






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-11-18 07:49| 查看数: 3734| 评论数: 4|

Ban music pirates from using the internet, any influence to you?


France may ban music pirates from using the internet






Anyone repeatedly caught illegally downloading films and music in France could be cut off

from the internet if a new bill is passed by parliament this week.

The bill would give French authorities powers to trace illegal downloads and cut repeat

offenders off from the internet for a period of two months to one year. Those cut off would

have to continue to pay for internet access for the duration of their suspension.

The bill has already received initial approval from both houses of parliament and been

praised by prominent musicians and the French recording industry.

It is expected to be passed on Thursday and would put France at the forefront of the fight

against illegal downloading.

The French Union of Phonographic Producers, which represents 48 French producers including

heavy-hitters like Universal Music and Sony BMG, said it will teach the public that music

has a price.

Director General Herve Rony said last month that the bill will help rein in a feeling on

lawlessness and impunity on the internet.

Nicolas Seydoux, who heads the Association for the Fight against Audiovisual Piracy, has

said the future of the French movie and film industries depends on cracking down on illegal


French President Nicolas Sarkozy has come out in support of the bill. Opposition Socialist

lawmakers, however, have blasted the bill as "inefficient, useless and technically inapplicable."

Today's topic

1, Do you have the experience to download the music or the film from the internet?

2, Do you agree to ban music pirates from using the internet?

3, Any influence or change if banned by government?




凯旋城 发表于 2010-11-19 12:17:48
凯旋城 发表于 2010-11-19 12:49:03
in china, who has no experiences in downloading music and films from the internet? none but the retarded wouldn't like to take advantage of the internet to enjoy the pleasure of surfing online free of charge.{:soso_e113:}


参与人数 1鲜花 +10 收起 理由
katy006688 + 10


huowa222 发表于 2010-11-19 13:07:55
who hasnot the experience of downloading music from internet?

it is necessary for china to fight against pirates as France, because pirates are prevalent in all aspects of china, and it will definitely rampant if our government still turn a blind eye to this phenomenent. imagin that most of our books we read, software we used are pirates,creators win less profits, it will, absolutely do great damage to their passion for innovation.

why pirates rampant faster than the other countries as if no ostacle trouble it? perhaps, we chinese are used to bargin. we hardly prefer geniune products when incredible price hit your eyes.


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
katy006688 + 20


凯旋城 发表于 2010-11-19 18:54:10
this event shows the determination of the french government to crack down on piracy. the practice of france is well worth studying for our authorities who have been turning a blind eye to this problem all the time,leading to the rampancy of dummies everywhere.

i ve no idea whether it is technically applicable, but i think there is no doubt that it will make a positive contribution to protecting intellectual property in france and set a good example for us to learn from if this bill is passed by parliament in the near future.
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