






发布者: tataoo | 发布时间: 2007-8-26 18:06| 查看数: 2128| 评论数: 1|

在现在这个时代,可能只要是上网的人都会有自己的博客,但是内容不同,浏览量也不同。也许你会奇怪,为什么自己写的博客乏人问津,如果是这样,就和小编一起看看马克吐温的博客教程吧。  If there has ever been anyone who had something brilliant to say about almost everything, it would be Mark Twain, the artist formerly known as Samuel Langhorne Clemens. Twain is known for more notable quotes about more topics than you can shake a stick at.

  世上能以任何题材写作的人中,必有马克吐温(Mark Twain)。马克吐温又名 Samuel Langhorne Clemens,其名言不计其数。

  And there's no doubt in my mind that he would make an excellent blogger. Actually, he'd likely be a blogging guru.


Just take a look at these words of blogging wisdom...


1."Whenever you find you're on the side of the majority, it is time to reform."


If one thing truly makes a blog stand out, it's a march to a slightly different drummer. It's not only easier than ever to have a unique voice heard, it's imperative to have a unique voice to be heard at all. 使博客脱颖而出的是和谐中的不和谐。不和谐很容易被听到,并且更重要的是会被所有人听到!

2."The universal brotherhood of man is our most precious possession."


  Twain would have loved social media, even at its most bitter, divisive and snarky moments. The universal need to connect with one another is the power behind social media, and tapping into it at an emotional level can take your blog from good to great.


3."Great people make us feel we can become great."


  And great bloggers do the same. Empower your readers—to code better, think differently, or simply choose the right mortgage. Focus on making them the star, and you'll become a star to them.


4."The difference between the right word and almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug."

“好的遣词造句与马马虎虎,就像启明星跟萤火虫。”(沪江小编:这里的lightning应该是闪电,启明星的话可以用Phospherus phosphor

  Twain knew the power of the right words, and would tell you to take care with the ones you choose. Don't post to get it done, post something that's done well.


5."When in doubt, tell the truth."


  This has always been good advice, and when it comes to blogging, it goes well beyond having a clear conscience when you've got the universal brotherhood just waiting to call you out. Telling the truth even when you think it will hurt you has a funny way of becoming a benefit in the long run.


6."It is no use to keep private information which you can't show off."


No blogger needs an explanation of that one.



海伦 发表于 2007-8-27 10:28:23
good sentences!
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