






发布者: yingyujiayuan | 发布时间: 2007-6-19 12:56| 查看数: 1691| 评论数: 0|

A robot on Sunday acted as master of ceremonies at a South Korean wedding in what its creators claimed as a world first.

Tiro the robot assisted at the wedding of Seok Gyeong-Jae, one of the engineers who designed it, and his bride at Daejeon, 130 kilometres (78 miles) south of Seoul. "This is Tiro, master of ceremonies for today's wedding," the robot -- featuring a cone-shaped body, two arms and a dark-glassed face with eyes and a mouth of flashing lights -- said in front of smiling guests. In a male voice, the robot introduced the couple to the crowd, let the couple bow to them and performed its programmed duties. Manufacturer Hanool Robotics claims it is the first time a robot has been used as master of ceremonies at a wedding. After its marital duties, Tiro -- whose value was put at some 215,000 dollars -- would be upgraded to perform various other functions, according to Hanool officials. Small other robots were also at the ceremony to guide guests or give performances. South Korean robots have also been given harder tasks to tackle. Last month it was reported that a robot dubbed OFRO would be deployed as a school security guard in what was also claimed as a world first. And last September government unveiled a high-tech, gun-toting sentry robot that could support troops along the heavily fortified border with North Korea

上周日,韩国一个机器人做了一把婚礼司仪,它的设计者称这在全世界还是首例。 这个名叫泰罗的机器人为它的设计工程师之一锡京载的婚礼担任了司仪,锡工程师的婚礼在位于首尔以南130公里的大田市举行。 泰罗的身体呈锥形,有两只胳膊、一张褐色的“玻璃脸”、眼睛和嘴巴闪着亮光,它在笑脸盈盈的各位来宾前自我介绍说:“我是泰罗,我是今天婚礼的司仪。” 泰罗用男性的声音向来宾介绍一对新人、让新人向来宾们鞠躬,并履行了其“程序化”的职责。 韩国专业机器人制造公司Hanool Robotics称,这是世界上首次由机器人担当婚礼司仪。 据公司有关官员介绍,泰罗的身价约为21万5千美元,它做完婚礼司仪后将被升级改造,用作他途。 其它几个小机器人也出现在婚礼现场,主要负责迎宾或表演节目。 韩国的机器人们还被安排过更艰巨的任务。上个月,有消息称,一个名叫OFRO的机器人被安排到学校当保安,据说这也是世界首例。 去年九月,韩国政府推出了一款持枪的高科技哨兵机器人,这种机器人可为重兵设防的韩朝边界提供兵力支持。


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