





橘子郡男孩(the Orange County/the O.C.)

发布者: kevin | 发布时间: 2005-12-14 17:56| 查看数: 5370| 评论数: 2|

橘子郡男孩(the Orange County/the O.C.)


橘子郡男孩(the Orange County/the O.C.)的故事从一个名叫Ryan的青年开始。Ryan是一个居住的贫民区的青年,父母离异;哥哥总是在街上混。一日,哥哥教他偷车的时候,被警察抓住。哥哥由于已成年,所以直接被判刑,而身为未成年人的Ryan在监狱遇见了了他的公共辩护人:Sandy Cohen。Sandy是一个家住橘子郡的律师,一直致力于帮助改正不良青少年。后来,为了这个案子,Sandy留给了Ryan名片。






Ryan Atwood

From Ryan's first moments in Newport Beach, he finds himself in conflict with a strict social and economic hierarchy that has existed for generations and doesn't tolerate any incrusion from outsiders. His very presence in Newport Beach threatens the security of its inhabitants and their way of life simply because this troubled teenager is unable and unwilling to conform. Ryan's arc for the series will continue and expand upon the 'fish-out-of-water' dynamic established in the pilot. Throughout the series, Ryan's outsider status will continue to set him apart from the O.C. elite, but his continued presence in their community ultimately shines like a bright light on the fact that everyone, no matter how rich or powerful, feels like an outsider at heart.


Ryan would come to win the heart of Newport's princess, Marissa Cooper. While they would eventually be together, many obstacles blocked their way. The two would try to tear them apart, and while they stayed strong, it would eventually be Ryan's ex-girlfriend Theresa who would pull them apart.


When Theresa appeared in Newport, hoping to escape Chino, everything would be turned upside-down. Theresa would later become pregnant with a child that was uncertain to be Ryan's. Ryan however, did the right thing, and left with her to Chino in order to help build a strong new family.

Theresa would later lie to Ryan and tell him that she has lost the baby. Ryan would then return to Newport to live with the Cohens again. However, Ryan and Marissa may never recover this time.

Marissa Cooper

The daughter of Jimmy and Julie Cooper, Marissa has lived next door to the Cohen's her entire life. She has it all, great friends, a great boyfriend, and the perfect family. So we think... the day she meets Ryan, everything changes in her world. Over the series she will be forced to make tough choices and take responsibility for her life.

With each new decision, she tells the entire community, "I don't care what you think." She stands by her father, befriends Seth, leaves her boyfriend and finds herslf falling in love with the ultimate outsider. Like Kirsten Cohen, who was in her shoes at that age, Marissa begins to make choices that will define her as a woman, and determine whether her path would lead her away from the O.C or deeper into its heart.

Marissa and Ryan would begin a relationship that would be challenged every step of the way. Whether it be the jealous ex-boyfriend, the over-controlling mother, or past girlfriends returned, it would never be easy for Marissa and Ryan. But the two stood strong.

But when Ryan's ex-girlfriend, Theresa, hoped to escape her life in Chino, everything would be turned upside-down. Theresa would later become pregnant with a child that was uncertain to be Ryan's. Ryan however, did the right thing, and left with her to Chino in order to help build a strong new family.

Marissa was left devastated and unsure of her relationship with Ryan. Her mother, Julie, would marry the villain Caleb Nichol and force Marissa to live with her. Since then, Marissa has returned to her out-of-control behaviour and her future with Ryan is uncertain.


Marissa's protective boyfriend, is a prince of Newport Beach - a child of vast wealth and privelege. However, the pressure to be the perfect son often forces Luke to bury his insecurities behind a cocky attitude, charming smile, and a sometimes bullying bravado.

As a result, he is adored by his girlfriends parents, envied by his fellow students, and desired by a legion Newport Beach Beauties. Though comitted to the idea of being Marissa's boyfriend, Luke is less than comitted to the idea of being faithful to her.

A star athlete and the captain of the water polo team, Luke stands with Marissa in the center of the OC incrowd. Their longtime relationship represents the status quo that is immediately threatened by Ryan's introduction to the community. Ryan's continued presence in the OC ultimately forces Luke to confront his deepest fears and feelings or risk losing Marissa forever.


zyy198697 发表于 2007-4-20 14:51:10
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