





[原创] Education in Today’s China

发布者: lazybones | 发布时间: 2005-10-10 16:29| 查看数: 7621| 评论数: 1|

<FONT face="Times New Roman">Maybe the only thing in the world that will never be changed is changing itself. At the turn of the century, living in such a world fascinating and constantly changing, we have to learn continually and acquire new knowledge to keep up with the pace of changing events. </FONT>
<FONT face="Times New Roman">In the past two decades, from previous examination-oriented education to current imperfect quality-focued education, our state education system has experienced dramatic change. </FONT>
<FONT face="Times New Roman">First of all, it is no denying the fact that either the depth or the extent of the education that students nowadays are accepting is far superior than that of ours. Reflecting back, at the age when I originally began my primary school at seven, the only two courses are literacy and numeracy while these years, when the elementary school students being asked what they are learning, the answer would vary from the above two to nature, ethics, drawing, music, paper-cut, physical education and Olympic mathematics. Besides, their education starts from nursery school or kindergarten, usually two or three years earlier than that of us. When they step into high school, the study would be even rougher due to the cutthroat competition and the intense condition would continue into its sixth year, ending up with the students entering universities or securing jobs as semi-skilled blue collars.</FONT>
<FONT face="Times New Roman">What is more, it is not always the case that education is only the duty of the authority. Many parents of means unsatisfied with the students’ education from public schoosl send their kids to private schools to widen horizon or further study, which would absolutely be an overwhelming piece of  news in our time. No matter if the substitute to compulsory education could contribute significantly to intellectual culture, the beneficiaries, at least, have more chances to broaden their views and enrich their knowledge.</FONT>
<FONT face="Times New Roman">Last but not the least, the common apprehension to education is changing. The majority of people nowadays no longer take it for granted that education ends with the graduation from university. As a growing extensive awareness of lifetime education, it is widely shared that graduation is a milestone and simultaneously a new start , the first step to a new stage of life. You could see adult students spending money on correspondence education for higher degree.You could see caring employers giving their staffs day leave for recharging. You could see curricula provided for middle-aged applicants in private schools.</FONT>
<FONT face="Times New Roman">It is trustfully deemed that, under such a developing and promising educational circumstance, the new generation would be blessed more and endowed a richer and more colorful life.</FONT>
<FONT face="Times New Roman">But nevertheless when we appreciate the achievement of education reform, the accomplishment that reform and opening-up brought us, let us not lose sight of the defects in wake of it. We have to admit our children shoulder too much hope from their teachers at school and their parents at home. They are suffering more stress during study while enjoying the benefits, especially the ones inferior by comparison in intelligence of which, it is said, some have extremely committed suicide. Children do need more space and time to express themselves naturally.</FONT>
<FONT face="Times New Roman">On the other hand, when we put emphasis on the importance of cultural education, more or less, we failed to give priority to the moral cultivation. In the passed couples of years, getting richer and richer does not earn back enough respect for us in the international world. Still we need to pin our hope on the new generation.</FONT>
<FONT face="Times New Roman">Indeed the demerits of our education system leave us very much to desire. And it is still a long journey for us to fulfill the obligation to the students. However, we are sparing no effort to archive it and meanwhile we are obviously making progress. </FONT>
<FONT face="Times New Roman">If well-educated people were commonly accepted as the future of a country, education itself would undoubtedly be the proper key to it. Let us pray for the prosperity and mightiness of our motherland. (Finished)</FONT>
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<FONT face="Times New Roman"><STRONG><EM>Could you give me some advice? Could you tell me how to write the last pharagraph?</EM></STRONG></FONT><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>


samin 发表于 2005-10-17 13:03:17
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