





(推荐)English sentences 900(连载……)

发布者: love_17 | 发布时间: 2005-12-20 00:27| 查看数: 7914| 评论数: 36|

2,expression in class
3.identifying objects
4.about belongings
5.identifying people
6.about introduction
7.year month and day
8.talking about objects
9.talking about time
10.about dates
11.talking about objects and people
12.about language
13.talking about activities
14.about age
15.talking about daily activities
16.talking about yesterday
17.talking with friends
18.talking about the past
19.asking about the address
20.asking questions
21.measuring and compring
22.asking for helping
23.asking directions
24.about marriage
25.talking about neighbors and friends
26.talking about future activities
27.talking about the weather
28.about sickness
29.talking about habits
30.talking about other's opinios
31. making plans
32.about decisions
34. about shopping
35.in the restaurant
36.about evening entertainment
38.seeing a doctor
39.making a phonecall
40.about mail
41.talking about feelings
42.looking for a house
43.talking about dressing
44.expressing different opinions
45.about things in the future
46.things that might have happend
47.talking about likes and dislikes
48.putting forward your own opinions
49.asking for helping
50.getting ready for a journey
51.countries and nationalities
52.geography and land features
53.school and education
54.about jobs
55.farms and factories
56.about hobbies
57.recreationa activities
58.about newspapers and magizines
59.radio and tv
60.about music and literature


mengxxx911 发表于 2005-12-20 11:09:27
love_17 发表于 2005-12-20 12:27:49
okay ,thank u for your reminding..
love_17 发表于 2005-12-20 12:43:08
contents  目录
<p>1,grettings  问候
<p>2,expression in class  课堂用语
<p>3.identifying objects  辨别物品
<p>4.about belongings   关于所有物
5.identifying people  辨别身份
<p>6.about introduction 关于介绍
<p>7.year month and day 年 月 日
<p>8.talking about objects  谈论事物
<p>9.talking about time   叙述时间
<p>10.about dates   关于日期
<p>11.talking about objects and people 谈论物品和人
<p>12.about language   关于语言
<p>13.talking about activities 谈论活动
<p>14.about age   关于年龄
<p>15.talking about daily activities 谈论日常生活
<p>16.talking about yesterday  谈论昨天的事情
<p>17.talking with friends 与朋友聊
<p>18.talking about the past  谈论过去
<p>19.asking about the address 询问地址
<p>20.asking questions 提问题
<p>21.measuring and compring 形容物品,度量,比较
<p>22.asking for helping   寻求帮助
<p>23.asking directions  打听情况和路况
<p>24.about marriage  关于结婚
<p>25.talking about neighbors and friends  谈论邻居和朋友
<p>26.talking about future activities  谈论未来的活动
<p>27.talking about the weather  谈论天气
<p>28.about sickness   关于生病
<p>29.talking about habits 谈论日常生活习惯
<p>30.talking about other's opinios 询问别人意见
<p>31. making plans  制定计划
<p>32.about decisions 关于决定
<p>33.traveling  旅行
<p>34. about shopping  关于购物
<p>35.in the restaurant 餐馆进餐
<p>36.about evening entertainment  关于夜生活
<p>37.appointments 约会
<p>38.seeing a doctor   看医生
<p>39.making a phonecall 打电话
<p>40.about mail  关于邮政
<p>41.talking about feelings 叙述感受
<p>42.looking for a house  寻找房子
<p>43.talking about dressing  谈论衣着
<p>44.expressing different opinions 表达不同的观点
<p>45.about things in the future  考虑将来可能从事的活动
<p>46.things that might have happend 可能发生的事
<p>47.talking about likes and dislikes 询问喜欢和不喜欢的事
<p>48.putting forward your own opinions 提出你自己的观点
<p>49.asking for helping  寻求帮助
<p>50.getting ready for a journey 准备旅行
<p>51.countries and nationalities  国家和国籍
<p>52.geography and land features 地理和地貌
<p>53.school and education  学校和教育
<p>54.about jobs  关于工作
<p>55.farms and factories  农场和工厂
<p>56.about hobbies  关于爱好
<p>57.recreational activities 文体活动
<p>58.about newspapers and magizines  关于报纸杂志
<p>59.radio and tv  收音机和电视机
<p>60.about music and literature  关于音乐和文学
love_17 发表于 2005-12-20 12:45:42
hehe ,how tired~~~~~~~~~~````````````
butterfly 发表于 2005-12-20 21:07:25
cheer up.
love_17 发表于 2005-12-20 23:11:11
一  greeting
2.good morning
3.i'm john smith
4.are you bill?
5.yes,i am
6.how are you
7.fine ,thank u
8.how is hellen?
9.she is very well ,thank u
10.good afternoon ,mr.green
11.good evening ,mrs.brown
12.how are you this afternoon?
13.good night ,john?
14.good bye ,bill
15.see you tomorrow..
love_17 发表于 2005-12-20 23:15:19
二 expression in class
16.come in ,please
17.sit down
18.stand up,please.
19.open your book ,please.
20.close your book,please
21.don't open your book
22.do you understand?
23.yes ,i understand
24.no ,i don't understand
25.listen and repeat
26.now read please
27.that's fine
28.it's time to begin
29.let's begin now.
30.this is lesson one.
love_17 发表于 2005-12-20 23:21:52
三  identifying objects
31.what's this?
32.that's a book
33.is this your book?
34.no,that's not my book
35.whose book is this ?
36.that's your book
37.and what's that?&gt;
38.is that a book?
39.no ,it isn't
40.it's a pencil
41.is it yours?
42.yes ,it's mine
43.where is the door?
44.there it is
45.is this book his
love_17 发表于 2005-12-20 23:37:01
四   about belongings
46.what are those?
47.those are book
48.where are the books
49.there they are
50.those are my pencils
51.where are you pens?
52.they are over there.
53.are those your pens?
54.yes ,they are
55.those are mine
56.there are your books ,aren't they?
57.no ,they aren't
58.they are not mine
59.there are mine, and those are yours
60.those aren't your pens ,aren't they ?
love_17 发表于 2005-12-20 23:45:05
五   identifying people
61.who are you ?
62. i'm a student
63.who is that over there?
64.he's a student ,too.
65.is that lady student?
66.no,she isn't
67.those man aren't student,either.
68.am i your teacher?
69.yes ,you are
70.that man is a teacher ,isn't he?
71.yes, he is .
72.who are those people ?
73.maybe they are famers,
74.aren't they student?
75.i really don't know.
love_17 发表于 2005-12-21 00:00:22
六   about introduction
76.what's your name?
77.my name is james.
78.what's your first name?
79.my first name is bill.
80.how do you spell your first name?
81.jones j-o-n-e-s
82.what's your friend's name?
83.his name is john simth.
84.john and i are old friends
85.are you john's brother?
86.no, i'm not.
87.this is mr.john
88.how do you do
89.jones,this is mrs. john smith.
90.very please to meet you
love_17 发表于 2005-12-21 00:08:37
七   year month and day
91.what day is it?
92.today is nonday
93.what day was yesterday?
94.yesterday was sunday
95.what day is tomorrow?
96.what month is this?.
97.this is january
98.last month was december,wasn't it?
99.yes ,it was.
100.what month is next month?
101.i was in the hospital for severel weeks.
102.where were you on tuesday?
103.you were here february,weren't you ?
104.no,i wasn't
105.your friedn was here one month ago,wasn't he?
love_17 发表于 2005-12-21 00:16:36
八   talking about objects
106.do you have a book&gt;?<BR>107.yes ,i do
108.you have a radio ,don't u ?
109.no ,i don't
110.i don't have a phonograph, either.
111.dees this radio belong to you ?
112.yes ,i think it does.
113.how many sisters and brothers do you have ?
114.don't u have my hat?
115.yes,i have both your hat and coat.
116.does john have a yellow pencil?
117.yes,he does.
118.he has a radio,doesn't he ?
119.no, he doesn't have one.
120.he already have a phonographa,but he doesn't have a radio yet.
love_17 发表于 2005-12-21 00:23:54
九     talking about time
121.what time is it?
122.it's two o'clock
123.it's a few minutes after two.
124.my watch is fast and your watch is slow.
125.excuse me ,can you tell me the correct time?
126.no, i cann't
127.i don't what time it is.
128.i don't think it's four o'clock yet.
129.it must be three thirty.
130.i get up before six o'clock everyday.
131.the restaurant doen't open until seven forty-five.
132.will you be here at ten o'clock tomorrow?
133.yes ,i will.
134.we'll be on time ,won't we?
135.i hope so .
love_17 发表于 2005-12-21 00:35:35
一○    about dates
136.what's the date today?
137.today is november first,nineteen sixty-three.
138.when were u born?
139.i was born on november first ,nineteen thirty-five.
140.today is my birthday.
141.my sister was born in nineteen thirty-eight.
142.i don't know the exact date.
143.where were you born?
144.i was born in a little town not far from here.
145.what do you know about tenth century?
146.i don't know anything about that.
147.let's talk about something else.
148.where were u during the month of april last year?
149.i don't remeber where was then.
150.where will you be next year at this time?
love_17 发表于 2005-12-22 00:01:46
一一    talking about objects and people
151.what do you want ?
152.i want a cup of coffe.
153.what would you like to eat?
154.please give me a piece of pie.
155.which one would you like ,,this one or that one?&gt;
156.it doesn't matter to me
157.i'd like to talk with mr. smith
158.i'm sorry ,but both of them are busy right now.
159.wouldn't you like some coffe?
160.i'd rather have some tea ,if you don't mind
161.do you know any of those people?
162.all of those man are friens of mine\
163.which one of those man is taler?
164.is he the tall man on the left?
love_17 发表于 2005-12-22 00:15:09
一二    about language
166.do you speak english?
167.yes ,a little
168.does your friend speak english?
169.yes ,he speak english perfectly.
170.what's his native language?
171.i don't know what native language he is
172.how many language do you speak?
173.my friend reads and writes severl languages
174.how well do you know French?
175.he speak french with an american accent.
176.my parents speak english perfectly
177.mr.jones can speak french pretty well
178.sometimes ,i make  mistakes when i speak english.
179.i have a lot of trouble with pronunciation
180.how is her accent in french.
love_17 发表于 2005-12-22 00:23:04
一三    talking about activities
181.what are you doning?
182.i'm reading a book,
183.what's your friend doing?
184.he's studying his lesson.
185.i'm not doing anything right now
186.where are you going,
187.i'm going home
188.i'm thinking about my lesson
189.i'm not sure what time i'm coming back
190.what are you thinking of?
191.i'm thinkig about my lesson
192.who are you writing to?
193.i'm writing to a friend of mine in south american
194.by the way ,who are you waiting for?
195.i'm not waiting for anybody

love_17 发表于 2005-12-22 00:33:26
一四     about age
196.how old are you ?
197.i'm twenty-one years old
198.my brother is not quite twenty-five years old
199.john is not fifty-five yet,is he?
200.mr. smith is still in his fifties .
201.i'm two years older than you are
202.my brother is  two years younger than i am
203.how many are there in your family?
204.there seven of us altogether
205.my sister is the oldest
206.i'm the youngest
207.guess how old i am
208.i'd say you are about twenty-three
209.i was thirty on my last birthday
210.i'm going to be sixty-one next tuesday.
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