






发布者: cheryl_ed222 | 发布时间: 2005-12-17 09:51| 查看数: 4224| 评论数: 0|

<FONT face="Times New Roman" size=5>hello everybody ,last night we had  a discussion ,I had a short speech.How do you think about occupation ?maybe we can discuss the topic together .</FONT>
<FONT face="Times New Roman" size=5>I think occupation is the one of most important of everone's life ,it is the first necessary you shoul face ,when you finished school .you must seek a job ,maybe you will be a "white -collar " worker ,or "blue -collar "worker .In china maybe everyone hope become a "white -collar "worker ,because it will get more money and high social  status.No matter you are a outstanding or common ,joining the society ,it is the new beginning of everyone's life ,you should deal with the interpersonal relationship and social relationship .It is the new major of the new life .Though it is very difficult to adapt yourself to the social surroundings ,you can't evade ,you must have a perfect mind and corret attitude .No obstacles whatsoever ,you shoul get success if you put some ginger in your work . </FONT>
[此贴子已经被Cactus于2005-12-19 21:05:41编辑过]


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