





chance or choice 机会或选择

发布者: forever3323 | 发布时间: 2007-9-26 18:15| 查看数: 4078| 评论数: 0|

Think a minute!

There was a man who was the owner of the only hair salon in his little town.So he cut and styled the hair of almost everybody. He earned such a good income ,that he built a nice big house and was even able to send all of his six children to university. Then one day ,a big modern hair salon moved on his town ,right across the street from his little shop. And this new big hair salon advertised in the newspapers and posted signs all over the town that read ."Six-dollar hair cuts.Everything for only six dollars!" And soon almost all of his customers began going to the new salon across the street for six-dollar haircuts.

The owner of the old hair salon knew he could never afford to beat the big new salon's price of only six dollars ,But then he thought of a way to turn things around and win his customers and business back .So he had a local sign company paint him a big giant sign and he put this huge sign in front of his hair salon ,If read,"We fix six-dollar hair cuts"

You see, friend , we all have problems and go through tough times .But it's the people who respond and handle those problems positively who end up succeeding in life .It's not luck that controls your life .It's your choice to be happy and successful or not .Because things turn out best for people who make the best of the way things turn out .No matter what happens ,those people will win over tough times ,You know the same heat that melts butter also bardens the ground .The difference is in how the butter and the ground respond to the heat .So how about you ?How do you respond and handle the heat of problems and tough times in your life ?No matter which way the ball bounces ,it's still your game and life that God gave you to live well .

Think a minute...   


有一个人是小镇上唯一一家美发店店主.他几乎为镇上的每个人理发,美发.他收入颇丰,不仅盖了又大又漂亮的楼房,甚至还有能力把他的6个儿子全部送进了大学.  然而,有一天,一家大型现代美发厅搬到了这个镇上,就在他那家小店对面.这家新开张的大型美发厅在报上大做广告,还在小镇上四处张贴告示,广告和告示上都写道:"理发6元,所有服务仅收6元!"很快,几乎所有的顾客都开始去对面那家理发店花6元剪发. 




[ 本帖最后由 forever3323 于 2007-9-26 18:17 编辑 ]


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