 Sagittarius

  Sagittarius girls are very optimistic and like playing outside. They always bring happiness to the people around. So, they can easily be the focus of the boys.


  第三名:双子座   双子座谈吐风趣,博学多才,性格温婉中又不失活泼。在光棍节的派对中,这类女生是不可或缺的调味剂,活泼大方的她们,很容易获得别人的关注,也能够得到身边异性的赞许,给别人留下好印象。   【异性缘指数】★★★★   No.3 Gemini

  They are famous for being rather humorous, with some kind of gentleness. They are essential in the party. Boys will be impresseed by their happy smile.


  第四名:天蝎座   天蝎座的性格比较外向,是参加派对的积极份子。天蝎座女生的气场一向比较强大,在派对中会努力将自己完美的一面表现出来,并且往往一发言便是全场的焦点,因此也能吸引不少异性的目光。   【异性缘指数】★★★★   No.4 Scorpio

  Scorpio girls are very outward and always tend to attend the party.


  第五名:双鱼座   双鱼座的女生性格恬淡,不喜欢出风头。但是她们柔情似水,对人和善,还散发着知性的风范,跟人交谈时很注重礼节。异性如果能跟她私下交流,会感觉与双鱼MM是个很好的倾听者,从而在心中留下深刻印象。   【异性缘指数】★★★   No.5 Pisces

  Pisces girls are very quiet and don't like to be focused by others. They are very gentle, and pay attention to their own manners a lot. Boys would like to chat with such girls.


Judyy 发表于 2010-11-11 19:55:13
Libra girls are usually graceful, who are very welcome in the parties. Also, it is easy for them to get the boys' attention.
Judyy 发表于 2010-11-11 19:55:41
Sagittarius girls are very optimistic and like playing outside. They always bring happiness to the people around. So, they can easily be the focus of the boys.
Judyy 发表于 2010-11-11 19:56:24
They are famous for being rather humorous, with some kind of gentleness. They are essential in the party. Boys will be impresseed by their happy smile.
Judyy 发表于 2010-11-11 19:57:16
Scorpio girls are very outward and always tend to attend the party.
eks 发表于 2011-11-24 02:05:37
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