





Tell something about your parents.

发布者: 芥末膏 | 发布时间: 2007-6-15 17:24| 查看数: 7796| 评论数: 16|

My parents have totally different personalities.

My father is a quiet guy. He doesn't talk too much but when he says something, most times it's quite right and very reasonable. In daily life, he isn't picky, bossy, aggressive and proud. In my eyes, he's a real gentleman.

My mother is a strong woman. When I say "strong", I meant mentally. She's very open, talkative, socialable and eager for challenge. She's really good at making friends. With her efforts, my family has overcome many difficulties in the past years.

They're very good examples to me. Although I don't agree with some ideas they hold, but deeply in my heart, they're the kindest and greatest parents. I'm so proud to be their son.

So friends, come and share your stories about your parents. I'm sure you must have a lot to say.


lullaby 发表于 2007-6-18 14:19:18
My parents's personality are not the same as 芥末膏's parents's.

They are ordinary people. They didn't do any great things during there life.

But the best things they have ever did for me is to give me the birth.

Because of I am their only child in my family, they take really good care of me.

And thereforeI found myself is a self-partial, self-centered girl.

I want to change myself...
芥末膏 发表于 2007-6-19 11:13:35
Don't worry. The more you care about others, the more they care about you. It's a invisible bond among people.

So be nice to others, you'll get the reward.
yingyujiayuan 发表于 2007-6-26 13:36:30

回复 #2 lullaby 的帖子

That's a luckly thing you know your personality,so help others around you as much asyou can
hcsimagi 发表于 2007-6-26 22:19:04
then my turn now.I come from the country , and my parents are both famers .

they are very care of me . But I think we have obstacle to talk together
yingyujiayuan 发表于 2007-6-27 09:13:54

回复 #5 hcsimagi 的帖子

why do you think like that,maybe your parents only want to listen whatever you say,you should try to have a talk with them.as they love you very much
magicsunxq 发表于 2007-6-27 14:14:45
I had been lived with my grandparents before I'm 18,then Ispent most of the next 6 years in school.I only stay with my parents oin weekend.But I'm very happy with my parents.

I like playing with my Mom I think whom is just like a child. She like playing games very much, but not going out for fun.So I often force her to go shopping with me.

My dad always force me to go out to exerciseor to do some housework , because in his opinion I would be in good phosical condition only by doing more exercise . He will be very angry with me if I spend all day before the computer.This can be happend if I am still sleeping till nine in the morning. A imperious person,are U agree with me?
yingyujiayuan 发表于 2007-6-27 14:38:10

回复 #7 magicsunxq 的帖子

hehe ,maybe your father want you have a healthy body ,if you donnt want to do like that,you'd better mices words and tell him you will do ,but what you do later,he will not konw
芥末膏 发表于 2007-6-27 15:47:04

回复 #5 hcsimagi 的帖子

That's a common thing to most people. But when this happens, I always ask myself: When I become a father, will I be a friend to my child? Can I have a easy communication with him or her? How can I handle it when we can't understand each other well?

Then I know it's so difficult a thing to me and to all of you.
芥末膏 发表于 2007-6-27 16:09:38

回复 #7 magicsunxq 的帖子

No. I think he's right. When you get older, you will understand how important one's health is for his whole life. Staying in front of computer for too long is definitely damaging your health.

Maybe changing his way of talking to you is a easier for you to accept. That's something our parents should learn: Respect - no mater if he or she is your child or not.
samin 发表于 2007-6-29 12:48:48
I love my parents, but...they are fighting all the time, I don't want to see them any more.

what and why do they get together for? not a warmly family?

[ 本帖最后由 kevin 于 2007-6-29 17:24 编辑 ]
kevin 发表于 2007-6-29 17:26:32
原帖由 samin 于 2007-6-29 12:48 发表

I love my parents, but...they are fighting all the time, I don't want to see them any more.

what and why do they get together for? not a warmly family?

Long time no see!Samin, what were you engaged in these days?

You are the tranquilizer to prevent your parents from fighting again.

You have the obligation of it.

I didnot mean to modify your post, but to quote, just wrongly done nothing.
芥末膏 发表于 2007-7-2 16:59:37

回复 #11 samin 的帖子

Samin. It've been quite a long time. Where have you been? You get lost so long.

I hope we could keep the friendship. Send me a message if you want to.

So nice to see you're back.
shunitang 发表于 2009-5-27 09:16:08
yah,when it comes to my parents,and looking back on the past days,so much appears in my mind.maybe just like James's parents,my parents have obviously different personalities,my parents are both famers.they spend all their time on farm work,very strenuous. I love my dad's personality.he is very good-tempered,while mom is easy to lose her temper over one thing,kinda picky.but father can bear a lot to keep them in his heart.he is clear,if he responds to mom's unhappiness or anger,oh,gosh,the things even get worse..all the years went by,when we were little,we suffered a lot,dad all kept everything in his deep heart,and now,we are grown-ups,he can talk to us and we also can understand him.though the tough times are so bad,dad and mom still keep the whole of the family.now everything goes better..I love my family,love my parents!
小猫女子 发表于 2009-6-30 12:33:41
there are seven people in my family.my parents,three sisters,litter brother and i.so you could gusee,they are must paid many great effect in order to brought up us when we was litter baby.

i love them up to beyond words.my sisters and i have creditable job now,we made ours mind and we want to my parents come here together with us....

love you ,mom and dad
我来也 发表于 2009-7-26 18:18:25
[1_12]is it true the more i give the more i gain
我来也 发表于 2009-7-26 18:22:44
what you said is definitely right.healthy is the most important thing,although people were not able to understand totally when she or he was young.

cherish your time when be healthy,to feel more interesting and more meanful thing as well.[1_24]
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