





布莱克·莱弗利疯狂购物 狂扫40双鞋

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-11-25 21:37| 查看数: 1109| 评论数: 0|

  《绯闻女孩》布蕾克-莱弗利一直都是fashionista关注的焦点与杂志编辑主编们的心头好,更是被媒体推崇为新一代的IT Girl。

  It looks like Gossip Girl's favorite fashionista has a real-life shoe fetish! Footwear News spotted Blake Lively scooping up more than 40 pairs of the designer shoes at the invite-only Christian Louboutin sample sale in N.Y.C. last week. And while we’re not mathematicians, with flats starting at $150 and heels at $225–and factoring in Lively’s propensity for dangerously high footwear–we’re estimating a final tally of upwards of $9K.

  《绯闻女孩》布蕾克-莱弗利一直都是fashionista关注的焦点与杂志编辑主编们的心头好,更是被媒体推崇为新一代的IT Girl,而这一头衔也非浪得虚名。最近,蕾克在纽约举行的一场鞋履试卖会上便“大有收获”,一人狂扫四十双女星挚爱——Christian Louboutins的“恨天高”。这般的时尚狂热程度是一般明星不可比拟的,而这样的购买力更是一般人所望尘莫及的,这些价格在一百五十到二百二十五美元的“让人又爱又恨”的高跟鞋共计将近九万美金。

  “I have sisters, so I’m getting gifts for them and for friends,” the star explained before confessing, “Of course, I got quite a few for myself, too.” Perhaps one of her finds was the pointed on-trend merlot velvet pair she wore to the 7th annual CFDA awards that very night. However, one question remains: Did she splurge on the Blake?



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