





世界小姐的由来The Beginning Of Miss World

发布者: david | 发布时间: 2005-12-27 13:30| 查看数: 2117| 评论数: 0|

<FONT color=#4b0082>The Beginning Of Miss World <BR>  <BR>  In 1951 Eric Morley had been working for the Mecca Group for almost five years. It had been, in many ways, a tough time for everyone, because the Second World War had ended only six years ago. But Eric had the foresight to see the new mood of optimism that was starting to sweep the country. <BR>  At the time, Eric was managing the Lyceum Ballroom in the Strand. When it was announced that the Festival of Britain was being held on the South Bank, just across the Thames, Eric began to wonder how he could capitalise on this huge event which was taking place virtually on his doorstep. <BR>  He realised that the answer was simple --he would encourage visitors to the Festival of Britain to cross Waterloo Bridge by hosting a beauty contest at his dance hall. Not just any old beauty contest though; this competition had to be on a par with the celebrations taking place on the South Bank. So he came up with4 the ambitious idea of finding the most beautiful woman in the world. <BR>  And so Miss World was born. A competition has grown into one of the world's biggest and most loved events. Who could have guessed that it would also become one of the country's biggest generators of money for children's charities? It has now raised incredible millions of pounds thanks to the theme " Beauty with a Purpose" that was created by Julia Morley 25 years ago. This incredible success is largely because of the extremely strong and popular Miss World brand that has developed over the last 51 years. The success can be measured by the fact that Miss World is now franchised in more than 140 countries. <BR></FONT>
<FONT color=#4b0082><FONT color=#00008b> 1951年,埃里克·莫利已经在麦加集团工作了近5年。由于第二次世界大战6年前刚结束,生活对于每一个人在方方面面都是艰辛的。但是埃里克却预见到,一种新的乐观情绪正在开始感染全国。 <BR>  当时,埃里克正经营着斯特兰德大街的文化馆舞厅。当宣布英国节将在正对着舞厅的泰晤士河南岸举行时,埃里克开始盘算着该如何在自己家门口举办的这次盛会上捞一笔。<BR>  他意识到其实答案很简单--在自己的舞厅举办一次选美比赛,吸引参加英国节的游客跨过滑铁卢桥到舞厅来。当然这次选美不是老式的选美比赛,它必须同南岸的庆祝活动不相上下。于是他萌发了选出世界上最美的女子的大胆想法。<BR>  就这样,"世界小姐"诞生了。该项比赛已经发展成为世界上最大而且最受欢迎的盛会之一。谁会料到,世界小姐比赛还成为英国儿童慈善事业的最大解囊者之一呢?由于25年前朱莉娅·莫利提出了"美丽与目的同行"这一主题,到目前为止,世界小姐比赛已经筹集了数百万英镑的资金。这一不可思议的成功主要归功于过去51年中"世界小姐"强大且深入人心的品牌效应。"世界小姐"现在在全球140多个国家展开评比,其成功由此也可见一斑。</FONT><BR></FONT>


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