





英语脑筋急转弯:Five Of A Kind

发布者: ?鱼児◇.. | 发布时间: 2007-7-16 22:12| 查看数: 1835| 评论数: 0|

The first is needed to make quotes you see,

And it often sticks up when it s time for noon tea.

The second s biggest distinction is found

Bearing the symbol of love that is bound.

The third should be biggest but that can depend,

Never standing alone or it may offend.

The fourth is oft used when making a selection

Or if you should need a gun for protection.

The fifth is the fattest and oddest by far,

And can sometimes be found in a wrestling war.

What are they?


The digits of the hand! (The order on the poem is pinky, ring finger, middle finger, index or pointer finger, and thumb)

The pinky hits the quotation mark key on the keyboard when typing, and people often raise their pinky off the cup when drinking tea. The ring finger bears a wedding band when married. The middle finger is an obscene gesture when standing alone. You point with the index finger to make a selection, or use it to pull the trigger on a gun. The thumb can be used for thumb wrestling.


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