





Sweetest Batteries 最甜的电池

发布者: 上官飞飞 | 发布时间: 2007-10-7 08:22| 查看数: 2314| 评论数: 1|

Researchers at Saint Louis University in Missouri, USA, have developed the “sweetest batteries,” which are fuel cell batteries that run on virtually any type of sugar, operate three to four times longer than conventional lithium batteries and can be recharged instantly. However, the most important advantage is that, unlike other fuel cells, all the materials used to build the sugar battery are biodegradable. A prototype the size of a postage stamp has been developed to operate a calculator. Research leader, Dr. Shelley Minteer, said, “The study shows that renewable fuels can be directly employed in batteries…. It demonstrates that by bridging biology and chemistry, we can build a better battery that’s cleaner for the environment.”

最甜的电池 美国密苏里州的圣路易大学研究人员已开发出「最甜的电池」,这种燃料电池几乎可以使用所有的糖类作为燃料,其效能比一般的锂电池长三到四倍,并且可以立刻充电。糖电池最大的优点在于,所有制造材料都是可以被生物分解的,这是其它燃料电池所没有的特点。研究人员已研发出仅有一张邮票大小的糖电池,可用于计算器。研究组长雪莉.敏蒂尔博士(Dr. Shelley Minteer)表示:「根据研究显示,再生燃料可以直接应用于电池上,…由此可见,藉由结合生物学和化学,我们可以制造出更好的电池,使环境更干净。」


椰风树影 发表于 2007-10-7 08:32:32
So advanced.
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