





Which Method do You Think Better?

发布者: tataoo | 发布时间: 2007-7-28 18:04| 查看数: 3249| 评论数: 1|

By the time that a student reaches his senior year in high school,he is likely to believe that he is an

expert in reading.No matter how good he is,he can still improve.How do you read a article in a textbook?Do you have a certain way of doing it or do you just start at the beainning and keep reading until you come to an end?

Some students say that they use the "slow and sure"method.By this thet mean they read every sentence

slowly and carefully.Every time they come to an unknown word they stop to think what it means and ,if

necessary,look it up in the dictionary.I n this mothed a person probably has no time left for reviewing what he has read,for he has used all his time in trying to get the meaning of each word to be sure that he

understands everything.

Other students use what has been called the "review" method.Here a person tries to arrange his time so

that he can read his leaaon at least tiwce.This type of reading is faster than the"slow and sure" method,for

the lesson must be read rapidly or there will not be enough time left for a second reading.


babymask 发表于 2007-7-28 22:46:14
scanning is uesful in most conditions
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