





维多利亚黑衣现身机场 称与小贝是精神伴侣

发布者: smile* | 发布时间: 2010-11-13 21:53| 查看数: 1310| 评论数: 0|

125080_201011110708401kw45.jpg 近日,维多利亚-贝克汉姆身穿Burberry Prorsum黑色羊绒大衣现身伦敦希思罗国际机场,无论是表情还是装扮都一如既往得酷劲十足。


Victoria Beckham: David is My Soulmate

Victoria Beckham keeps it chic in a Burberry Prorsum wool felt coat as she arrives at London’s Heathrow International Airport on Sunday (November 7).

The 36-year-old fashion designer dismissed any rumors and allegations questioning the integrity of her relationship to her husband David Beckham. “We’re soul mates,” Victoria said to Hello. “Sometimes people throw s*** at us but we get through it. You deal with it, or you don’t. You go into a marriage knowing there are going to be ups and downs. We’re in the public eye so we have more to deal with than most. We accepted that years ago. It’s just about us and the family.”

“We always make time for each other,” David said. “We have a ‘date night’ every Wednesday.” Victoria added, “We catch up on what we’ve missed on the TV. We watch Keeping up with the Kardashians, and we love Melanie B’s new reality show.”


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