






发布者: 潇涩雨夜 | 发布时间: 2007-8-13 12:40| 查看数: 5602| 评论数: 10|


From: X X X

To: X X X

Date: X X X

Subject: Looking for Agent

Dear Mr. Adams:

Your name came to us from a mutual friend, Mr. Ying Soo Yong from Korea, who thought you might be interested in our line of products, namely bed sheets and pillow cases.

Although we export large quantities to Europe and North America, we have not yet to establish distribution channels in the Asia Pacific. We are currently seeking agencies to represent us. The attached materials are for your perusal. Should you feel inclined to discuss opportunities for cooperation and mutual benefits, feel free to contact me at 86-10-12345678.

Sincerely yours,

Su Ning

★ 常用表达方式


We are actively searching for an agent to help us market our quantity products.


We will appreciate if you could help us get in touch with some suitable companies that have all the necessary ingredients of an agent.


I am pleased to inform you that have been selected from among a dozen candidates to act as our sole agent in China.

☆ 相关词语

establish distribution channels 建立销售渠道

seek/look for/search for agencies 寻找代理商

feel/be inclined to 倾向于

get in touch with 同……联系

all the necessary ingredients of an agent 代理商必备的所有要素


潇涩雨夜 发表于 2007-8-13 12:40:54



From: X X X

To: X X X

Date: X X X

Subject: Unable to Cooperate Currently

Dear Mr. Jiang Wen:

Thank you for your interest in doing business with ACD Food Inc.

After a careful review of your product information, we regret to inform you that we currently do not have any business interests in selling such goods to clients. However, we would like to keep your information on file, in case circumstances change in the future. Likewise, if you have any interests in purchasing Sweden food, please feel free to contact us.

We wish you the best of luck in your business!

Sincerely yours,

John Goodman

★ 常用表达方式


After carefully reviewing all the proposals we received, I am sorry to inform you that we decided not to choose your products because your quote was significantly higher than the successful bidder.

☆ 相关词语

Do business with sb. 和……做生意

A careful review 认真考虑

Keep sth. on file 存档
潇涩雨夜 发表于 2007-8-13 12:41:43



From: X X X

To: X X X

Date: X X X

Subject: Establishing Business Relations

Dear Mr. Goodman:

We have your name and Email address from the Commercial Counselor\'s Office of the Chinese Embassy in Sweden. We wish to inform you that we are specialized in canned food, and shall be pleased to enter into trade relations with you.

Our firm, located at the east end of Beijing, was established nearly half a century ago, and has extensive range of products. Please visit our web page www. sanyuanfood.com.cn. It is showing various products being handle by this corporation with detailed specifications and means of packing. Quotation and samples will be sent upon receipt of your special enquires.

As to our financial standing, we refer you to Bank of China, 111 Wangfujing Street, Beijing, who, we feel sure, will be glad to furnish you with any information you require. In case you need more information about our business status, we shall be glad to answer your inquires at any time.

Yours sincerely,

Jiang Wen


Sanyuan Food Company

★ 常用表达方式


We write to introduce ourselves as one of the leading exporters of a wide range of electric and air conditioners.

☆ 相关词语

avail sb of the opportunity to do 借此机会

enter into business relations with sb 与……建立业务关系

furnish with 提供
潇涩雨夜 发表于 2007-8-13 12:41:59



From: X X X

To: X X X

Date: X X X

Subject: Glad to cooperate

Dear Mr. Jiang Wen:

With reference of your letter of October 10, 2002, we are glad to learn that you wish to enter into trade relations with our cooperation in the line of canned food.

After browsing your company\'s web page, we found that your desire to establish direct business relations with us coincides with ours. We would like you to send us a full range of samples.

We are large dealers in canned food, and believe there is a promising market in our area for moderately priced goods mentioned above.

Sincerely yours,

John Goodman

★ 常用表达方式


Your desire to establish direct business relations with us coincides with ours.

☆ 相关词语

coincide with 与……相一致

a full range of samples 所有的样品

moderate price 适当的价格
潇涩雨夜 发表于 2007-8-13 12:42:15



From: X X X

To: X X X

Date: X X X

Subject: Request for an Appointment

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am scheduled to visit the U. S. on business at the end of this month, and wish to call on you at your office on that occasion.

I will be arriving in Washington on or around August 20 and staying there for about a week. It would be very much appreciated if you would kindly arrange to meet with me either on August 22 or 23. If neither is convenient, could you please suggest an alternative date by return Email?

Thank you in advance for your kind cooperation. I am looking forward to meeting you in Washington soon!

Sincerely yours,

Li Lei

Guangzhou Trading Company

★ 常用表达方式


Please let us know if the time is convenient for you. If not, what time would you suggest?

☆ 相关词语

Have an appointment with sb 与某人约定

On that occasion 在那种情况下
潇涩雨夜 发表于 2007-8-13 12:43:12



From: X X X

To: X X X

Date: X X X

Subject: Paying a Visit

Dear Ms. Qian:

Mr. William Taylor, President of our corporation and Mr. James Rogers, Marketing Manager, would like to visit Beijing to continue our discussions on a joint venture. They plan to leave in the second half of April and stay in China about a week. Please let us know if the planned visit is convenient for you and what itinerary you would suggest. If the time is agreeable, will you kindly request your Embassy here to issue the necessary visa?

Yours faithfully,

Lousie Rice

★ 常用表达方式


As requested, we propose the following itinerary for your consideration.

☆ 相关词语

Joint venture 合资企业

itinerary 行程计划
潇涩雨夜 发表于 2007-8-13 12:43:30



From: X X X

To: X X X

Date: X X X

Subject: Instruction Manuals Have Been Sent

Dear Ms. Schaeffer:

I understand that you recently requested more multilingual instruction manuals for the ABC mobile phones you recently ordered from us.

We have sent you 200 instruction manuals as you requested by express mail. Customer satisfaction is a major priority of our company and we appreciate your continued patronage. It is because of clients like you that we continue to offer quality merchandise and service.

Feel free to contract with us if you have any requests.


Sandy Fei

Customer Service Representative

★ 常用表达方式


Customer satisfaction is a major priority of our company.

☆ 相关词语

customer service 客户服务

major priority 优先考虑

patronage 惠顾
潇涩雨夜 发表于 2007-8-13 12:43:51



From: X X X

To: X X X

Date: X X X

Subject: Please Accept Our Sincere Apologizes

Dear Mr. MacDonald:

Providing quality customer service is a major priority of our company, however we understand that we sometimes fail to meet customer\'s satisfaction. It is a frustrating event for everyone when an order has been mishandled.

Please accept our sincerest apology for any inconvenience you may have incurred from your recent order. We hope your order has been fixed and any other problems have been resolved to your satisfaction. Also, for your information, our employees are undergoing further company training in order to prevent such mishaps from happening again. If there is anything else we can do for you now or in the future, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Yours sincerely,

Sandy Fei

Customer Service Manager

★ 常用表达方式


Please accept our sincerest apology for any inconvenience you may have incurred from your recent order.

☆ 相关词语

mishandle 装卸不慎

compensate for 赔偿
潇涩雨夜 发表于 2007-8-13 12:44:06



From: X X X

To: X X X

Date: X X X

Subject: Ask for your Help

Dear Ms. Schaeffer:

In our continued efforts to provide quality service and merchandise to valued clients like you, we would like your help in answering the attached survey.

Each year we review our service and merchandise in order to meet our clients\' needs. The client survey plays a major role in determining how we improve services and which line of goods we concentrate sales on next year. By answering our survey, you will help us know how to serve you better. Also, as a gesture of our appreciation, we will send you a 10%-off voucher to use on your next order with us.

Could you please send back the survey with your comments on it before next Friday? We understand you are very busy and appreciate your willingness to take the time to help us serve our clients better. Your comments are highly valued. Thank you.

Sincerely yours,

Sandy Fei

Customer Service Manager

★ 常用表达方式


We would like your help in answering the attached survey.

☆ 相关词语

in one\'s efforts to do 努力做

voucher 折扣券
jesseyuan 发表于 2008-11-6 09:43:01

jqrr-10 发表于 2008-11-18 14:24:40
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