





A Tale of Two Cities——《双城记》 精彩片段

发布者: smile* | 发布时间: 2010-11-12 14:57| 查看数: 3150| 评论数: 0|

They said of him that it was the most peaceful face ever seen there. What passed through Sydney Carton's mind as he walked those last steps to his death?Perhaps he saw into the future...'I see Barsad, Defarge, the judges, all dying under this terrible machine. I see a beautiful city being built in this terrible place. I see that new people will live here, in real freedom. I see the lives for whom I give my life, happy and peaceful in that England which I shall never see again. I see Lucie when she is old, crying for me on this day every year, and I know that she and her husband remember me until their deaths. I see their son, who has my name, now a man. I see him become a famous lawyer and make my name famous by his work. I hear him tell his son my story.It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far far better rest than I go to, than I have ever known.' 人们谈论他说他的脸是在那种地方见过的最平静的脸。当西德尼·卡登迈着最后的步伐向死亡走去时,他的脑海中想到了什么呢?也许他看到了未来……“我看到巴萨德、德法热、法官们都在这个可怕的机器下面死去。我看见一个美丽的城市正在这片可怕的土地上建立起来。我看到新一代的人民将在真正的自由中生活。我看到我为之付出生命的人们,他们幸福安宁的生活在我再也见不到的英国。我看见路西年老的时候,每一年的这一天都会为我哭泣,我知道她和她的丈夫会一直到死都记着我。我看见他们的儿子,有着和我一样的名字,现在长成了一个男人。我看见他成了一位著名的律师并通过他的工作而使我扬名四方。我听见他给他的儿子讲起我的故事。我做的是一件很好的事。它远远好过我所做的所有的事。它将是一个很好的长眠,远比我所知道的要好。”


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