






发布者: jessie | 发布时间: 2005-12-11 18:17| 查看数: 2173| 评论数: 2|

<a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/speaking/sleep.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT size=2>表达「睡不着」的十句话</FONT></A><FONT size=2> </FONT>
<FONT size=4>1. I couldn't fall asleep last night. <br>我昨晚睡不着。 </FONT>
<FONT size=4>2. I passed a wakeful night. <br>我彻夜未眠。 </FONT>
<FONT size=4>3. I was up all night. <br>我一整晚都没睡。 </FONT>
<FONT size=4>4. I had a sleepless night worrying about my exams. <br>我因为担心考试一整晚没睡。 </FONT>
<FONT size=4>5. I've been suffering from insomnia. <br>我近来饱受失眠之苦。 </FONT>
<FONT size=4>6. I didn't close my eyes until early morning. <br>我一直到凌晨才阖眼(入睡)。 </FONT>
<FONT size=4>7. I tossed and turned in bed all night./ I tossed about in bed all night. <br>我一整晚辗转难眠。 </FONT>
<FONT size=4>8. Sleeping pills somehow didn't work for me last night. <br>安眠药昨晚不知怎么搞的好象对我没用。 </FONT>
<FONT size=4>9. I was counting sheep all night. <br>我一整晚都在数羊。 </FONT>
<FONT size=4>10. I guess I drank too much coffee, I was wide awake all night. </FONT><FONT size=4>  <br>我猜我可能是喝了太多咖啡,一整晚都很清醒。</FONT>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-11 18:19:29编辑过]


jessie 发表于 2005-12-11 18:20:07


1. I've got a cold. / I've got a bad cold.<BR>我感冒了。/ 我感冒很严重
2. I've got a runny nose. / My nose is running.<BR>我流鼻水。
3. I've got a sore throat. <BR>我喉咙痛。
4. I've been coughing day and night. <BR>我早晚都在咳嗽。
5. I can't stop sneezing. <BR>我打喷嚏打个不停。
6. I've got a temperature. / I'm running a high fever. <BR>我发烧了。/ 我发高烧。
7. I've got a very bad headache. / This headache is killing me. <BR>我头很痛。/我头快痛死了。
8. I feel sore and ache all over. <BR>我觉得全身酸痛。
9. I feel like I'm dying. <BR>我觉得我好象要死了一样。
10. I feel dizzy. / My head is swimming. <BR>我头晕。/ 我头昏脑胀。  
jessie 发表于 2005-12-11 18:21:23


<  align=left><FONT size=4>1. Are you interested in going dancing tonight? <BR>今晚有没有兴趣去跳舞? <BR>2. Would you like to go shopping with me this weekend? <BR>这个周末想跟我去逛街吗? <BR>3. How about going to see a movie with me tonight? <BR>今晚跟我去看场电影如何? <BR>4. I'm inviting you to my birthday party. <BR>我邀请参加我的生日派对。 <BR>5. Hey, do you want to check out a band this Saturday night?<BR>喂,这个星期六晚上要不要去看一个乐团表演? <BR>6. I'm thinking about going to KTV with my coworkers tonight. Wanna come? <BR>我想今天晚上跟同事去唱KTV。要来吗? <BR>7. Are you free tomorrow night? I'm wondering if you're free for dinner. <BR>你明天晚上有空吗?我不晓得你有没有空一块吃晚饭。 <BR>8. Are you up for a barbecue this weekend? <BR>要不要这个周末去烤肉? <BR>9. Do you have any special plans for the weekend? Maybe we can go hiking. How does that sound? <BR>这个周末有没有什么特别的计画?或许我们可以去爬山。你意下如何? <BR>10. Why don't we go get some tea? 我们何不一块去喝茶?</FONT>
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