






发布者: david | 发布时间: 2007-9-12 22:19| 查看数: 19011| 评论数: 79|


david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:43:01
Act 3.

Linda: OK. If you want to adopt an animal, first we need to know some references.

Robbie: References? People we know?

Linda: Friends, teachers... We need to talk to some people about you We want to be sure that you're responsible and that you can take good care of an animal. Then you have to till out this form about your family background.

Robbie: Is that it?

Linda: No, there's more. We need to know about your history with animals. Have you ever owned an animal?

Robbie: Yes. We had a cat when I was eight years old. I love cats.

Linda: Do you have any animals now?

Robbie: Umfortunately,no.

Alexcandra: Anything else?

Linda: We also lide to know your reasons for wanting an animal.

Alexcandra: Just to hold it and cuddle with it. Just to have as a pet I love animals.

Robbie: To have a friend-a pal. You know, man's best friend is his dog.

Linda: And one thing more. If you're under twenty-one years of age...

Robbie: That's me.

Linda: Then an adult must sign for you.

Alexandra: Uh-oh.

Robbie: No problem.My parents will think it's a good idea. I'll be back with them.

Alexandra: If the real owners don't come to claim Gemma...

Linda: After forty-eight huors. But please call first.

Robbie: Thanks for your information and for being so helpful.

Linda: It's my pleasure. Nice talking to both of you.

Robbie: Thanks again. Bye.

Alexandra: Maybe the real owners will come to claim her.

Robble: Her eyes look so sad. She must really miss them.

Linda: I see you're both animal lovers

Robbie: We are.

Alexandra: Good-bye, Miss Aborn. We'll call in a couple of days.

Linda: Good-bye, and thanks for bringing Gemma in.

Robbie: Bye.

Alexandra: I keep thinking about the dog-about Gemma, alone in the animal shelter.

Robbie: I know. But I promse you, Alexandra, the dog is just fine.They're very kind to the animals.

Alexandra: I know they are. I mean about her being alone. Even if they are kind to Gemma, she's still alone, without her family

Waiter: Ready, folks?

Robbie: Are you ready, Alexandra?

Alexandra: Yes, I'm ready. I'll have the chefs salad, please.

Robbie: I will have a cheeseourger, medium rare, with raw onion, and French fries, please.

Waiter: Anything to drink?

Alexandra: A diet cola, please.

Robbie: Ginger ale with lots of ice for me, thank you.

Waiter: I've got it. Thanks.

Robbie: Aren't you surprised that the animal shelter is so careful about finding homes for the animals?

Alexandra: No, I'm not.

Waiter: And a cheeseburger, medium rare, with onion and French fries .And a ginger ale with lots of ice. Salad dressing?

Robbie: Hey, I wanted you to hear my new sound system when the dog scratched on the front door.Let's finish eating, and then we'll go back to my house. I want you to hear my new tapes. I've got some areat new dance music.

Robbie: Hell.Stewart residence.

Linda: Hello. Is Robbie Stewart there?

Robbie: This is he. Who's this?

Linda: This is Linda Aborn from the animal shelter.

Robbie: It's Linda from the animal shetter. Yes, Linda. Hi.

Linda: We have good news and bad news, Robbie.

Robbie: Oh?

Linda: The good news is that the Levinsons have come by to pick up the dog. The bad news is, you won't be able to adopt the dog.

Robbie: That's OK.

Linda: Come by one day and look at some of the other dogs. I'm suer there's one for you. Thanks, Robbie. And the Levinsons thank you for bringing their dog to us.

Robbie: Thanks, Linda. Bye.

Alexandra: The owners clairned Gemma?

Robbie: That's right.

Alexandra: I'm glad for the dog.

Robbie: I guess I am , too. She said if I come by, She'll help me fine another dog.

Alexandra: Come on .Let's dance.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:43:19
EPISODE 8 You're Goingto Be Fine


Act 1.

Philip: Molly, I need your special talent for handing special maters.

Molly: Like what special matters?

Philip: Well, I have a scheduling problem.

Molly: Yes?

Philip: I have three tonsillectomies set for Friday with Dr. Earl.

Molly: Yes?

Philip: I need to fit a fourth operation into his schedule. And...I know you can do it.

Molly: Who's the patient?

Philip: Carl Herrera. The boy has infected tonsils, and we should remove them as soon as possible.

Molly: Well, I'll try to arrange th schedule, Dr. Stewart. But it's not going to be easy.

Philip: I know you'll be able to take care of it.

Philip: Well, Mrs. Herrera, Carl will be perfectly fine after we remove his tonsils.

Mother: Thank you for your reassurance, Dr. Stewart. He's had so many colds and sore throats recently.

Philip: Well, It's a very easy operation, Carl. You won't feel a thing.

Carl: But when do they do it?

Philip: This Friday.

Carl: But Saturday's my birthday.

Philip: Well, we could reschedule the operation, Mrs. Herrera, but I don't want to put it off too long.

Mother: No, I think it's important to do it now. We can have a birthday party for you, Carl, when you come out of the hospital.

Philip: Nurse Baker, would you come in, please?

Molly: Come with me, Carl. You and I will talk this over.

Mother: She has a special way with kids.

Philip: She sure does.

Molly: Carl, does your throat hurt?

Carl: Yes.

Molly: OK. Do you want to get better?

Carl: Yes.

Molly: OK. We want you to get better, too. You'll have your tonsils out tomorrow, and you won't get so many colds anymore.

Carl: But if I have my tonsils out tomorrow, I'll miss my birthday party on Saturday.

Molly: I know. It's a problem, isn't it? Let me try to work something out.

Carl: What?

Molly: I have to think about it.

Carl: You're fooling me .

Molly: Oh, I'm not, Carl. Give me a chance to think about it, and I'll come up with something.

Carl: A surprise?

Molly: Maybe. But you just put on your pajamas and robe, and I'll think of a surprise.

Carl: Will it hurt?

Molly: No. There are other boys and girls here, and they're having their tonsils out. You'll meet them.

Carl: I don't want to.

Molly: Change your clothes, Carl. Everything will be just fine.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:43:39
Act 2.

Molly: OK. Do you know how to play charades?

Molly: Frank, you've never played charades?

Frank: Nope.

Molly: Carl, you're sure you've never played? OK, Betty, Tim, and Frank. We're going to play charades. Frank, you can learn as we go. And, Carl, you join in at anytime. OK, let me think. OK, I've got one .All right.

Betty: A movie! A movie!

Molly: Right. A movie. OK.

Tim: Six words. It has six words.

Frank: That's easy. I can play.

Molly: Good. OK. We've got a movie. The title.

Betty: Six words.

Molly: Right. First word...

Betty: Sounds like.

Tim: Sounds like...

Molly: You got that part right. Yes.

Betty: Sounds like...

Time: Sounds like what?

Frank: Sounds like no.

Molly: Absolutely right, Frank. Sounds like no. OK. We've got a movie. Six words. The first word sounds like no.

Frank: Row. Row.

Tim: Go.

Molly: Nope.

Tim: Show. That's It-show.

Molly: No...OK...

Betty: Snow.

Molly: Absolutely right, Betty. Sounds like no-snow. OK, a movie. Six words. The first word is snow.

Frank: This is fun.

Molly: Oh, OK.

Betty: The fifth word.

Molly: Right, fifth word.

Tim: Seven?

Molly: Absolutely right. Very good. The fifth word is seven. OK, we've got a movie. The first word is snow. Fifth word, seven.

Betty: I got it! I got it!

Frank: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Betty: I got it!

Frank: I got it!

Molly: Carl, now you know charades. Why don't join us?

Carl: I don't like charades. It's for babies.

Molly: Oh, I like it

Carl: Well, they're babies.

Betty: You're a sore loser.

Tim: Yeah.

Molly: No arguing. Save your voices. Between now and tomorrow you're all going to have your tonsils out. And you won't be able to speak for a while. So save your voices till then.

Philip: Hi, gang. Hi, everybody. Well, what's going on?

Molly: I sure I am glad to see you, Dr. Stewart. This is a rough group.

Carl: I didn't want to play charades, so they're angry at me.

Philip: Why don't you want to play?

Carl: Because I don't want to be here. I don't want my tonsils out.

Philip: Why not?

Carl: Because my birthday is tomorrow. My mother promised me a birthday party with a clown.

Molly: But you can have on when you go home, Carl.

Carl: But my birthday is tomorrow.

Philip: I'm sorry, Carl.

Molly: Carl, you'll have your party when you go home.

Carl: But it won't be on my birthday! And you promised me a surprise.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:43:55
Act 3.

Molly: It hurts, doesn't it?

Molly: You'll feel better tomorrow, Betty, believe me. Only one day, and it won't hurt as much. Do you feel like eating? Having some dinner? Oh, don't look so sad. Let me tell you about your dinner. It's ice cream

Molly: Ice cream. All kinds of flavors. Chocolate.

Molly: Strawberry?

Molly: Vanilla?

Molly: Vanilla, too?

Molly: I see you're feeling better already, Betty. So you will have dinner?

Molly: OK, honey, we'll see to it that you have strawberry and vanilla ice cream. Just rest now. You need some rest to help you get better quickly. Hi Frank. How you doing?

Molly: Oh, come on now. You're a big boy. It doesn't hurt that much, does it? Oh, I'm sorry it hurts so much, and won't be able to have dinner. You're just going to have to have ice cream. Yes, Ice cream. Lots of flavors. Want to hear them?

Molly: Chocolate?

Molly: Then chocolate it is. One scoop or two?

Molly: Three scoops?

Molly: Then three it will be.

Molly: You want three scoops also?

Molly: Chocolate, too?

Molly: Well, I see you're feeling better.

Molly: Well, at least you're acting like you feel better. Three scoops of chocolate ice cream for Tim coming up. Hi, Carl. How you doing?

Molly: I know it hurts. But it'll be better tomorrow. In the meantime, what would you like?

Carl: Surprise.

Molly: A surprise? I promised you a surprise, didn't I? And it wasn't just ice cream, was it?

Molly: Your birthday is tomorrow, isn't it?

Molly: Well, maybe, just maybe, there will be a surprise. But first you have to smile. I just want to see one smile from you.

Molly: No smile, no surprise . That's the deal. No smile, no surprise. If you want a surprise, then you've got to smile first.

Molly: How you all doing? Well, I'm glad you're feeling better because we have a little surprise for you today. It's Carl's birthday, and we have Popo the Clown to entertain you. And here he is -- Popo the Clown.

Philip: Happy birthday, Carl. Happy birthday. All right everybody. OK, Carl. It's yur birthday. What's your wish? What would you like?

Philip: Hmm?

Molly: You want to play charades?
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:45:02
EPISODE 9 It's Up to You


Act 1.

Robbie: Who is it?

Philip: Dad.

Robbie: Come on in, Dad.

Philip: I thought you might be hungry. I brought you a chicken sandwich and a glass of milk.

Robbie: I am hungry. Thanks, Dad. What time is it, anyway?

Philip: Ten 0'clock. What are you working on?

Robbie: I'm writing a story for the high-school paper.

Philip: Can't you finish it tomorrow?

Robbie: No, I have to turn it in in the morning.

Philip: What's it about?

Robbie: I'm writing an article on the feelings about graduation.

Philip: And...how do you feel?

Robbie: Me? A little scared. And excited, too.

Philip: I felt the same way.

Robbie: The scary part's leaving home and moving to college.

Philip: Oh, leaving home is part of growing up. Well, don't work all night.

Robbie: I don't mind. I enjoy writing.

Philip: Well, maybe you should think about becoming a writer.

Robbie: Maybe I should.

Philip; You have lots of time to decide.

Robbie: That's the worst part-making decisions.

Philip: You'll be OK. Good night, Son.

Robbie: Good night, Dad.


Philip: "Hail to the victors valiant, Hail to the conquering heroes, Hail, Hail to Michigan, The champions of the West!"

Philip: Ah, good morning Robbie.

Robbie: Good morning, Dad.

Grandpa: How's my grandson?

Robbie: Fine, Grandpa. Fine! What's all the cheering about Did the University f Michigan another football game?

Grandpa: Better than that. Tell him Philip.

Philip: I just spoke with Charley Rafer.

Robbie: Who's Charley Rafer?

Philip: He's the Dean of Admission for the University of Michigan.

Grandpa: And it turns out he's a classmate of Philip's.

Philip: We were both on the tennis team.

Robbie: Great!

Philip: It is great. He's going to be in New York tomorrow to interview applicants for admission.

Grandpa: And he's agreed to fit you into his schedule.

Robbie: But I may not want to go to Michigan.

Philip: It's one of the best schools in the country, Robbie. I studied medicine there. Your grandfather went to the Engineering School there.

Robbie: I know that, but...

Grandpa: You said you wanted to be a doctor like your father.

Robbie: Not exactly.

Grandpa: You couldn't pick a finer medical school than Michigan.

Robbie: Yes, I know that.

Philip: Let's meet with Charley at the university club. Ten 0'clock tomorrow morning. It doesn't mean you're going Michigan.

Grandpa: It doesn't mean you have to be a doctor. But the interview will be good experience for you.

Robbie: In that case, it's OK. Dad, growing up means making my own decisions, doesn't it?

Philip: You're right, Robbie. But, like your Grandpa suggested, have the interview.

Grandpa: And then make your own decision.

Robbie: That sounds fine.

Philip: I know it's sudden, Robbie, but this is an important opportunity. We'll head down there first thing tomorrow morning. OK?

Robbie: Sure, Dad.

Philip: I want you to know something, Son. I'm...very proud of you.

Robbie: Thanks, Dad.

Philip: Well, I've got an appointment at the hospital. I'll see you all at dinnertime.

Robbie: Bye, Dad.

Grandpa: Is something still wrong, Robbie?

Robbie: I'll be OK.

Grandpa: Going away to college for the first time always makes one a little nervous.

Robbie: I guess so. I'll be OK. I just need time to think.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:45:20
Act 2.

Philip: Sorry, Robbie. Sorry to be late this morning, but, well, we've still got some time for a cup of coffee. I can't wait to see my old pal Charley Rafer.

Robbie: Neither can I.

Philip: So you thought about it, huh?

Robbie: Yes, I have, Dad.

Philip: Well, I'm glad. I knew you'd realize that this interview could be an important experience for you.

Robbie: I came to the conclusion.

Philip: That's very wise, Robbie. Very wise. Now let's head off for the city and the university club.

Robbie: Thanks, Dad.

Philip: Thanks...for what?

Robbie: Thanks for hearing me out. And...

Philip: And...?

Robbie: And thanks for being such an understanding father.

Philip: Well, thank you, Robbie. Thank you.

Dean: Philip Stewart! It's great to see you!

Philip: Charley Rafer-you look as young as ever.

Dean: You must be Robbie.

Robbie: Hi.

Philip: Yes, this is my youngest son Robbie. Robbie, I want you to meet one of the best tennis players on the Michigan team-Charley Rafer.

Robbie: Nice to meet you, Dean Rafer.

Dean: Well, are you as good a tennis player as your dad?

Robbie: No, I'm not very good at it.

Philip: Frankly, neither was I. Charley was the star of the team.

Dean: Yeah. Thanks. Well, how've you been, Philip?

Philip: Oh, working too hard.

Dean: Doesn't show. How's Ellen?

Philip: Fine, thank you. And how's Marge?

Dean: She's still giving the toughest English history exams in the school and loving every minute of it. And speaking of minutes, I have interviews until noon, so why don't we get right to work?

Philip: Can you have lunch with us later?

Dean: I'd love to , Philip, but I'm afraid I can't. I'm only here two days, and I have interviews with twenty-six applicants.

Philip: I understand. Well, thanks. I'll wait outside. Good luck, Son.

Dean: Did you bring your transcript from high school?

Robbie: Yes, sir. Right here.

Dean: Thank you. Please sit down.

Dean: I see under "activities" that you've been writing for the school paper.

Robbie: Yes, sir.

Dean: What kinds of articles have you written?

Robbie: All kinds-sports, editorials, theater reviews. You name it, I've written it.

Dean: Hmmm. Well, have you ever thought of becoming a journalist?

Robbie: A professional writer? Not until recently.

Dean: Michigan has a fine School of Journalism.

Robbie: Yes, I know that.

Dean: You seem to have some reservations.

Robbie: I'm a little uncertain.

Dean: It's been very nice talking to you.

Robbie: Nice talking to you, sir.

Dean: One piece of advice. The most important thing is for you to decided your own future.

Robbie: Yes, sir. Good-bye. Dean Rafer.

Dean: Good-bye. Robbie. Good luck.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:45:37
Act 3.

Mike: I had an interview today, too. I had a great interview with Admissions at Columbia University.

Robbie: Really? What did they say? Will you get into the school?

Mike: Well, they didn't say anything for sure. But I figure that with my grades and with my personality, I'll have no problem.

Robbie: Columbia's a terrific school. What are you going to do?

Mike: Do? I don't know. I also applied to NYU.

Robbie: You sound excited about Columbia. What's your problem, Mike?

Mike: Indecision. Indecision. It's not easy, and this is an important decision we have to make. What about you? How as your interview with Michigan?

Robbie: The interview was fine.

Mike: It's a great college.

Robbie: It is. My father would like me to go there. He and my Grandpa both went there.

Mike: Great medical school, too.

Robbie: I know.

Mike: You can follow in your father's footsteps.

Robbie: Ah! I'd like to follow in my own footsteps, Mike.

Mike: What do you want to study?

Robbie: I've been thinking. I think I want to study journalism to be a reporter-a newspaperman.

Mike: You do a pretty good job on the Riverdale High School paper.

Robbie: And I've been thinking about it a lot lately.

Mike: Have you discussed it with your parents?

Robbie: No. But I have to.

Mike: OK. Let's talk.

Philip: Hi, Dad. Everything's fine. I was just waiting for your to get home so we could talk.

Philip: Anything special you want to talk about?

Robbie: There is, Dad.

Philip; I'm listening.

Robbie: Well, I know you and Mom have given up a lot to save money for my college tuition.

Philip: We want you to go to college, Robbie.

Robbie: I know. I do.

Philip: But?

Robbie: Well, I've Thought a lot about which college, and one of them is Columbia.

Philip: Columbia? Why Columbia?

Robbie: First, they have an excellent School of Journalism.

Philip: They do. And your friends are planning to go to Columbia?

Robbie: That's only part of it. It's complicated. I'll try to explain. Mike and I had a hamburger this afternoon, and we talked.

Philip: Yes?

Robbie: Well, we talked about a lot of thing .He applied to Columbia, and his interview was very successful. He thinks he'll be accepted, and he really wants to go there.

Philip: Dean Rafer called me today. He told me he was very impressed with you.

Robbie: He's a nice man. He was very kind.

Philip: He told me you had some doubts about wanting to go to Michigan.

Robbie: Yes. I do. I'm just not sure about what I want to do.

Philip: That's OK.

Robbie: You understand?

Philip: Let me tell you something, Robbie. Something that might be surprising to you.

Robbie: What? Tell me.

Philip: Well, Grandpa wanted me to study engineering, like him. Well, I wasn't clear about my future, but I knew engineering was not for me.

Robbie: What did you tell Grandpa?

Philip: The truth.

Robbie: Then you're not upset about my not wantin to go into medicine?

Philip: I'm not upset at all. I'm just happy that we're able to talk about it.

Robbie: I am too, Dad.

Philip: I suppose you want to apply to Columbia.

Robbie: Yes, but I also wanted to apply to several other colleges.

Philip: I thought you wanted to go to Columbia.

Robbie: Well, I might want to go to Columbia. But I might not. I just want to be able to make my own decision.

Philip: You're a real Stewart!

Robbie: And if I think about it long enough, you never know...

Philip: Never know what?

Robbie: If I make my own decision, I might choose Michigan.

Philip: Robbie, you're something! You know, when I was your age, said exactly the same thing to Grandpa.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:45:57
EPISODE 10 Smell the Flowers


Act 1.

Sam: Good morning, Susan.

Susan: Good morning, Sam . What's the schedule today?

Sam: Ten 0'clock, telephone FAO Schwarz about the new twin baby dolls.

Susan: OK.

Sam: Telephone Mrs. Zaskey at the advertising agency.

Susan: I did that. Go on.

Sam: Eleven 0'clock, approve the sketches for the toy spaceship.

Susan: Where are they?

Sam: Right here.

Susan: Did you look at them?

Sam: Yes, I did.

Susan: What do you think of the spaceship?

Sam: I think the kids'll love it.

Susan: Would you show me the drawings, please?

Sam: Huh.

Susan: Now, what else is on the schedule today?

Sam: Well, at one o'clock you have a lunch appointment with Mr.Levine, the client from the Toytown Stores.

Susan: Where?

Sam: At Rossano's.

Susan: Hmm. Anything else?

Sam: At four o'clock, you have a meeting with the production staff in the conference room.

Susan: Make sure everybody is at that meeting.

Sam: Will do. At six you're meeting Mr.Ozawa.

Susan: Oh, yes. Are his models here?

Sam: They're in my office.

Susan: I'd like to see them.

Sam: Right.

Susan: What else?

Susan: Come on, Sam...

Sam: You work hard, Susan. When was your last day off?

Susan: Hmm. I can't remember.

Sam: You really ought to take some time off.

Susan: What for?

Sam: To enjoy the simple things in life...

Susan: I know, Sam. Maybe soon.

Sam: To smell the flowers.

Susan: Oh, wait a minute. What's today' date?

Sam: Today is the twelfth. Why?

Susan: It seems to me I scheduled something else.

Sam: There's nothing else in the appointment book.

Susan: I'm sure I did. Oh, well, I'll probably remember it later.

Sam: I hope it isn't important.

Susan: Hmm. It's probably nothing. OK, let's get started. Would you call Priscilla Smith at FAO Schwarz, please?

Sam: Right.

Sam These are the models from the Japanese film maker.

Susan: Thank you. Just put them on my desk.

Sam: And the new drawings for the toy spaceship.

Susan: Wonderful. That was fast.

Sam: We have a new artist. She's very talented.

Susan: What time is it, anyway? My watch stopped.

Sam: It's eleven thirty.

Susan: What time is my lunch date with Bill Levine.

Sam: One 0'clock.

Susan: Remind me to leave at twelve forty-five.

Sam: Did you remember your other appointment for today?

Susan: No, but I have a feeling it's going to be too late when I do remember.

Susan: Yes, Sam?

Sam: I just solved the mystery.

Susan: What did I forget?

Sam: You have some guests in the reception room.

Susan: What? Who?

Sam: Mr. Harry Bennett and his daughter.

Susan: I remember! Oh... Harry! I made a lunch date with him and his daughter weeks ago.

Sam: Is he a client?

Susan: He's a friend.

Sam: Well, He's here with his daughter to have lunch.

Susan: I met her at Thanksgiving, and I promised to have lunch with both of them today.

Sam: Yes, indeed. What are you going to do about your appointment with Mr.Levine?

Susan: Any suggestions? Oh!
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:46:13
Act 2.

Susan: Hi, Michelle. Hello, Harry. It's nice to see you again.

Michelle: Hello.

Harry: Hi, Susan. We have both been excited about seeing you and having lunch with you today. Michelle picked these flowers out for you.

Michelle: Daddy, can we go soon?

Harry: We're going to go to lunch in a few minutes, honey.

Michelle: But I'm thirsty.

Harry: OK. You go out and get a drink of water at the fountain.

Susan: The fountain is over there, Michelle. Near the Exit sign.

Michelle: Thank you.

Harry: Michelle is a little shy.

Susan: I used to be that way when I was her age. Harry, if Michelle doesn't want to go, we don't have to.

Harry: She'll be fine. Remember, I haven't dated anyone else since her mother died. This is a little difficult for her. Are you ready to go?

Susan: Yes. But could you wait one minute? I have a call to make. Would you excuse me?

Susan: Sam, get Mr. Levine a Toytown Stores on the telephone for me, please.

Sam: Right. Hello. Susan Stewart calling Mr. Levine, Susan Stewart. I find myself in an barrassing situation. I made another lunch date for today and forgot to enter it in my appointment book. Can you and I meet for drinks tomorrow? I'd really appreciate it... Yes...Thank you...Tomorrow at five o'clock at the Biltrnore. I'll see you then.

thank you, Mr.Levine.

Waiter: Welcome to the South Street Restaurant, folks. What'll it be?

Harry: What do you recommend?

Waiter: Well, the crab salad's always a big hit.

Harry: Susan, would you like the crab salad?

Susan: I'd love the crab salad.

Harry: Michelle, would you like to try the crab salad, too?

Michelle: OK, Daddy.

Harry: We'll have three crab salads and a pitcher of lemonade.

Waiter: Help yourself to celery and carrots and other vegetables.

Harry: We used to catch crabs.

Susan: Where was that?

Harry: We had a summer house on Fire island. Do you remember, Michelle?

Michelle: Sure. You and Mommy used to take me on the ferryboat.

Harry: Sometimes, at night, we would go down to the beach and catch crabs, remember?

Michelle: With a piece of meat on a string!

Harry: Right. Well, I think I'm going to go get us all some vegetables.

Waiter: There you go.

Susan: Thank you.

Waiter: And some ice-cold lemonade.

Susan: Thank you.

Waiter: Enjoy it.

Susan: Michelle, can I help you with the lemonade?

Michelle: No, thank you, I'll wait for my father.

Susan: Michelle, can we have a talk?

Michelle: Sure.

Susan: I know you miss your mother.

Michelle: You do? Susan: Yes. And I'm not trying to take her place.

Michelle: Then why are you and Daddy spending so much time together?

Susan: Because we like each other. And right now, he needs a friend.

Michelle: I'm his friend.

Susan: I know you are.

Michelle: Sometimes he's very sad.

Susan: And so are you, I think.

Michelle: Sometimes.

Susan: I'd like to be your friend, too. Will you let me be your friend, Michelle?

Harry: So, what were you two talking about?

Michelle: Just girl talk, daddy. It's too hard to explain.

Harry: You're probably right. Well, let's get started.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:46:26
Act 3.

Susan: Oh, it's a quarter to four, and I have a production meeting at four.

Harry: I planned to take you for a ride in Central Park in a horse and carriage.

Susan: Harry, I'd love to , but I have work to do.

Harry: OK. We'll walk back to your office with you. It's so nice out. I decided to forget about my accounting problems and just enjoy this beautiful spring day. Take the time, Susan.

Susan: I know I should, but... well, there are too many things to do.

Harry; I understand. I'll go for a ride with Michelle.

Susan: Right. Well, I had a really nice time.

Harry: So did I.

Michelle: So did I. I'm sorry you can't come with us, Susan.

Susan: So am I.

Harry: Bye-bye.

Susan: Harry! Michelle! Can you wait till I make a phone call?

Harry; Sure.

Sam: Susan Stewart's office.

Susan: Sam, this is Susan.

Sam: Hi. How was lunch?

Susan: Fine.

Sam: You're late. The production department's waiting in the conference room.

Susan: I know. Ask Paul Smith to fill in for me. He knows everything about the production schedule, and he can answer any questions.

Sam: Right.

Susan: Don't tell anyone, but I'm taking a little time to smell the flowers.

Sam: Good for you. It'll be our secret.

Susan: But schedule another production meeting for tomorrow. I'll be back for my six o'clock appointment with Mr. Ozawa.

Sam: OK, Susan. And have a nice afternoon.

Susan: Thanks

Harry: She likes you.

Susan: I know. I like her.

Harry: How'd you do it?

Susan: We had a talk.

Harry: About what?

Susan: Life.

harry: And what did you decide?

Susan: That's a secret...between us women.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:46:42
EPISODE 11 A Place of Our Own


Act 1.

Marilyn: Ellen, I'd like your opinion

Ellen: About what?

Marilyn: Well, Richard and I feel that with a baby coming we need to have our own place to live.

Ellen: Oh.

Marilyn: Well, what do you think about Richard and me looking for a small house or an apartmnt at this point in our lives?

Ellen: We love having you here, and there is room, and...and when the baby comes, the baby can stay in your room for a while.

Marilyn: Richard feels we need to find a small house.

Ellen: I remember when I was pregnant with Richard. Philip and I were living with Grandma and Grandpa. Philip was a young doctor, and he kept talking about having a house of our own. It's natural.

Marilyn: What did you do ?

Ellen: We looked at a lot of houses.

Marilyn: Did you find one?

Ellen: Oh, not at first. We couldn't afford it. Grandpa wanted to led us the money to buy one, but Philip is too independent. He didn't want to borrow any money.

Marilyn: Sounds like Richard.

Ellen: They're all alike. Richard is a real Stewart. He's independent, and sometimes just stubbom.

Marilyn: When did you buy a house?

Ellen: After Richard was born. I was teaching music, and Philip was opening his first medical office.

Marilyn: Where was the house?

Ellen: Right here in Riverdate. Of course, it was a small house, but just right for us.

Marilyn: It's funny. History repeats itself. Now Richard and I are having a baby, and we probably won't be able to afford a house right away, either.

Ellen: Why don't you look at some houses, Marilyn?

Marilyn: Good idea.

Ellen: Look in the real-estate section of Sunday's Times. You'll learn a lot.

Marilyn: Maybe we should speak to a real-estate agent about a house.

Ellen: And a bank about a mortgage.

Marilyn: I'll talk to Richard about it. I think it's a good idea, Ellen. We can learn a lot by asking.

Ellen: And if I can be of any help, let me know. As a matter of fact, my friend Virginia Martinelli is a real-estate agent.

Marilyn: Good.

Ellen: You won't believe this, but she sold us our first house and this one.

Marilyn: Well, I'll tell Richard, and we'll go to see her. Do you think the skirt length is right, Ellen? Do you think it's too long?

Ellen: I think the skirt is just right. Are you planning to attach a train to it?

Marilyn: No. No train. Just the dress. But I am going to make a headpiece of lace.

Ellen: That dress is gorgeous.

Marilyn: Thanks, Ellen. And thanks for the advice about the house. I'll talk to Richard about it the minute the comes home.

Ellen: And remember, we love having you here. There's no need to rush.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:46:57
Act 2.

Virginia: I remember yuor parents' first house very well. It was on Spring Avenue, near the park.

Richard: I grew up in that house.

Virginia: Yes, and you were such a cute baby.

Marilyn : I've seen pictures of him. He had blond hair.

Virginia: I've been friendly with the Stewart family for a long time, so It's my pleasure to help you find a house now.

Richard: Well, we're not sure we can afford one.

Marilyn: But we'd like to find ut about the possibilities.

Virginia: That's a good idea. I love your house on Linden Street. I sold your father that house seventeen years ago.

Marilyn: Really?

Richard: Yes, Mom was pregnant with Robbie then, and they needed the extra room.

Virginia: I hear you're expecting a baby, Mrs.Stewart.

Marilyn: Mmm-hmm. So we will be needing more room.

Virginia: Oh, so you don't need something immediately?

Richard: No. But in five or six months...

Marilyn: And time passes so quickly.

Virginia: Yes, it does. Well, when you called, you gave me enough information about your salaries and your savings. So I have a good idea about your financial situation. Let me show your some pictures of houses.

Marilyn: With two bedrooms?

Virginia: Yes, I think I can show you some. Of course, they won't be in Riverdale. The cost of housing's too high for you here.

Richard: I haven't thought about living anywhere else. We've always lived in this area.

Marilyn: Where should we look for a house, Mrs.Martinelli?

Virginia: Well, we have an office in Mount Kisco. It's a lovely area, and it's only about an hour's rive from here. Here. I have a book with photos of some homes in that area. Now, let's see. Here. This is a lovely two-bedroom house in your price range.

Marilyn: It's pretty, but I prefer a two-story home.

Richard: I do, too. I don't care for a ranch type.

Virginia: OK. Oh, this is a wonderful house. I know it well. I sold it to the present owners.

Richard: It looks wonderful.

Virginia: This is a two-bedroom, two-bath house. It has a full basement, and it is on a half- acre lot. You can probably afford this one.

Marilyn: I like this house.

Richard: So do I.

Virginia: And the price is right. Would you like to go see it?

Richard: Yes. We're planning to talk to someone at the bank next week. Perhaps we could see the house this weekend.

Virginia: If some one doesn't buy it before then. But let's keep looking. Just to get an idea of some other possibilities.

Richard: This is very helpful, Mrs. Martinelli.

Virginia: Here. This is a wonderful example of Spanish-style architecture.

Richard: Oh, I love the roof tiles on a Spanish-style house.

Marilyn: It looks like the houses in Hollywood.

Virginia: It's interesting. A house like this in Riverdale costs double the price. Oh my! Here's a real buy. It's a bargain. This house just came on the market.

Marilyn: It's quite lovely. Is it a two-bedroom house?

Virginia: No. It has three bedrooms and three baths. I know the house. It has a brand new kitchen. And a living room with a twelve-foot ceiling. And there's a two-car garage.

Richard: Then why don't we go look at this house, too?

Virginia: It's a good investment.

Richard: Thank you, Mrs. Martinelli.

Marilyn: Thanks so much.

Virginia: My pleasure. Give my best to your parents.

Virginia: Your father's a wonderful doctor, Richard. He took care of my daughter when she was a child. He's the best pediatrician in Westchester.

Richard: Thanks, Mrs. Martinelli, I'll give them your regards.

Marilyn: We really appreciate your advice.

Virginia: I do think you should go see the houses and talk to the bank. Here. Let me give you some information sheets abo the houses. They're both very good buys.

Richard: Well, thanks so much for your help and your time, Mrs. Martinelli. We've got a lot to talk about.

Marilyn: Mmm-hmm. Thanks.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:47:13
Act 3.

Mr.Riley: How do you do?

Richard: Hello.

Mr.Riley: I'm Ralph Riley.

Richard: I'm Richard Stewart, and this is my wife, Marilyn.

Mr.Riley: Pleased to meet you.

Marilyn: Likewise, Mr.Riley.

MR.Riley: Please, sit down. What can I do for you?

Richard: We'd like to discuss a mortgage.

Marilyn: For a house.

Mr.Riley: Fine. Are you buying a house or are you reinancing your present home?

Richard: We're planning to buy a house.

Marilyn: And we'd like to find out about a mortgage.

Richard: We are customers of the bank. As a matter of fact, my whole Family banks here.

Mr.Riley: I have some questions to ask. Do you own your house or do you rent?

Richard: Neither. We live with my parents, Dr. and Mrs. Philip Stewart.

Mr.Riley: And how old are you?

Marilyn: I'm twenty-nine.

Richard: I'm thirty.

Mr.RIley: And, Mr. Stewat, what is your occupation?

RIchard: I'm a freelance photographer.

Mr.Riley: And, Mrs. Stewart, are you working?

Marilyn: Yes. I'm a designer, and I work in a boutique.

Mr.Riley: Did you bring any savings or salary information? Last year's tax forms?

Richard: Yes. Here they are.

Mr. Riley: OK. What...what kind of house did you have in mind?

Richard: We're talking about buying a two-bedroom house in Mount Kisco. Here are the financial details on the house.

Mr.Riley: Thank you. Are you prepared to make a ten-percent down payment?

Richard: Yes, we are.

Mr.Riley: Payments over thirty years?

Richard: Yes.

Marilyn: Do you think we can get a loan?

Mr.Riley: Well, it depends. Do you own any other property? Any stocks or bonds?

Richard: No.

Mr.Riley: I see. Then you don't have any collateral. Perhaps you could get a guarantor- someone to sign for the loan for you.

Richard: Why is that necessary?

Mr.Riley: Since you don't have enough income, and you don't already own any property, the bank needs to be sure you can pay the mortgage every month. A guarantor is responsible for the loan if you can't make the payments.

Richard: I see. Well, the idea of buying a house is exciting.

Marilyn: Thank you, Mr.Riley. We'll read this over carefully.

Mr.Riley: Thank you.

Richard: Good-bye. Thanks.

Mr.Riley: Godd-bye. And hope to see you soon.

Richard: I hope so, too.

Mr.Riley: Take care.

Marilyn: Good-bye.

Richard: It all sounded so easy until they mentioned needing collateral or a guarantor.

Marilyn: We have no collateral.

Richard: And I don't think it's a good idea to ask Dad to sign as a guarantor. I don't feel right about it.

Marilyn: I understand your feelings about it, Richard.

Ellen: Now, tell me, what's the problem?

Marilyn: We can get a loan from the bank if we can put up some collateral.

Richard: And we don't own anything to use as collateral.

Marilyn: Or someone can sign with us as a guarantor.

Ellen: Why don't you speak to Dad?

Richard: No. If we buy a house, I want to be able to handle it alone.

Ellen: Everybody needs help sometimes, Richard.

Marilyn: I understand Richard's feelings about it, Ellen.

Richard: In two or three months, I'll have an advance on my book and be able to put more money down.

Marilyn: What about the house in Mount Kisco? Somebody else'll buy it by then.

Richard: Then there'll be other houses, Marilyn.

Ellen: Richard has a point. You're just beginning to look.

Marilyn: We're in no great rush. It's true.

Richard: This has been a great learning experience for us, Marilyn. Talking to the real-estate agent. Looking at the houses. Talking to the loan officer at the bank.

Marilyn: It has been a learning experience. That's true.

Ellen: I think you're doing the right thing. Taking your time. Looking around. Especially with a purchase of this kind. You're talking about a lot of money.

Marilyn: We'll call Mrs. Martinelli and tell her to keep looking for us.

Richard: And I'll call Mr.Riley at the bank and tell him we'll see him in a couple of months.

Ellen: And if you ever need Dad or me to help you...

Marilyn: We know.

Ellen: You know we'll be there for you.

Richard: It's a Stewart tradition. We're a family.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:47:30
EPISODE 12 You're Tops


Act 1.

Grandpa: Is that you, Susan?

Susan: It's me, Grandpa.

Grandpa: Am I glad to see you!

Susan: And am I glad to see you! I am also glad to be here.

Grandpa: How are things?

Susan: I have been talking to a group of salesmen since ten this morning, and I'm real exhausted.

Grandpa: Well, you look good. What's Harry doing tonight?

Susan: He and Michelle are visiting relatives in New Jersey today.

Grandpa: The rest of our family went to the movies. So it's just you and me, Susan.

Susan: It's nice to be alone with you, Grandpa. We don't get to see enough of each other.

Grandpa: Oh, I feel the same way, Susan. I miss seeing you. But to tell the truth, next time I'd like to go into the city and meet you there, instead of you coming here.

Susan: You don't need to do that, Grandpa.

Grandpa: Yeah, I do. I need to get out more. Well, I mean there's a lot to do around the house, and I love being here with the family, you know, but I'm restless. Since I retired, I've got extra time on my hands.

Susan: I understand, Grandpa.

Grandpa: I think you do. Frankly, I'd like to use my brain a little more.

Susan: Grandpa, you have so much energy and so many years of experience. There are probably a lot of places for you to work. Particularly in the construction field.

Grandpa: But at my age, I'm not looking for a full-time job. I'm retired. But I'm bored.

Susan: Well, there must be something. Maybe I can help.

Grandpa: Let's go into the kitchen, and maybe can help me set the table.

Susan: Sounds good to me. What are we having?

Grandpa: I prepared lamb chops, mashed potatoes, and a tossed green salad to begin with.

Susan: Grandpa, you are a terrific guy!

Susan: You're still thinking about something to do, aren't you? A job of some kind.

Grandpa: That's right. I've been thinking about it for weeks now .There must be some way to put my mind to good use.

Susan: We'll find a solution. A positive solution to your finding a way to use that wonderful mind of yours.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:47:42
Act 2.

Susan: Sam, would you come in ,please?

Sam: You sound like something's brothering you, Susan. The sketches for the cover of the new doll book?

Susan: That's not it. Please sit down.

Sam: Sure.

Susan: I need your advice on a personal matter, but it's not about me.

Sam: You need my advice on a personal matter, and it's not about. OK.

Susan: It's about my grandfather.

Sam: What's the problem?

Susan: It won't sound like a big deal, but it is. I had dinner with him Saturday, and he's very unhappy about not working.

Sam: I thought he was retired and pleased to be living with the family.

Susan: He is, but there's so much energy and talent in the man ,and he doesn't get to use it.

Sam: But what can I do? What kind of advice are you looking for?

Susan: Simply this. John Marchetta runs this company.

Sam: He founded this company.

Susan: Right. John Marchetta Gave me my start here six years ago, when I first graduated from college. He gave me the chance to use my talents and made me feel more confident.

Sam: Right. Maybe he can do the same thing for your grandfather.

Susan: Or at least give him some advice.

Sam: Right. Then I've solved your problem.

Susan: I can always depend on you, Sam.

Sam: I'm glad to help. Shall I call Mr. Marchetta for you?

Susan: No, no. I'll do that. Thanks.

Sam: Now, how's the Stewart family?

Susan: Fine, thank you, Mr. Marchetta. Except for my grandfather.

Sam: What's wrong, Susan? What's wrong with him?

Susan: He needs to work. In fact, that is the reason why I'm here to see you. I know you're building a new factory, and I thought...may be...my grandfather is so experienced in the construction trade, he could be so valuable.

Sam: Tell him to come and see me at ten 0'clock tomorrow morning. I have an idea that may solve the problem for him and help a lot of other people.

Susan: Really, Mr.Marchetta? Can I tell him that?

Marchetta: Sure can. Ten 0'clock in the morning. Here.

Susan: Oh, thank you!
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:48:02
Act 3.

Grandpa: Hi. I'm Malcolm Stewart.

Marchetta: John Marchetta. Sit down, sit down.

Grandpa: Susan has told me a great deal about you.She says you're quite a man.

Marchetta: She says a lot of wonderful things about you too, Mr. Stewart.

Grandpa: That's always nice to hear, Mr.Marchetta.

Marchetta: Call me John. May I call you Malcolm?

Marchetta; Let's talk business.

Grandpa: That's music to my ears.

Marchetta: I understand you used to be in the construction business.

Grandpa: Yup. Forty-three years. Here's a brief description of forty three years of on-the-job training.

Marchetta: That is some history! You're a valuable asset, Malcolm. Very valuable.

Grandpa: Thank you. Yup. Forty-three years. Half that time in my own construction company. Big jobs-factories, shopping malls. That kind of thing.

Marchetta: Then you retired.

Grandpa: Yes. After my wife died, and I felt I should spend more time with my children and grandchildren. I live in Florida, and they lived in New York.

Marchetta: I understand. My daughter Cami lives in NewYork. I like being near her.

Grandpa: When I came here, I planned to take a few months off. Relax with the family and then look for some work. Put my experience on the line...but, unfortunately, there isn't any work for a retired person my age.

Marchetta: Sometimes there is, and sometimes there isn't. Well, I'm evolved with an organization, and we're trying to resolve that problem.

Grandpa: What's that?

Marchetta: TOPS. T-O-P-S- means Talented Older People's Society.

Grandpa: I'd like to be a member. How much are the dues?

Marchetta: There are no dues...The organization serves major men and women like you. Experienced, talented, retired. But our members want to go out there and use their talents. They want to work.

Grandpa: That fantastic, John!

Marchetta: I've got and idea for you, Malcolm. Just fill out this form for me. It'll only take a few minutes. Sit right here, and do it while I talk to my secretary. When I get back, we'll talk about my new factory. My company is a member of TOPS. So I try hard to find opportunities for people like it. Well, I can use your brainpower on the job right now. Have you got time this morning to go over to the construction site with me? I'd like to have you meet my foreman-get some background on the job.

Grandpa: I've got plenty of time.

Marchetta: I'll be right back. We'll go over to the job site together.

Danny: Malcolm, you worked on the Spaceport project?

Grandpa: My company was the contractor. I built the theater there with my own two hands, practically.

Danny: I understand.

Marchrtta: Well, I'm glad to see you two guys getting along so well because Danny, Malcolm is on the TOPS team. He's going to be working with you for a while. His experience will be valuable to both of us.

Danny: Welcome aboard, Malcolm!

Marchetta: I'm going back to my office. Give me a call later, Malcolm. I'll tell you the time and date of the next TOPS meeting. I'd like you to meet the group.

Grandpa: I will, John. And again-thanks.

Marchetta: No...thank you. And thank Susan.

Grandpa: He's quite a man.

Danny: A real inspiration for me.

Grandpa: OK, Danny. I know you didn't expect to have me around, but I think I can be of some help to you.

Danny: Let me tell you something, Malcolm. With your background and experience, I can learn something...and I do need some advice on a difficult problem. Let me show you this.

Grandpa: I don't want to give you a final opinion without studying these building plans more carefully. But a simple solution might be to move the air-conditioning units instead of redesigning the entire system. It might be simpler and less expensive.

Danny: You just earned your weight in gold, Malcolm. Welcome aboard!

Grandpa: It all happened so quickly! I can't believe it!

Susan: I'm glad Mr. Marchetta was so helpful.

Grandpa: He was more than helpful. He actually took me to meet his foreman.

Susan: I'm thrilled for you, Grandpa.

Grandpa: I don't know how to thank you, Susan. You're a wonderful granddaughter.

Susan: It's good to see you so happy.

Grandpa: I'll be at the construction site tomorrow. What are you doing tomorrow night?

Susan: I'm not doing anything. Why?

Grandpa: How about a date with your grandfather? I owe you a good steak dinner.

Susan: I'll accept. Tomorrow night. You and me. Dinner. What time?

Grandpa: I'll pick you up here at seven. Is that OK?

Susan: I can't wait! And you can tell me all about your first full day back on the job.

Grandpa: It's a deal!
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:48:21
EPISODE 13 A Real Stewart


Act 1.

Ellen: There's nothing more joyous than the arrival of a new baby.

Susan: I am so excited, Mother! Just imagine-Marilyn and Richard must be thrilled! Oh, a new baby!

Ellen: Max...Max...Max. Oh, it's a sweet-sounding name for a sweet little boy. My first grandchild.

Susan: And my first nephew. Isn't he just adorable? He looks a lot like you, Mom. He does.

Ellen: Do you think so? Well, I guess. He does look a lot like Richard, and I guess he looks a lot like me. Oh, he's got Richard's eyes, though.

Susan: I really want Harry and Michelle to see Max.

Ellen: When are they coming?

Susan: Tomorrow. Harry has an account to work on today. Yes, he does have Richard's eyes. Big blue eyes. The baby even looks at you like Richard does.

Ellen: Well, children usually referable their parents.

Susan: It's true Michelle is a lot like Harry in so many ways. And she's shy with new people, just like he is.

Ellen: You really like Michelle, don't you?

Susan: Yes. I'm very fond of her.

Ellen: And Harry, too?

Susan: Well...

Ellen: Uh, it's four-thirty. Oh, my! Marilyn and Richard will be home from the hospital any minute, and we must prepare this room.

Susan: Where will we put all the presents?

Ellen: Well, let's take everything to the living room. Marilyn and Richard and the baby need the space. It's crowded in here.

Grandpa: The welcome sign is up: "Welcome home, Max."

Ellen: Isn't it exciting, Grandpa?

Susan: Your first great-grandchild.

Grandpa: Yes. Yes, sir. A great-grandchild. A great-grandson. Another generation to carry on the Stewart name.

Susan: I love you, Grandpa. You make me feel so proud to be part of our family.

Grandpa: One day, You'll have your own family, and I'll be proud to be part of it.

Ellen: Now you understand my feelings, Susan. I'm Grandpa's daughter-in-law, but I feel like a Stewart. He's always made me feel like his own daughter.

Grandpa: Well, that's because you're so much like us-wonderful!

Susan: Mom, got it. This will make a nice gift for Marilyn and dates and information about Max's life here. Let's see. Name: Max Stewart. Does he have a middle name?

Ellen: No, just Max. I like that. No middle name. No middle initial.

Grandpa: Like me. I'm Malcolm Stewart. Just Malcolm Stewart.

Susan: And Max has your initials, Grandpa:M.S.

Ellen: Uh, it must mean something.

Susan: Weight: eight pounds six ounces.

Grandpa: Eight-six. Big boy! All the Stewart men were big.

Ellen: Well, Robbie was eight pounds two ounces, and Richard was eight pounds three.

Susan: And me?

Ellen: Eight pounds six. You were big, just like Max.

Susan: Eight pounds six, just like me. That's nice. Length. Length?

Ellen: Richard says Max is twenty-one inches long.

Grandpa: Tall. All the Stewart men are tall.

Ellen: Well, Grandpa, you're about five-nine or five-ten. I wouldn't call that tall.

Grandpa: I take after my mother's family. They were...they were... they were average.

Susan: Mother:Marily.Father:Richard. And lots of pages for Richard's photos of Max.

Grandpa: Speaking of mother and of father-and speaking of Max hear the car. They're here!

Ellen: Oh! Oh, quickly! Go, go, go!

Ellen: Let's see. Oh, welcome home. Oh, let her in. Wait with your pictures for a second. Come on, darlings. Sweetheart... Sit down right here.

Susan: Oh, he's so cute! Oh, Marilyn!

Robbie: Max looks just like Grandpa.

Grandpa: A real Stewart.

Marilyn: I'm so happy to be home with my family-and with Max.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:48:36
Act 2.

Susan: It's almost ten 0'clock. I've got to go. Tomorrow is Monday, and work begins at eight in the morning for me. Oh, I'm so happy that Max is home. He's the sweetest little thing.

Ellen: I'll drive you to Grand Grandpa, Robbie, and I can finish wrapping all these gifts.

Richard: It's so good to have you home again...and to see Max asleep in his bassinet at home with us.

Marilyn: To be with our family and all that Stewart TLC.

Richard: TLC-tender loving care. That's our motto.

Marilyn: Did you see the washcloth and the towels with the teddy bears on them? Alexandra and the Molinas sent them for max.

Richard: It was so kind of them. Now Max has come into everyone's life.

Marilyn: The house is so alive with him here. The welcome sign over the door. The boxes of presents. The M-Z-X over his bassinet. Robbie put that there. Susan's teddy bear. So cuddly. The beautiful crib from Mom and Dad.

Richard: Oh, and Grandpa's baseball glove. You know, it hung over my crib, too. And it hung over Robbie's crib.

Marilyn: Part of Grandpa's magic?

Richard: Oh, that's not all. It hung over Susan's crib.

Marilyn: Part of Grandpa's magic?

Richard: Oh, that's not all. It hung over Susan's crib.

Marilyn: The same baseball glove?

Richard: That's right. Grandpa hangs it there for good luck. He says it always brought him good luck on the baseball team. He believes it'll bring good luck to all the Stewart babies.

Marilyn: And then he takes it back when Max is ready to use it?

Richard: Yes, and replaces it with a new glove so the old one will be ready for a new member of the Stewart family

Marilyn: Grandpa really loves his family, doesn't he? So do I.

Richard: And so do I.

Richard: And so does Max.

Marilyn: After he eats!
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:48:53
Act 3.

Marilyn: Thanks, Michelle.

Michelle: I hope you like it.

Marilyn: Isn't this baby outfit adorable? With his name on it "Max." Thanks so much, Harry and Michelle.

Richard: We really appreciate it.

Harry: I'm glad you like it. Michelle Picked it out.

Michelle: Yes. I told Daddy to pick blue ones. Blue is for boys, and pink is for girls.

Grandpa: And Max is some boy.

Richard: He's a real Stewart.

Granpa: Right!

Ellen: That was so thoughtful of you, Michelle. Especially to pick it out in blue.

Susan: Would you like to see baby Max, Michelle?

Harry: Could she? Could we?

Michelle: Could I?

Marilyn: Take them upstairs, Susan. Harry and Michelle can watch Max sleeping.

Susan: Let's go.

Harry: Come on, Michelle. Before Max wakes up.

Marilyn: Will you please take this upstairs, Susan?

Susan: Uh-hum.

Marilyn: Thank you.

Philip: Michelle is very grown up for a ten-year-old, huh?

Ellen: She's smart and sensitive for her age.

Grandpa: Growing up without a mother is difficult. You mature quickly.

Ellen: Susan's like a mother to Michelle. They have a good relationship. Do you think Susan and Harry will get married?

Robbie: Yeah. You can count on it.

Philip: I think so. Yes. They get along so well.

Grandpa: I like him. He's good for Susan.

Ellen: He's a little quiet.

Richard: It's hard to do anything but listen in this family.

Ellen: How can anybody get a word in around here?

Marilyn: You're right, Ellen.

Philip: Oh, really?

Richard: It's the way it should be. The Stewarts are the Stewarts!

Grandpa: They always were, and they always will be.

Richard: Right!

Grandpa: They've always got an opinion. Always got something to say.

Marilyn: And now there's Max Stewart, and if he talks as loudly as he cries, we're all in for trouble.

Robbie: He's quiet now.

Marilyn: Mmm-hmm.That's because he's sleeping.

Harry: He's really cute.

Susan: It's not necessary to whisper, Harry. A baby gets used to voices.

Harry: I remember now. We always whispered when Michelle was born.

Michelle: And I didn't sleep well. Daddy told me. I never slept. And when I did, I woke up when I heard someone speak.

Susan: I bet you were cute.

Harry: She sure was.

Michelle: Not as cute as Max. He's like a little doll.

Michelle: Oh, good. Now I can help diaper him.

Susan: Let's get Marilyn. What do you do when he cries like that?

Harry: You pick him up.

Susan: He's so little...so new. Let's call Marilyn.

Marilyn: Time for a feeding and time for a diapering. You're a real Stewart.
david 发表于 2007-9-12 22:49:15
EPISODE 14 Playing Games


Act 1.

Harry: You like living in New York, don't you?

Susan: Oh, I love it. It's so convenient. I can take the bus to work...or the subway...or a taxi. And there's so much to do. Lots of movie houses, and the theater.

Harry: I know what you mean. I'd like to live in the city, but living in New Jersey and the suburbs is better for Michelle. Trees, grass.

Susan: There's a lot of good things about suburban living. I grew up in Riverdale, Remember? So I know. But, as a working woman, I think New York has all the conveniences-including the best tomatoes.

Harry: The truth is, I'd like to live in the city. Michelle's the right age. There are lots of things for her here.

Susan: You're right, Harry. Today is the perfect example. Michelle and her friends are at the aquarium in Brooklyn. They come back here for lunch, then go uptown to the Museum of Natural History. There's so much for young people to see and do. It's just incredible!

Harry: Not just for young people. What about me? I've never been to the aquarium or Museum of Natural History. Have you?

Susan: Oh yes, Harry. My mother and father often took us somewhere in the city on the weekends. Dad was a busy doctor, but he usually managed to squeeze a Sunday in with Richard, Robbie, and me. I used to love to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Harry: I've been there several times. Twice with Michelle.

Susan: You ought to think about spending more time with Michelle at all the great places in the city.

Harry: Well, perhaps, you'll help me select some of the great places. And perhaps, you'll join us?

Susan: Perhaps I will.

Susan: Well, there we are .All set for lunch, Harry.

Harry: It looks inviting. I wish Michelle and her friends would get here. I'm starving, aren't you?

Susan: I can't wait to take a bite of the pumpernickel. It smells so delicious. Coming! Coming! Who is it?

Michelle: Michelle. It's us, Susan.

Susan: Come in Michelle, and bring your friends along. We're on the fifth floor. Oh you're been here before

Harry: Susan, I really appreciate your doing this Michelle and her friends.

Susan: Oh, please, Harry. It's nothing. I'm not just doing it for Michelle. I'm doing it for you.

Harry: Thank you.

Susan: I'm doing it for us, Harry.

Harry: Well, it's...it's important for Michelle to see us together more often. That's true.

Susan: It's important for Michelle and me to get to know each other better. That's important for us.

Harry: That makes me feel good.

Susan: What, Harry? What makes you feel good?

Harry: Well, that you care about Michelle, that you care about me, and that you care about us.

Susan: Well, Harry, that's because I do. I do care.

Harry: They'll be here any minute .Susan, I'd like to continue this conversation later.

Susan: Of course, Harry. We'll finish the conversation when they go to the museum.

Harry: I'd like that.

Susan: So would I.
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