





Spotlight on Stockholm 斯德哥尔摩特写

发布者: 谢琼 | 发布时间: 2007-9-2 10:20| 查看数: 1880| 评论数: 0|

Surrounded by forests and water, Stockholm has the feel of a smalltown. The royal capital of Sweden is actually a collection of islandslinked by bridges. To the east, the Baltic Sea bustles with ferries andships. To the west, Lake Malaren provides plenty of space for watersports and sailing. Stockholm's residents seem to be more a part of asmall community than a sophisticated European city. But they areintensely proud of their city.


  Stockholmers have good reason to beproud. Their city's blue waters are so unpolluted that swimming andfishing are possible in the city center. Fishermen catch trout andsalmon near the Royal Palace. Swimmers can take a dip within view ofthe Old Town. This experience is a small miracle that few cities canoffer.


  Since water defines Stockholm in so many ways, no visitor should missa tour by boat. Tour boats pass by many of Stockholm's beautifulbridges, palaces and churches. One of the most famous tours is named"Under the Bridges of Stockholm."


  The typical boat tour includes the Old Town, or Gamla Stan. Situatedon an island, this old city center still looks like a medieval city.The 608-room Royal Palace houses the Royal Armory and the RoyalTreasury. The Treasury includes underground rooms where the CrownJewels are on display. In the State Apartments, the Writing Room ofKing Oskar II has remained untouched since his death in 1907. Thenearby Stockholm Cathedral displays ancient wooden carvings. The700-year-old Riddarholm Church is the traditional burial place forSwedish kings. Besides historical attractions, Gamla Stan also offerschic shops and world-class restaurants.


  After leaving the Old Town, the boat tour also goes by City Hall onLake Malaren. The building's large square tower rises from the cornerfacing the water's edge. Here the king and queen of Sweden look on eachyear as the Nobel Prize winners receive their awards. The elegantinterior includes the famous Blue Room, where the Nobel banquet takesplace.

  离开了旧城区之后,观光游船还会经过梅拉伦湖畔的市政府大楼,从大楼一角高起了大型的方形高台面向水畔,每年诺贝尔奖得主领奖时,瑞典的国王和皇后都在此观礼。其中幽雅的厅室中包含了有名的蓝厅(Blue Room),是诺贝尔餐宴举行的地方。

  On the city's Baltic side, the tour takes visitors past the SkansenMuseum. Skansen is an outdoor "Sweden in miniature." The 80-acre parkhas sections representing the different regions of the country. Thevisitor can wander from Lapland in the north to Skane in the south. Astroll through the park also takes the visitor through five centuriesof Swedish history. Resident craftsmen demonstrate some traditionaltrades: glass blowing, pottery making and printing. An animal parkprovides a close-up look at wolves, reindeer and elk, as well astypical farm animals.


  Also on the Baltic side of the city,the Wasa Museum, the home of the flagship Wasa, stands near the water'sedge. Once the pride of the Swedish navy, the ship sank on its maidenvoyage. Now restored, it is a perfect example of a 17th-centuryseagoing vessel. The thousands of everyday objects recovered with theship give a fascinating picture of daily life in Sweden 300 years ago.


  After a boat tour of the city, the next step should be a trip to someof the 24,000 islands in the beautiful Stockholm archipelago. Some arejust rocks; others are green with forests. Many have small villages andcountry homes. Everyone is welcome to fish, swim and camp.


  As the "Venice of the North," Stockholm takes water seriously. EveryAugust, the city goes all out for the Stockholm Water Festival. Thefestival sports events and other activities go on 24 hours a day:swimming championships, marathons, music, art and dancing. In theevenings, fireworks light up the sky. The King awards the StockholmWater Prize for the most outstanding contribution to waterconservation. By preserving its precious natural resource, Stockholmhas become one of the most pristine cities in the world. It has everyreason to celebrate.



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