





[原创] Love. Pearl. Sand

发布者: Cactus | 发布时间: 2005-12-30 23:21| 查看数: 6191| 评论数: 3|

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<FONT size=4>The novel I wrote six year ago:</FONT>
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<FONT size=4>   When you are in love,it is illusory;when you obtain it,it's sweet;when you recall the memories of it,it's bitter,when your heart is broken,love has no other choice but be scattered to the ground .. <BR>     <BR>     "Why did you abandon me?"lying on the cold ground,love asked me about this. <BR>     I told her I wanna my hobby and ideal. <BR>     "ick me up!"Love begged,"and you'll understand how valuable I am later on." <BR>     I said,"I.."facing her beg for mercy,I felt contradicted,and didn't know what to say.In fact,never can she see what I really expect in heart...So I chose ideal finally. <BR>     She cried, seeing her tears,I eventually stooped down to pick her up.I sensed that she was as a pearl in my hand,with bright and warm shiny. <BR>     But... <BR>     <BR>     "lease forgive me for my choice (of not choosing you)."I apologized to her at last. <BR>     "erhaps to me love is not as important as ideal now,"I said to myself,and decided to put it to the ground again. <BR>     "No."love said in despair. <BR>     "Please don't desert me,but redeem me to the pawnshop,and get something you need in return instead.And you can get me back,so long as you remember me again." <BR>     <BR>     <BR>     I carried my love peral in both hands to the pawnshop. <BR>     The pawnbroker didn't look up at all,"What did you want to get in return?"he asked. "Freedom and ideal."I answered timidly. <BR>     "Go but left your love here."said him. <BR>     I saw my love was put into a bag with the sign:" Love on June,1998." <BR>     So I hurried away with freedom and ideal. <BR>     <BR>     <BR>     Eventually,I was set free from the cage of love,and got the freedom I want.I flied over the sky of ideal freely like a bird.But after a period of time,a friend named "loneliness" always came near me though I didn't pay any attention to him,every time,I was so feable to turn down his invitation. In such suffering days,I missed my love,that beautiful and shimmering peral. <BR>     <BR>     <BR>     I went back to the pawnshop,that bag was still hung there,and so was that apathy pawnbroker. <BR>    he still lower his head as he used to. <BR>     "what do you want to redeem?" <BR>     "My love on June,1998." <BR>     "Then what's your ransom?"the pawnbroker asked me in his already old voice. <BR>     "Everything I have now and in the future,and my heart."I said unhesitatingly. <BR>     When I opened this bag with trembling hands,I found there remained that exciting and beautiful viberation of my heart just as the first time I came across love. <BR>     I held that pearl in both hands carefully,and left the pawnshop cheerfully. <BR>     <BR>     Maybe it's cause I didn't know how to cherish it in the past,this time I cared it so much.On the way back,I was afraid of losing it again,so I just fixed my eyes on it and forgot to have a look at the path in front of me,what's more, I ignored the climate that it's typhoon season.Dues to my carelessness,the NO.3 typhoon named "reality" flew my pearl to the ground. <BR>     <BR>     I witnessed my pearl falling to the ground,and turning into sand. <BR>     "NO! It's not the love of mine,my love is pearl!"I cried crazily. <BR>     I just felt at a loss why my love pearl failed to get through the test of the typhoon-------- 'reality'. <BR>     "Love is originally the sand in the ocean,only can it change into pearl,when you treat it well with the distribution of all your tears and missing."At that moment,an old man named "time" told me so,then he added "but now,you have left her such a long time that she cannot be the same as it used to,so she failed to stand up the typhoon -------reality,and she turned out to be sand..." <BR>     Holding the sand tightly in hands,my poor heart was aching. <BR>     Nervertheless,I still want to hold tightly to what I failed to cherish in the past,but very valuable now.But sand is nothing else, but sand that flows away silently from the seams of my fingers... <BR>     My poor love fell to the ground again,and turned out to be dust... <BR>     <BR>     Now I lose my love pearl forever,the only thing I have is a pipe of sand,which cannot be redeemed at all. <BR></FONT>


tataoo 发表于 2007-9-3 14:13:20
a beautiful article..i am wandering wether u were lovelorn at that time..xixi
chengblue 发表于 2008-9-19 20:16:21
woo ,a wonderful article.admire you.
leec1120 发表于 2008-12-5 11:01:21
what is love ?

what is true love ?

maybe two people get together just because they have been together for a long time,. at this moment, the feeling is not love any more but just custom
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