






发布者: david | 发布时间: 2007-9-12 22:19| 查看数: 19007| 评论数: 80|


EPISODE 1 46 Linden Street




Richard: Excuse me.My name is Richard Stewart. I'm a photographer.May take a picture and your little boy?

Mrs.Vann: What's it for?

Richard: It's for a book.

Mrs.Vann: You're writing a book?

Richard: It's a book of pictures. I call it Family Album,U.S.A.

Mrs.Vann: Oh, that's a nice idea.Well,it's fine if you take our picture. I'm Martha Vann.

Richard: Thank you. I appreciate your help. I'm Richard.What's your name?

Gerald: Gerald.

Richard: How old are you,Gerald?

Gerald: Five.

Richard: And where do you live?

Mrs.Vann: We live in California.

Richard: Well, welcome to New York.OK, just a second. I'm almost ready here.

Alexadra: Can I help you?

Richard: Oh, please.Hold Gerald's hand, please.Great! Now point to the buildings.Terrific! Give Mommy a kiss, Gerald. Nice! Thank you, Gerald. And thank you,Mrs Vann.

Mrs.Vann: Oh, my pleasure.We'll be looking for your book.

Richard: Thank you. Good-bye. Bye, Gerald.Thanks again.

Alexandra: Oh, you're welcome.

Richard: Hey, let me take your picture!

Alexandra: Wonderful.Please.

Richard: Are you from New York?

Alexandra: No, I'm from Greece. I'm an exchange student.

Richard: When did you come here?

Alexandra: Three months ago.

Richard: Your English is very good.

Alexandra: Thanks. I studied English in school.

Richard: Would you like some coffee?

Alexandra: No, thank you. Tell me about your book.

Richard: Oh, it's not finished yet, but I have some of the pictures. Would you like to see them?

Alexandra: Yes, I'd like that.

Richard: Here they are. Family Album, U.S.A. It's an album of pictures of the United States:the cities, the special places, and the people. And these are pictures of people working:steelworkers, bankers, police, street vendors, ambulance drivers, doctors...Oh, this is my father. He's a doctor. This is my mother.

Alexandra: What's her name?

Richard: Ellen. My younger brother, Robbie. He goes to high school. This is my sister Susan. She works for a toy company.Here's my grandfather. He lives in Florida. And this is my wife Marilyn.

Alexandra: Oh, she's very pretty.

Richard: Thanks.And what about your family?

Alexandra: They're in Thessaloniki. That's a large city in northem Greece. But now I'm living in the Bronx.

Richard: With a Greek-American family?

Alexandra: No. Hispanic.

Richard: Oh no! It's thirty.Will you excuse me? I have to meet my wife.

Alexandra: It was nice meeting you.

Richard: It was a pleasure meeting you, too.Thanks for your help.And good luck! I've got to go. By the way. I'm Richard. What's your name?

Alexandra: Alexandra.

Richard: Bye-bye, Alexandra.Thanks.

Alexandra: Bye-bye. Richard! Richard! You left your bag.


david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:20:21

Alexandra: Excuse me, officer.Can you help me?

Policeman: Sure.

Alexandra: Can you tell me how to get to Linden Street, in Riverdale?

Policeman: "Richard Stewart, 46 Linden Street, Riverdale, New York." You should take the number 1 subway.

Alexandra: Is there a station near here?

Policeman: Yes. The station's that way. You should take the number 1 train to Van Cortlandt Park.

Alexandra: Number 1 train to Van Cortlandt park. Thank you.

Policeman: Anytime. Good luck. Remember, ther number 1 train. The uptown platform.

Alexandra: Thank you.

Policeman: You're welcome.

Customer: Is this pink too bright for me?

Marilyn: Mmm-hmm. It is a very bright pink. Try this. It's size eight.

Customer: But I wear size ten.

Marilyn: How about green? It's size ten.

Customer: Let me try it on.

Customer: I'm taking too much of your time.

Marilyn: It's six 0'clock. Where's my husband? I was expecting him here at five forty-five.

Customer. Don't worry. The we're going to be late for dinner.

Marilyn: I know. But we're going to be late for dinner.

Customer: I'll take this green sweater. I like the color on me, don't you?

Marilyn: I think it looks terrific on you.

Richard: I'm sorry I'm so late. I had a really bad day.

Marilyn: It's ten after six. We're late. Robbie's cooking tonight,and dinner's at six thirty.

Richard: I know. I know.I'm really sorry. I left my bag of film on the ferry. I went back for it , but the ferry was gone. I lost a whole day's work.

Marilyn: I'll call the Staten lsland Ferry lost-and-found office.

Richard: I didn't think of that. Thanks.

Marilyn: Hello, Yes. The number, please, of the Staten lsland Ferry lost-and-found office. Five five five...zero eight zero eight. Thank you.

Richard: I really appreciate it, Marilyn.

Marilyn: Hello. Did anyone find a camera bag this afternoon, a small canvas bag, on the J.F.Kennedy Ferry?...No? Maybe someone will find it. The name is Stewart, Richard Stewart. And the telephone number is five five five...three oh nine oh. Thank you.Sorry, Richard. They don't have it.

Richard: Thanks,anyway. There was a girl on the ferry. Now maybe...

Marilyn: Tell me about it on the way home.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:21:21

Philip: And give her a teaspoon of the medicine after every meal.Don't worry. She'll be fine. You're welcome. Good-bye.

Ellen: How are you?

Philip: I'm tired and hungry.

Ellen: Well, Marilyn and Richard called. They'll be here soon, and then we'll eat.

Philip: All right. Is...is Susan coming?

Ellen: Well, she'll be here later. She has to work late tonight.

Philip: And what's Robbie cooking for dinner?

Ellen: It's a surprise.

Philip: I hope its pasta.

Philip: Robbie, the dinner was terrific.

Susan: Yes, it was delicious.

Marilyn: What's for dessert?

Robbie: Oh, I forgot dessert.

Philip: Robbie!

Ellen: Don't worry. We've got lots of ice cream.

Richard: Oh, I'd love some ice cream.

Ellen: Well, there's chocolate and coffee and a little vanilla.

Robbie: I'll have vanilla. Is that all right with everyone?

Philip: I'll have chocolate.

Marllyn: Me, too.

Richard: Uh, one scoop of coffee and one scoop of chocolate for me.

Ellen: Robbie, will you help me serve?

Richard: I keep thinking about that bag of film. Eight rolls. a whole day's work. And good stuff,too.

Ellen: I'll get it. Hello.

Alexandra: Hello. Does Richard Stewart live here?

Robbie: Yes,he's my brother. I'm Robbie...Robbie Stewart.

Alexandra: I'm Alexandra Pappas. How do you do? Your brother left his bag of film on the ferryboat. I found it.

Robbie: I'm really glad to see you. I mean...my brother'll be really glad to see you!

Ellen: Robbie! Who is it?

Robbie: It's Richard's film! I mean, Alexandra Pappas. Come in, please.

Richard: Alexandra!

Alexandra: Hello, Richard. I found your bag!

Richard: Oh, thank you! Thank you! Um...Alexandra, let me introduce you. This is my wife Marilyn.

Alexandra: Richard showed me your photo. How do you do ?

Marilyn: Oh yes. Richard told us all about you. It's nice to meet you.

Richard: And this is my mother, Ellen Stewart.

Alexandra: How do you do?

Richard: And my father, Dr.Philip Stewart.

Philip: Nice to meet you, Alexandra.

Richard: And…ah…you met Robbie

Alexanra: Yes. And you must be Susan.Hi.

Susan: Hi.Welcome.

Richard: I'm so glad you found the bag and took the time and trouble to return it.

Alexandra: Oh,it was no trouble. I just took the wrong train.

Ellen: Would you like something to eat?

Alexandra: Thank you, no.I'm late for dinner at my house. I really have to go.

Richard: Would you like to call home?

Alexandra: I'd appreciate that.

Ellen: Please,use the phone.

Alexandra: Thanks. Excuse me.

Richard: Alexandra's a high-school exchange student from Greece.

Robbie: Where does she live?

Richard: With a family in the Bronx.

Robbie: Oh, that's not too far from here!

Richard: Take it easy, Robbie.

Alexandra: Thank you. I can only stay a few minutes.

Ellen: Have some iced tea.

Alexandra: Thanks, Mrs. Stewart.

Robbie: Please sit down, Alexandra.

Philip: So, you're an exchange student. Where do you go to school?

Alexandra: At the Bronx High School of Science.

Philip: Oh, that's a very good school. What are your favorite subjects?

Alexandra: Biology and mathematics. Richard tells me you're a doctor.

Philip: Yes, a pediatrician.And what does your father do?

Alexandra: He's a lawyer, in Thessaloniki.

Robbie: Would you like some pasta? I made it myself. It might be a little cold.

Alexandra: Thanks, no. I do have to go. It was nice meeting you all.

Marilyn: Well, maybe you'll come for lunch some Sunday, so we can really thank you for bringing Richard's bag back.

Alexandra: Maybe.

Ellen: You're welcome anytime.

Philip: Good-bye.

Richard: Can I drive you home?

Alexandra: No,thanks. The train is just up the street. It won't take me long at all.

Richard: Well, you really saved the day for me, Alexandra.

Alexandra: Bye.

Richard: Bye-bye.

Ellen: Good night.

Philip: She's a smart young lady, and very nice.

Robbie: Very! Hey, she forgot her bag!

Ellen: I guess we'll be seeing Alexandra again, Right, Robbie?
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:21:38
EPISODE 2 The Blind Date


Act 1.

Harry: Excue me. Can you help me?

Vendor: Sure, what do you want?

Harry: Where is 83 Wooster Street?

Vendor: That's easy. Walk to the comer. Then make a left turn. Then walk two blocks to the traffic light.Make another left to Wooster.

Harry: Thank you. To the comer and then a left?

Vendor: Yeah. A left. Hot dog? Only seventy-five cents.

Harry: No. Thank you. I have a dinner date.

Harry: 555-9470...and it's busy....Try again. 555-9470...and it's still busy. Excuse me ,ma'am.I'm looking for 83 Wooster Street.

Woman: Yes. Wooster Street is two blocks, and 83 is to the right about two houses.

Harry: Thank you, thank you!

Woman: You're welcome.

Susan: Who is it?

Harry: Harry Bennett. Is this Susan?

Susan: Yes, it is. Come up. I'm on the top floor.

Harry: Nice to meet you, Susan. Sorry I'm late. The traffic. The parking. I was lost.

Susan: What pretty flowers! Thank you. Oh, please come in. Don't worry about being late. It's fine. Excuse the mess. I just moved here. Oh, I'd like you to meet my sister-in- law Marilyn. Marilyn Stewart, this is Harry Bennett.

Harry: Pleased to meet you.

Marilyn: Nice to meet you, Harry.

Harry: Are we too late for our dinner reservation?

Susan: No,the restaurant will hold our table. I know the owner very well. I eat there a lot.

Harry: Do you know the phone number of the restaurant? I'd like to call home and leave the number with the baby-sitter.

Susan: Sure. The number is... five five five... seventeen twenty.

Harry: May I use the Phone? Five five five...one seven two oh, Hello? Hi, Michelle. It's Daddy. Can I speak to Betty? I want to leave the phone number of the restaurant.... Hi, Betty. I'll be at five five five...seventeen twenty. OK. Thanks. See you later. Well, that's done. Shall we go ?

Susan: I'm ready. See you later, Marilyn.

Marilyn: Have a nice evening.

Harry: Bye, Marilyn. Hope to see you again.

Marilyn: Me, too. Have fun!

Susan: Thanks.

Harry: After you.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:21:57
Act 2.

Somsak: Ah! Miss Stewart! Welcome! How are you?

Susan: Five, Somsak.And you?

Somsak: Fine, thank you.

Sumsak: This is my friend Harry Bennett.

Harry: Pleased to meet you.

Somsak: Very nice to meet you. Any friend of Miss Stewart's is welcome at Somsak's. Follow me, please.

Harry: I like it here.

Susan: I do, too. I come here often.

Somsak: A special place for special people.

Susan: Thank you, Somsak.

Harry: Well! Nice restaurant.

Somsak: Would you like something to drink?

Susan: Yes, I'd like a glass of ginger ale with ice. Harry, what would you like?

Harry: Do you have a dry white wine?

Somsak: How about a Califomia chabis?

Harry: Chablis is fine.

Somsak: What would you like to eat?

Susan: I'd like the mee krob. Harry, would you like to see a menu?

Harry: No, it's OK. I"ll have the mee krob also. What is it?

Susan: Crispy fried noodles. I love them.

Somsak: May I bring you a salad?

Susan: Oh yes. What do you recommend today?

Somsak: I recommend rose-petal salad. Special for new friends.

Susan: Rose-petal salad?

Harry: Why not?

Somsak: I'll take care of everything.

Susan: I hope you're hungry.

Harry: What? Oh, yes. Starving.Well, I...

Susan: Well, I...

Harry: What do you do at Universe Toy Company?

Susan: I'm the vice-president of new toy development.

Harry: Terrific!

Susan: I know you're a CPA.

Harry: That's true. Harry Bennett, Certfied public accountant. I love numbers. I do some work for Smith and Dale, your company's accounting firm.

Susan: And so...

Harry: Here we are.

Susan: Yes.

Harry: I have a daughter.

Susan: I know. How old is she?

Harry: She's nine years old.

Susan: That's a nice age. What's her name?

Harry: Michelle.

Susan: Do you have a picture of her?

Susan: She's very pretty.

Harry: Thank you.

Somsak: Rose-petal salad. And there's a phone call for you, Mr.Bennett.

Harry: I'll get the rest of the dinner. Excuse me.

Harry: Please forgive me ,Susan, but...I have to leave. I feel terrible, but...

Susan: What's the matter?

Harry: My daughter isn't feeling well.

Susan: Oh no! Is it serious?

Harry: I don't know.The baby-sitter says she has a stomachache, and she's crying. I'll have to go home. Will you forgive me?

Susan: Of course. I'm so sorry for Michelle. And you didn't have a chance to eat.

Harry: Oh, it's OK. Let me take you home first.

Susan: No,no. Please, go ahead.

Harry: It's our first date.

Susan: We'll make another. Please don't worry.

Harry: I'll phone you.

Susan: I hope your daughter is all right. Good-bye.

Harry: Good-bye.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:22:17
Act 3.

Marilyn: What happened?

Susan: The baby-sitter called. His daughter is sick.

Marilyn: What's wrong?

Susan: I think she has a stomachache. He's a good father.

Marilyn: So...what do you think of him?

Susan: He's very nice. But I think he was nervous tonight. It was his first date in two years.

Marilyn: Will you see him again?

Susan: I hope so.

Marilyn: This food is delicious.

Susan: He didn't get a thing to eat.

Marilyn: You ordered enough for three or four people, but I'm not complaining. The food delicious.

Susan: Who is that?

Marilyn: Do you think it's...

Susan: No. You won't believe it, Marilyn!

Marilyn: I believe it. Even without looking.

Harry: Hi!

Susan: How...?

Harry: Your downstairs neighbor let me in.

Susan: Did you go home?

Harry: I did, but everything is OK, so I decided to come back. To apologize for leaving so early, I brought you a little gift. It's a bonsai tree for your new apartment. Hi, Marilyn. I hope it's not too late.

Marilyn: Oh, not at all. We're still eating.

Susan: Please, come in. Join us. It's our meal form the restaurant.And how is your daughter?

Harry: Oh, she's fine. It was only a tummy ache.

Susan: It's good that you went back.

Harry: Yes, I think it's important for me to be there since her mother died.

Susan: I agree. Aren't you hungry?

Harry: As a matter of fact...I am hungry.

Marilyn: There's lots of food left.

Harry: Mmm,this is delicious!

Susan: Enjoy!

Marilyn: I'm going to excuse myself. I have a lot of work to do to get ready for tomorrow. Good night, Harry. It was nice meeting you.

Harry: Bye, Marilyn.

Marilyn: Good night, Susan.

Susan: Good night, Marilyn.

Susan: She's going to a fashion show here in the city tomorrow.She is sleeping here so she won't have to travel from Riverdale in the morning.

Harry: You two must be close.

Susan: We are. The whole Stewart family is close.

Harry: I like that.

Harry: And then, tww years ago, my wife died.

Susan: You miss her.

Harry: I do...yes, but I have Michelle...and with time...

Susan: Is there anyone else in your life?

Harry: No, not yet. What about you?

Susan: Oh, I date occasionally, but my work keeps me busy.

Harry: Ooh, speaking of keeping busy-I have an early start tomorrow, and the baby-sitter has to get home. Where did the time go? It's midnight. Thank you, Susan.I had a nice evening.

Susan: Me, too, Harry. Harry?

Harry: Yes?

Susan: I'd like to meet your daughter someday.

Harry: Does that mean that I can see you again?

Susan: Of course.

Harry: Wonderful. I'll call you, and we'll go out to dinner.

Susan: Please do.

Harry: I promise I won't leave early.

Susan: It was for a good reason.

Harry: You know something?

Susan: What?

Harry: I think we're going to be good friends. Good night, Susan.

Susan: Good night, Harry. Have a safe trip home. Are you all right?

Harry: Sorry.

Susan: I never liked that umbrella stand. Good night, Harry.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:32:44
EPISODE 3 Grandpa's Trunk


Act 1.

Ellen: Marilyn, you want coffee or tea?

Marilyn: Coffee, please.

Ellen: I am so excited! At this time tomorrow morning, Grandpa will be sitting in the kitchen with us.

Marilyn: When does he arrive?

Ellen: At six 0'clock this evening.

Marilyn: By plane?

Ellen: No, by train.

Marilyn: Are we picking him up at the station?

Ellen: Not Grandpa. He doesn't want anybody picking him up. He likes to be independent.

Marilyn: Huh.

Ellen: Oh, let's go upstairs and prepare Grandpa's room.

Marilyn: Great! Let's do it!

Richard: Good morning, Mom.

Robbie: Morning.

Ellen: Well, hi,fellas.

Richard: Hello.

Marilyn: Hi,honey.

Richard: Hi, honey.

Robbie: Morning, Marilyn.

Marilyn: We're going upstairs to set up Grandpa's room. There's coffee ready.

Robbie: I'm really excited about seeing Granpa.

Richard: Me, too. Milk, please.

Robbie: He's so funny. He always makes me laugh. I hope Grandpa's going to like living with us.

Richard: I think he will. It just takes time to fell comfortable in a new place.

Robbie: Won't he miss being in Florida?

Richard: Will, he will. But I think he'll like being here with the family.

Robbie: Are you sure about that? It's crazy here most of the time.

Richard: But it's fun.

Robbie: That's for sure.

Richard: You know, maybe I'll put together some photos of Grandpa as a "welcome" present.

Robbie: That's a neat idea. What can I do ? I've got it! I have a picture of Grandpa and Dad and me in my wallet. It's from the Fathers and Son's Breakfast at my junior high school graduation.

Richard: Oh, I remember this picture.

Robbie: I'd really lik to pick up Grandpa at the railroad station.

Richard: Railroad stations or airports-Grandpa always tells us he'll get here by himself.

Robbie: He's something!

Marilyn: Is this all Grandpa's stuff?

Ellen: That's it. But I'm sure he has a few bags with him on the train.

Marilyn: What's inside?

Ellen: I don't know. It's locked.

Philip: Hi.

Ellen: Oh, hi, darling.

Marilyn: Morning, Philip.

Philip: I want to put some of my good hangers in Grandpa's closet. You know I'm very exceted about his arrival.

Ellen: We are, too.Susan called early this morning. She's unhappy and can't leave till tonight. She wants to be here for Grandpa.

Philip: Well, Grandpa will be disappointed, too. He loves Susan.She always reminds him of Grandma. Well,how's everything here?

Marilyn: Fine.We were just wondering about this trunk.

Ellen: It's locked.

Philip: Oh. I have the key. Grandpa sent it to me.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:35:16
Act 2.

Elsa: Excuse me .Is this seat taken?

Grandpa: No, it's not taken.

Elsa: Oh, thank you.

Grandpa: Oh, let me help you with this.

Elsa: Oh, thank you.

Grandpa: Do you want to sit by the window?

Elsa: No, no,no. I like the aisle seat better. Please, you sit by the window.

Grandpa: My name is Stewart...Malcolm Stewart.Pleased to meet you.

Elsa: I'm Elsa Tobin. How do you do?

Grandpa: Do you live in New York?

Elsa: No,no.I'm from Florida.

Grandpa: I am, too. But didn't you just get on?

Elsa: No,no.I just chaged my seat. A man next to me was smoking, and smoke really brothers me .Where are yuo from in Florida?

Grandpa: Titusville.It's near Orlando.

Elsa: Small world. I'm form Titusville,too.

Grandpa: Really? What part?

Elsa: My husband and I live near Spaceport.

Grandpa: I know that area. My house is only a few miles from Spaceport. Do you still live there?

Elsa: Oh yes, yes.My husband's there now. He couldn't take time off to come to New York with me. Do you still live there?

Grandpa: No.I sold the house and the furniture, put a few personal things in an old trunk, and shipped it to my children in NewYork. That's my desination.

Elsa: Are you married?

Grandpa: My wife died four years ago.She was a wonderful woman. A real friend.

Elsa: I'm sorry.Really, I'm sorry.

Grandpa: Lots of wonderful memories. We were married almost fifty years.Well, forty-seven, to be exact.

Elsa: John and I celebrate our fortieth anniversary next month.

Grandpa: Oh, congratulation! That's nice. What does John do?

Elsa: He's an aerospace engineer and works for Orlando Aircraft Corporation.He started with them almost forty years ago. What do you do?

Grandpa: I just retired. Had my own company. A construction company. Roads, bridges, big stuff. But I just sold it and retired.

Conductor: Excuse me, ma'am. Ticket,please.

Elsa: Would you kindly hold these keys, please? I have a ticket, I know. I was in the smoking section.

Conductor: It's OK, lady. Take your time.

Grandpa: I'm sure it's in your purse, Mrs.Tobin.

Elsa: Oh,here it is.

Grandpa: And here are your keys.

Elsa: Thank you.

Grandpa: Do you have family in New York?

Elsa: No, no.But do have very close friends in New York City. We like to go to the theater togther. You said you have family in New York.

Grandpa: Yes,indeed. A son and his wife and their three children-my grandchildren.

Elsa: You must be excited.

Grandpa: I can't wait, to see them!

Elsa: Are you going to live with them?

Grandpa: Yes.

Elsa: Permanently?

Grandpa: Well...they want me to, but it's too early to know for sure.I'm pretty independent. I tried to teach my kids the importance of independence, but I'm not sure I want to be alone. Some people don't mind being alone.I do.

Elsa: I understand. But tell me. Why did you stop working?

Grandpa: I retired because... I wanted to be with my family. I didn't want to be alone anymore!
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:35:39
Act 3.

Voice: Ladies and gentiemen, Amtrak is happy to announce our arrival in New York City. The train will be stopping in five Minutes. Please check to be sure you have your belonings. And have a good stay in the Big Apple. Thankyou.

Elsa: Well, here we are .It was so nice meeting you, Mr.Stewart.

Grandpa: And nice meeting you,too.Mrs.Tobin. Please look us up. We're in the phone book. Dr.Philip Stewart, in Riverdale.

Elsa: Your son?

Grandpa: That's right. And have a good time in New York.

Elsa: And don't be so independent. You're very lucky to have a caring family.

Robbie: When can we go fishing?

Grandpa: Robbie, we'll go fishing soon, and we'll take your dad with us.

Philip: I'm ready, Grandpa.You name the day.

Ellen: That's a great idea, Grandpa! Philip needs a day off.

Robbie Good idea.

Grandpa: Presents-for me?

Richard: Form me and Marilyn.

Robbie: And this one's form me .I looked all over the house to find it.

Grandpa: Richard, these are terrific pictures. This one really brings back memories. You remember that day, Robbie?

Robbie: I sure do. It was fun.

Grandpa: Oh, I'm sorry Susan isn't here. I miss her very much.

Ellen: She feels bad, too, Grandpa. She called to say the plane was delayed. You know airports.

Grandpa: I can't wait to see her. She looks just like Grandma at that age. I'd better unpack.I started traveling twenty-four hours ago. I'm not so young anymore.

Ellen: Don't you want something to eat?

Grandpa: No, thanks.After a good night's sleep, I'll enjoy breakfast even more.

Philip: Well, come on, Dad. Ellen and I'll take you to your room.

Robbie: I'm sure glad you're here, Grandpa.

Richard: Good night, Grandpa.

Marilyn: Pleasant dreams.

Grandpa: Philip, do you have the key to the trunk?

Philip: I have the key, but it doesn't work.

Grandpa: I sent the wrong key. I have something for you. I made it my self. I think you'll enjy it .I researched it for over a year.It's our family tree.

Ellen: Oh, Grandpa! How exciting!

Philip: Fabulous! Why, I didn't know that your grandfather was born in Germany.

Grandpa: Lots of interesting information about ur family.A gift from me.

Ellen: Thank you so much.

Susan: Grandpa! Grandpa! Oh, Grandpa, I'm so happy to see you!

Grandpa: Oh, you look so beautiful, Susan. My granddaughter. Like I always said, you look just like Grandma.

Philip: I think you're going to be very happy here with us.

Ellen: I know you will.

Grandpa:I don't feel alone anymore.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:35:59
EPISODE 4 A Piece of Cake


Act 1.

Marilyn: I'm exhausted. My new exercise class is so hard.

Richard: Your new exercise class?

Marilyn: Yeah. My new advanced exercise class.

Richard: Why advanced?

Marilyn: My instructor thought that the beginner's class was too easy for me.

Richard: Too easy for you?

Marilyn: Don't laugh. In the beginner's class, they give you a chance to rest between exercises.

Richard: So?

Marilyn: The advanced class is nonstop.

Richard: I lift weights every morning for sixty minutes without stopping. No problem.

Marilyn: Listen, Richard, doing aerobics for an hour is a lot different than lifting weights.

Richard: Yeah.Quite a bit different.I think aerobics. I could work out in your class with no problem.

Marilyn: You think so?

Richard: Oh, without a duobt. When's the next class?

Marilyn: Tomorrow morning at ten 0'clock. Try it.

Richard: Tomorrow morning after lifting weights, I'll try aerobics. It's a snap. Tomorrow morning at ten 0'clock.

Marilyn: Aren't you going to the aetobics class this morning?

Richard: Of course. Easy. No sweat.

Marilyn: You are not going to be able to move afer this and the aerobics class.

Richard: Are you kidding me? It's going to be a piece of cake. You want to bet.

Marilyn: Yeah. What's the bet?

Richard: I bet I can go one hour in your class this morning and not feel a thing!

Marilyn: The bet is-I win, and you cook dinner for the entire family. Or you win, and I cook dinner for the entire family.

Richard: It's a bet.

Marilyn: OK. Call my instructor, Jcak Davis, right now. His number is 555-8842.The advanced class starts at ten 0'clock advanced class starts at ten o'clcok.

Richard: Well, it's eight twenty now.

Marilyn: It onl takes eight minutes by bicycle to the aerobics class. Give him a call.

Jack: Davis Aerobics Centrer for Good Health.

Richard: Jack Davis, please.

Jack: This is Jack Davis.

Richard: Hello. This is RIchard Stewart. My wife, Marilyn Stewart, is a member of your program. I'd like to come to the ten o'clock advanced class this morning.

Jack: Oh, fine,fine.Be here a few minutes early.You need to complete some forms before the class.

Richard: Thanks. I'm on my way over.

Jack: Good-bye.

Richard: Bye-bye. It's all set. I'm going.

Marilyn: Bye.

Richard: See you later.

Marilyn; Good luck.

Richard: Don't forget about the bet. Dinner for the entire family. And that includes Susan.

Marilyn: Don't you forget.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:36:22
Act 2.

Jack: OK, Richard. That's terrific. Your pressure is 120 over 75, and that's fine. Now stand up,please. Good, it's 122 over 80. You can sit down now. When was your last complete physical?

Richard: Six months ago.

Jack: Good.Do you have any back or knee problems?

Richard: Nope. I am in perfect health.

Jack: What do you do for a living, Mr.Stewart?

Richard: I'm a photographer.

Jack: Interesting. What do you photograph?

Richard: Everything. The American scene. People, places, events.

Jack: Did you ever think of photographing an aerobics class?

Richard: No...I can't remember taking pictures of people exercising.

Jack: But don't you think it'd be a goo subject?

Richard: Sure.

Jack: I need some good photos for my advertising, Mr.Stewart Maybe you can photograph a class, and I can give you and Mrs.Stewart a month of classes-free.

Richard: When can I photograph a class?

Jack: Anytime.

Richard: How about today?

Jack: Terrific!

Jcak: Hi.

Instructor: Oh, hi.

Jack: Are we ready to go?

Instructor: Yeah. Yeah. Let's get in our lines. We're going to take it slow first. Stretch up...and we're going to go left first...2,3,4...now stretch...OK,hold to the right. Sunrises.Stretch it out. Flat back.Bring it up...and twists...and side...2,3...and left...push...push...turn...hit the floor. Take it side again...OK, and switch. Stretch it out .And we're going to warm down with a tango.Left, Right. Enjoy it.

Marilyn: Richard, did you go to the Davis Aerobics calss today?

Richard: Yes, I went to the aerobics class today.

Marilyn: What is wrong with you?

Richard: Nothing. I am in excellent health. I have ideal blood pressure. A perfect heart.In other words, I'm in wondeful condition.

Marilyn: Richard, did you go to the aerobics class, really?

Marilyn: And your legs don't hurt?

Richard: Hurt? What do you mean?

Marilyn: What about your arms? Lift your arms up like this. And they don't hurt-not even a little?

Richard: Nope.

Marilyn: You are in great condition. I can't believe it!
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:36:41
Act 3.

Marilyn: Grandpa, Ellen, Philip, Robbie, you and me .That's six steaks.

Richard: Don't forget Susan.

Marilyn: Seven steaks.Cooking dinner for the entire family is not so easy. The shopping:the salad:tomatoes,lettuce, cucumbers, and onions. The main course:steak and potatoes. Richard, how much broccoli do I need for seven people?

Richard: Marilyn, I have to tell you something. At today's exercise class...

Marilyn: Yes, Richard.

Richard: Well, I didn't really exercise.

Marilyn: I knew it!

Richard: I wanted to, but Jack Davis needed a photographer. I'm sorry, Marilyn.

Marilyn: I don't understand. Did you exercise or not?

Richard: No.Instead of exercising, I photographed the class.

Marilyn: And you didn't exercise?

Richard: No.

Marilyn: There's another advanced class today at four 0'clock. We'll go together.

Richard: What about the bet?

Marilyn: Oh, the bet is still on, but you shop for the groceries.Remember, you win, and I cook dinner for the entire family.

Richard: You win, and I cook dinner for the entire family.

Marilyn: Including Susan. Four 0'clock at the advanced exercise class. With me.

Jack: Don't forget to breathe.

Instructor: Skip, hop, front, Twist...again...OK,Now...scissors.

Richard: This is fun.It's a piece of cake.

Marilyn: Yeah.Just wait.

Instuctor: 5, 6, 7, go right, 1, 2, back, 3, 1, 2, 3, pony, pony...1, 2, 3, kick...1, 2, 3, kick...pony.And twist, twist.

Jack: OK. Let's pick up the pace.

Marilyn: How are you doing, Richard?

Richard: I can barely move.

Instructor: 2,3,4,front.Now we're going to run it off. Front...knees up, knees up.

Jack: OK, Finish off by jogging in place. OK. Keep those knees up. All right.That's it for today. Thank you, everyone. See you next week.

Richard: Thank you, Jack, but no thank you.

Marilyn: The advanced exercise class is not so easy, huh?

Richard: Come on, Richard.Get up. Let's go, you have to cook dinner for the entire family.

Richard: Marilyn, I'm exhausted. I can't move.

Marilyn: Oh, you'll do it. It's a piece of cake.

Jack: Excuse me, Richard,Marilyn.

Richard: You are a terrific instructor, Jack.

Jack: Thanks. But I have a question. Is this your very first advanced aerobics class?

Richard: Yes,it is.

Jack: You are in great shape, Richard. Very few people last in this class for the full hour the very first time.

Marilyn: It's true. You are in Great shape.

Richard: Thanks!

Marilyn: I think we'll cook dinner together.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:37:00
EPISODE 5 The Right Magic



Robbie: Hi, Grandpa.

Grandpa: Hi, Robbie.

Robbie: Can I help?

Grandpa: Yes, indeed. Hand me two eggs from the refrigerator, and I'll make you two fried eggs.

Robbie: How about some bacon?

Grandpa: I made enough for an army. You going to the baseball game today? It's a perfect day for it-a little cloudy but nice and warm.

Robbie: Dad and I were planning to go to the game, but he has to work today, and my friends don't wan to go . It's not an important game, anyway.

Grandpa: Do you have any other plans for the day?

Robbie: I'll work on my computer. I have a new math program, and I want to learn how to use it.

Grandpa: Maybe you can teach me how to work on a computer someday.

Robbie: Anytime.It's really easy, but, like anything, you need to work at it, Grandpa.This bacon is great. I love crispy bacon.

Grandpa: Oh, what are you doing tomorrow?

Robbie: Nothing much.

Grandpa: Well,maybe your dad and I could take you fishing with us.

Robbie: I'd like that, but...

Grandpa: But what?

Robbie: But Dad is always so busy.

Grandpa: Well,can you come fishing with me tomorrow?

Robbie: Sure,I can.

Grandpa: Robbie says you can't take him to the game today.

Philip: I really feel bad about it, but they need me at the hospital today, in the children's ward.

Grandpa: I understand.

Philip: Maybe we can spend some time together next weekend.

Grandpa: Definitely.We should. You and Robbie and me. Remember our first fishing trip?

Philip: I sure do...Well, I've got to run, Dad. See you later.

Philip: Going fishing?

Grandpa: I'm thinking about it...So,how's work?

Philip: Oh,the usual problems.

Grandpa: You're working pretty hard these days.

Philip: I guess I am.

Grandpa: When did you last go fishing with Robbie?

Philip: I remember exactly. It was on his birthday, June second,two years ago. We didn't catch anything.

Grandpa: Remember our fishing trips?

Philip: Yes.I loved them.

Grandpa: Remember catching your first fish?

Philip: How can I forget? I fell out of the boat! we had some good times together.

Grandpa: Yes,we did. Maybe we should do it again.

Philip: How about tomorrow?

Grandpa: Don't you have to work?

Philip: My paper work will wait.

Grandpa: Oh, Robbie will be thrilled. I am, too, Son.

Philip: I want to spend more time with Robbie.

Grandpa: Tomorrow.It'll be like old times for you and me. And Robbie will love it.

Philip: Well, what's the weather going to be like?

Grandpa: Radio says sunny and mild.

Philip: Well, I'll tell Robbie. And thanks, Dad.

Grandpa: Don't thank me . I'm just being a grandfather.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:37:23
Act 2.

Robbie: This is really neat! When do we eat?

Philip: First, we have to catch some fish. In order to catch fish, you have to do this. Here we go. that's it. Then drop it into the water. All of this comes before eating. OK?

Robbie: How do you know so much about fishing?

Philip: Grandpa taught me. We spent a lot of time fishing together. Now, the important thing is to get the book close to the fish. All right? Like this.

Robbie: I think I see some fish right under us, Dad.

Philip: Oh, not a chance!

Robbie: I just saw a big one!

Grandpa: Hi, there!

Albert: Hi.

Grandpa: What's your name?

Albert: Albert.

Grandpa: Are you all alone?

Albert: Yes,sir.

Grandpa: How old are you , Albert?

Albert: I'm ten.

Philip: Where's your father?

Albert: He's up there at the lodge.

Philip: Does he know you're here?

Albert: Yes, sir.

Philip: OK, Robbie, maybe you should watch him. The water's pretty deep here.

Robbie: I'll watch him, Dad.

Robbie: What time is it?

Grandpa: It's almost lunchtime, and no fish yet.

Rbbie: I can go up to the lodge for some hot dogs and drinks.

Philip: No way! We're here to catch our lunch.

Grandpa: To catch fish, you need the right magic.

Philip: That's right. I forgot! The right magic. Do it for Robbie,Dad.

Grandpa: You remember?

Philip: Sure. Come on.

Grandpa: Well,first, you have to turn your hat around like this. Then you close your eyes and say the magic words. Fish, fish, send me a fish.

Robbie: Fish, fish, send me a fish...I got one!

Grandpa: See, it works!

Robbie: It's a big one!

Philip: Well, it always worked for me, too.

Robbie: Grandpa, get the net ,please!

Robbie: Dad, you got one, too!

Philip: You bet I have!

Grandpa: Easy, Philip, easy.

Robbie: Sorry,Dad.

Philip: Well, one more and I've got a pair of boots.

Robbie: You didn't say the magic words.

Grandpa: Robbie's right.

Philip: Yes,but you did, and we've got our lunch. Let's build a fire and cook it ! Come on ,Albert, you can help us!

Albert: I want to stay here and fish.

Grandpa: All right, but be careful.

Robbie: Is it finished yet?

Philip: I think so. I hope you like,your fish well done.

Grandpa: Burned, you mean.

Philip: Hey, I'm a doctor, not a chef.

Albert: Help! Help! I can't swim.

Robbie: Dad! Grandpa! He fell in.

Philip: Easy does it ,Robbie.That a boy. That's it.

Grandpa: He's not breathing, Philip!

Philip: Robbie, run to the car.Bring a blanket and my medical bag.

Robbie: Yes,Dad.

Philip: Now, come on, son. Come on, son.

Grandpa: Breathe,Albert!
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Robbie: Here's the bag. Will he be OK, Dad?

Philip: I hope so. That's it. That's the way. That's it. There. Oh, it's going to be all right. That's it. Wrap him in the blanket. Dad! That's it. That's it. It's all right, Albert. You're going to be OK.

Albert: I want my daddy!

Philip: We'll take you to him. Easy now. Easy does it. That's it.

Grandpa: Your dad is quite a guy.

Robbie: I know, Grandpa.

Grandpa: How is he ,Philip?

Philip: He's asleep. He's ging to be fine.

Father: How can I thank all of you?

Philip: Thank my son Robbie. He pulled him out of the water.

Father: I'm very grateful, Robbie.

Robbie: Dad saved him, not me.

Father: I'm so thankful to all of you.

Philip: So long.

Grandpa: He's a lucky boy.Well, what do you say we get back to our fishing?

Philip: That's great idea. Uh-oh. It's probably the hospital. I have to get to a phone. It probably means we can't stay.

Robbie: That's OK.

Philip: One of my patients has a hight fever, and I have to go to the hospital. I'm sorry, Robbie. I guess I ruined your day.

Robbie: You didn't ruin my day, Dad. I understand. I really do.

Ellen: Why are you back so early?

Grandpa: Philip had to go back to the hospital.

Robbie: He had an emergency.

Ellen: Oh, that's too bad, Robbie. Did it spoil your fun?

Robbie: No, Mom. We had a great time.

Ellen: Well, did you do any fishing?

Robbie: Yeah, we caught lots of them. Look! They had a special on frozen fish down at the supermarket.

Ellen: Oh, you really had a bad day.

Grandpa: We had a good day. Robbie pulled a boy out of the water.

Robbie: And Dad saved his life. He's a terrific doctor,Mom.

Ellen: I know.

Philip: Hi, Pop. Hi, Son.

Robbie: Hello,Dad.

Philip: What a day!

Grandpa: How about a cup of coffee ,Son?

Philip: I'd love a cup of coffee..

Robbie: How was the patient?

Philip: She'll be fine.

Robbie: Was it serious?

Philip: No.

Robbie: Until today, I was never really interested in medicine.

Phinip: Well, it's hard work.

Robbie: Now I know.

Philip : I had a good time today, Robbie.

Robbie: Me,too.

Philip: Can we? When?

Philip: How about next Saturday?

Robbie: Won't you be busy?

Philip: I'm changing my schedule. Well, do we have a date?

Robbie: We sure do, Dad. Grandpa, can you come?

Grandpa: I have other plans, Robbie. But I think you two can have a good time together without me.

Philip: No, Dad, and certainly not without the right magic.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:37:56
EPISODE 6 Thanksgiving


Act 1.

Ellen: OK, Philip. This is your third cup of coffee. We should get to work, or we won't be finished by dinnertime.

Philip: I guess we must.

Ellen: We must.

Philip: OK.The beginning of my famous Thanksgiving apple pie.One apple. Two apples. Three apples. Four apples

Ellen: Come on, Philip! Get busy with your famous apple pie. There's much mre to be done.

Philip: Now, the ingredients.

Philip: What goes into my apple pie besides apples? Ah, yes. Flour, sugar, butter.Butter, nice and cold and hard. OK, here are the walnuts. Last but not least, the reason my apple pie is famous-cinnamon. Cinnamon...Ellen, where's the cinnamon?

Ellen: If there is any cinnamon,it's in the cabinet with the salt and pipper.

Philip: Salt, pepper, dill weed, garlic powder,cinnamon. Ellen?

Ellen: Yes,Philip.

Philip: Is it possible that we forgot to buy cinnamon?

Ellen: Yes,it is possible that we forgot to buy cinnamon.

Philip Well, how can I make my famous apple pie without cinnamon?

Robbie: Good morning.

Ellen: Oh, hi, Robbie.Good morning.

Philip: Good morning. Robbie. Can you do me a favor?

Robbie: Sure, Dad.What?

Philip; Remember my apple pie on Thanksgiving? What do you love about it?

Robbie: The apples?

Philip: No. The sssss...

Robbie: Cinnamon!

Philip: Right.We don't have any cinnamon.

Robbie: I'll go down to Henry's grocery. He's always open. I'll get some for you.

Plilip: That's my boy!

Ellen: Oh, put your heavy jacket on, Robbie. It's cold outside.

Robbie: Alexandra might call. Tell her I'll call her right back.

Ellen: OK.

Philip; Thanks, Son.

Ellen: Uh, why does he always have to slam the door?

Ellen: Hello...Hello,Alexandra.How are you?... Fine. Robbie just went to the store.He'll be back sonn. He said he'll call you... Oh, oh, I see... Oh... certainly.Well, do you have the phone number there?...Oh... I see...Please, I know he wants to talk to you...Thank you, and happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, too. Try to come by later for dessert... Bye.That was Alexandra. She and the Molinas are going to spend Thanksgiving with their cousins.She doesn't have the phone number.

Philip: Oh, Robbie will be disappointed.

Ellen: He'll be grouchy. Maybe she'll call back. She promised.

Robbie: Here's your cinnamon, Pop. It was a dollar and sixty cents.You forgot to ask me for the change.

Philip: Or did you forget to give it to me?

Philip; Thanks, Son.

Ellen: Alexandra called.

Robbie: I'll call her back.

Ellen: She said she'll call you later. She's not at home.

Philip: You should have your breakfast, Son. Make you feel better. Protein, vitamins.

Robbie: She said she'll call back?

Ellen: Yes, she did.

Grandpa: Good morning, everyone! Happy Turkey Day? What's wrong?

Robbie: Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Grandpa: What's gotten into him?

Ellen: He missed a phone call.

Grandpa: From...?

Philip: Yes, Alexandra.

Grandpa: It's nice to see young love... Oh, to be young again! Where's the coffee?
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:38:14
Act 2.

Grandpa: I love parades. The Thanksgiving Day parade is always such great fun. Look at that Superman balloon! Wowee! Just floating along high above Central Park West.Don't you just love it? Oh, and the bands and the music. John Philip Sousa. I love his music. Da dadas da da dada da da da da da dada. Oh,look at that float, Robbie.Look at those funny-looking clowns.

Robbie: It's for kids.

Grandpa: Maybe so, but parades always make me feel like a kid.Remember when you and your dad and I went to the Thanksgiving Day parade? You were Four or five years

old ,I think.

Robbie: Hello, hello... Oh,hi, Susan. How are you?... Here's Mom.

Ellen: Hello, Susan. Yes, I know, but he'll get over it . Good. Then you'll be here about five? Oh, fine. I look forward to seeing you and Harry and Michelle. Drive carefully. Good-bye.

Philip: Taste Ellen's turkey dressing. It's delicious.

Grandpa: I'm not surprised. It's Grandma's recipe.

Robbie: It's my favorite part of the meal.

Philip: What about my famous apple pie?

Robbie: Dad,your apple pie is my favorite dessert.

Philip: How's the parade?

Robbie: OK.

Robbie: Mom! Is it for me?

Ellen: No, Robbie.

Philip: Who was it?

Ellen: Wrong number. Philip, would you join me in the kitchen, please? It's getting late. We have vegetables to prepare.

Robbie: Can I help with anything?

Ellen: No, honey. You just relax with Grandpa.I'll get you to help serve later.

Grandpa: Ellen reminds me so much of Grandma.

Philip: What time does the Michigan football game come on?

Robbie: Four.

Ellen: Philip!

Philip: I'll be back to see the game.

Robbie: Grandpa,when did Dad graduate from Michigan?

Grandpa: Let me think. He graduated from medical school in 1960 and from the University of Michigan in 1956.

Robbie: did you go to Michigan, too,Grandpa?

Grandpa: Yup. I graduated in 1937.

Robbie: I've got to start thinking about college soon.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:38:34
Act 3.

Philip: OK, everybody. I want to welcome Harry and his daughter Michelle to Thanksgiving with us.

Harry: Thank you, Dr.Stewart.

Philip: Call me Philip.

Harry: OK.

Philip: But first, I think we should take a moment and remember the meaning of Thanksgiving.

Harry: Philip, I took Michelle to a school play about the first Thanksgiving.

Philip: Well, why don't you tell us about that, Michelle?

Michelle: Thanksgiving was about the Pilgrims, the first settlers in America. They shared the first harvest with the Indians and gave thanks.

Philip; All right. Then in that spirit let each of us give thanks. Each in his own way.Who wants to begin?

Grandpa: I will. I give thanks for being here with my family and for being well, so I can enjoy you all.

Robbie: All right! We love you, Grandpa.

Susan: I'd like to give thanks for a healthy year, a good job, and for meeting Harry and Michelle.

Harry: We'd like to give thanks for meeting Susan and the Stewart family.

Michelle: I love you, Daddy.

Susan: Thanks, Harry. That was very kind of you.

Robbie: I'd like to give thanks for Grandpa coming to live with us. And I'd also like to thank my math teacher for giving me a passing grade. And call me , Alexandra.

Ellen: Oh,Robbie!

Grandpa: She'll call.

Richard; You go first, Marilyn.

Marilyn: I'm thinking. You go first.

Richard: Well, you all know I'm working on my photo album.It's not finished yet. And I'd like to thank Marilyn for being so patient.

Marilyn: Thanks, Richard. I should thank you for encouraging me to keep working on my fashion designs I'm lucky to have a husband with an artistic eye.

Ellen: Oh, we have a lot to be thankful for. For the food on this table. Just like th Pilgrims.

Philip: I'll go along with that, Ellen.

Ellen: Well, help me serve, Robbie.

Harry: It was a wonderful meal, Mrs. Stewart. Thank you.

Richard: And now to see the end of the football game.

Philip: Exactly.

Ellen: Where are you going, Philip?

Philip: Remember, the Michigan football game? And Michigan needs a touchdown.

Ellen: Did you forget something?

Robbie: Dad, your famous apple pie.

Philip: Just let me see the score, Ellen.

Marilyn: Go ahead, Philip.We should all take a little break before dessert.

Ellen: Oh, who could that be? Oh, it must be Alexandra. I invited her to come by for dessert.

Robbie: You did?

Grandpa: I like Ellen.

Robbie: You know everyone, Alexandra.

Ellen: No, she doesn't know Harry Bennett and his daughter Michelle.

Alexandra: Nice to meet you.

Harry&Michelle: Hi.

Marilyn&Michelle: Hello,Alexandra.

Alexandra: Hi, Marilyn.Hi, Susa... Happy Thanksgiving.

Ellen: And Alexandra brought us a pumpkin pie.

Robbie: Please sit down, Alexandra. Dad, Richard-Alexandra's here.

Richard: Michigan needs a touchdown. Three minutes to play. Hi, Alexandra. Welcome.

Philip: Hello, Alexandra, Yes, Michigan needs a touchdown. One tiny little touchdown, with just three minutes to play.

Alexanda: You want Michigan to win.

Philip: How'd you guess?

Ellen: What happened?

Philip: We forgot to trun the over on .

Ellen: We did? Philip, why don't you go watch the last three minutes of the game.I will serve coffee and pumpkin pie.

Philip: OK. I'll be back in a few minutes.

Ellen: Robbie,would you bring the dessert plates. And, Marilyn, would you pour coffee, please.

Marilyn: Sure, Ellen.

Grandpa: How was your Thanksgiving dinner, Alexandra?

Alexandra: Just wouderful, Mr. Stewart. The Molinas are a large family. I love being with them.

Robbie: I'm glad you came by , Alexandra.

Alexandra: I am, too.

Philip: Touchdown! Touchdown! Touchdown!

Grandpa: Great Thanksgiving. Lots to be thankful for. Michigan scored a touchdown. Alexandra came by . And nobody misses Philip's famous apple pie.

Ellen: Oh, Grandpa!
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:42:29
EPISODE 7 Me's Bast Friend


Act 1.

Alexandra: Robbie, this new Walkman is absolutely wonderful.

Robbie: Richard and Marilyn bought it for me for my birthday.

Alexandra: They're so thoughtful. You are very lucky, Robbie, To have such a nice family.

Robbie: Is something wrong, Alexandra?

Alexandra: No, nothing.

Robbie: Yes, there is. I can tell. What's the matter? Come on, you can tell me .What's up?

Alexandra: I don't know. Something's wrong.

Robbie: OK, let's talk.

Alexandra: I received a letter from my partents this morning.

Robbie: Did they write some bad news?

Alexandra: No.

Robbie: Well, then why are you so sad?

Alexandra: I miss them. I miss them very much.

Robbie: I'm sorry. Alexandra. But I understand.

Alexandra: The Mollnas treat me so nicely, and I love being with you family so much... but when I received the letter with photographs of my family, I cried. I cried because I miss them all.

Robbie: You really miss your family, don't you?

Alexandra: Yes.I know I must seem silly. It's not like I have nobody. I Like the Molinas very much, and they're so kind to me.

Robbie: Hey, why don't we go out for a cheeseburger and French mes? That'll cheer you up. And you can use my Walkman.

Alexandra: That's a good idea. But if we go out, please don't complain about your math teacher or your math homework. I want to have fun.

Robbie: So do I.

Robbie: I have to turn off the lights, or else my father will get really angry. He says I never turn them out when I leave. If they come home and they're on...

Robbie: Do you hear something?

Alexandra: Yes. What was that?

Robbie: It sounded like a dog barking.

Alexandra: It sounded like a dog barking right here.

Robbie: Yeah.

Alexandra: A dog!

Robbie: A sprinel! Come on in! Make yourself at home.

Alexandra: Oh,you poor little thing. Come here.

Robbie: Come on.

Alexandra: Poor baby.

Robbie: Where did you come from?

Alexandra: Her name's Gemma, and she belongs to Mr.and Mrs.Levinson. There's a phone number-five five five...eight four four eight. Robbie, maybe you should call them and tell the Levinsons we have their cute little spaniel.

Robbie: I've always wanted a springer spaniel.She's so cute.

Operator: The number you ae calling-555-8448-is no longer in service.

Robbie: The number's no longer in sevice.

Alexandra: Oh, you poor, poor baby. You've lost your family.

Robbie: We'll find them. Don't worry, Alexandra.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:42:44
Act 2.

Robbie: Don't worry, Alexandra. We'll find the owner.

Alexandra: How, Robbie?

Robbie: Let me think.

Alexandra: Gemma, sit. Good Gemma.Give me your paw.Good Gemma.This dog is well trained.

Robbie: With a little help from the ASPCA, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. They're the ones.We once found a cat. She was caught in the branches of our tree.And Dad called the ASPCA.They came and solved the


Alexandra: Robbie, let's call them.

Robbie: Let me see-ASPCA....Here it is.ASPCA Animal Shelter. 555-7700.

Linda: Hello, ASPCA.

Robbie: Hello,my name is Robbie Stewart. I have a lost dog I'd like to bring to you. How late are you open?

Linda: We're open till nine P.M.

Robbie: Thank you. I'll bring the dog over by nine.

Linda: Thanks. Bye.

Robbie: Thanks. Good-bye.

Alexandra: They're still open?

Robbie: They're open until nine 0'clock. We have two and a half hours. Let's take Gemma by there now. They'll find the owner.

Alexandra: I hope so. I'm so sad to see this little dog without her family.

Robbie: I'm sure they'll find the owner . But if they don't, I'll adopt her. She's so cute. Look at those eyes. She's hard to resist .Don't you just love her?

Alexandra: I'd like to keep her, too. But I'll be going home to Greece at the end of the semester. She just wants love and affection.Come on, Robbie. Let's get her to the animal shelter, so they can find her owners quickly. Don't worry, Gemma. We'll get you home. It's not easy being away from home.

Robbie: Come on, Poochie. Atta girl! Let's go .We're off to the animal shelter.

Linda: Your name?

Robbie: Robbie Stewart. And this is Alexandra Pappas.

Linda: Your name will do, Mr.Stewart. Your address?

Robbie: 46Linden Street, Riverdale.

Linda: Where did you find the dog?

Alexandra: She found us.

Linda: You tried calling the number on the collar?

Robbie: Yes, but the number's no longer in service.

Linda: And there's no address on the dog tag?

Alexandra: There's no other information.

Linda: No ID number. Without that, it's hard.

Alexandra: You will try to find the dog's owner.

Linda: Oh, we'll try, believe me.

Robbie: And if you don't?

Linda: Yes?

Robbie: If you don't... can I...can I adopt the dog?

Linda: Why, yes. If the owners don't claim the dog in forty-eight hours, then you can apply for adoption.

Robbie: How do I do that?

Alexandra: You really want to ?

Robbie: Yes. I'm serious. If no one comes to claim Gemma, I'd like to adopt her.

Linda: It's not diffcult.
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