






发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2010-11-23 20:30| 查看数: 1864| 评论数: 3|

7 Tips For Befriending A Brit

1. Always apologize. In England, one says sorry for everything.One does anything to avoid embarrassment and shame. One pretends (v.假装) nothing happened.

2. Keep to yourself. English people need private space—physically and emotionally. People walked around as if they had a home around them, and I wasn’t invited in.American politeness is positive, making people feel included. But English politeness is negative. One assumes you want privacy (n.隐私), so one ignores you completely.

3Don’t share. Emotional space extends to food. My first time at a Chinese restaurant with English friends. I noticed no one had requested it, so I said “four rice.” Turned out, my dinner was four bowls of rice. It didn’t even dawn on(使渐渐明白)them to share, except for the bill.

4Be not clear.One doesn’t say what one means, one doesn’t mean what one says, but one means something—and it’s often mean.

5Don’t complain. Americans kvetch (v.发牢骚), but the English want to blend in (调和) and avoid fuss(n.忙乱,争吵).

6. Don’t compliment. My American friends flatter to show someone we acknowledge their existence and are willing to engage with them further. English people take flattery(n.恭维) as fake, intrusive, vindictiveadj.恶意的,怀恨的), and abusive.

7. Beware of class (等级). Class doesn’t count for us North Americans, but it heavily impacts English lives. It’s not your cash-stash(现金储备), it’s genetic, and is indicated by dress, cars, newspaper, vocabulary and how clean your house is.





3. 不要分享。情感上的私人空间也能延伸到食物。我第一次和我的英国朋友在中餐馆吃饭,我发现没有人叫了米饭,就叫了四碗。结果是,这四碗饭成了我的晚餐。他们毫无分享的意思,除了对账单除外。



6. 不要恭维。我的美国朋友恭维是为了表现他重视你的存在,并愿意继续与你来往。但英国人会把恭维看作虚伪、打扰、挑衅和谩骂。



Judyy 发表于 2010-11-24 10:57:03
1. Always apologize
Judyy 发表于 2010-11-24 10:57:28
. Keep to yourself.
Judyy 发表于 2010-11-24 10:58:55
Don’t share

Be not clear.

Don’t complain.

Don’t compliment.

Beware of class
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