





[原创] Going along in the Icy Wind

发布者: Cactus | 发布时间: 2005-12-21 09:36| 查看数: 5237| 评论数: 1|

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 width="95%">

<TD class=p2><NOBR><RE><FONT face=黑体 size=4>It’s really blooded cold, and I really feel frozen.

The icy wind is blowing so heavily, I could help wrapping myself tightly in the

Nevertheless, I still feel so cold, for the wind is just digging into all the cl

The two boosts are very much the underground hole, with the two feet almost froz
en and consciousless as if they no longer belong to me.

“I have to hurry off here.” I clearly hear the voice from my heart.

As a result, I begin to speed up my steps. I could hear the heavy steps, so as m
y heart beating:

One, two, three, four…
One, two, three, four…

Suddenly, I could even believe my eyes, ”My Goodness!”

I catch the sight of a real paradise.

The trees are all wearing new overcoats with hundreds and thousands of twinkling
lights on.

The huge Christmas tree is so high above the sky with simmering lights and robin
s everywhere in the branches.

The familiar revolving wooden horses are still going round and round the spin in
the middle.

My eyes begin to feel a little bit pain.

I know there has my forever dream:

I’d like to ride the revolving wooden horse with my Prince Charming, hand in ha
nd, forgetting the entire outside world.

“I must hurry off!” once again, I hear my inner voice.

I wrap myself tightly in the overcoat again, and begin to speed up my steps in t
he strong icy wind.

One, two, three, four…
One, two, three, four…

For such a lonely and cold evening, I’m walking alone in the strong and icy win
d, leaving behind the unspeakable solitude…

              Joan wrote on December 21th, 2005 before the coming Christmas</FONT>


puppy 发表于 2005-12-24 13:54:32
<FONT face=Arial size=4>Dear sister,</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial size=4>    What a beautiful fairy tale!  Incredible imagination and everlasting dream^_^.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial size=4>    Merry Chritsmas, sister </FONT>
<FONT face=Arial size=4>Regards,</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial size=4>Brother puppy</FONT>
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