





[原创] Romance of an Ice Cream

发布者: Cactus | 发布时间: 2005-12-30 23:31| 查看数: 10600| 评论数: 2|

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<FONT size=4>I’m an ice cream, lying at the bottom of a refrigerator, silently. Nevertheless<BR>, I always have a dream that someday I can leave this cold environment and get c<BR>lose to the sunshine. In fact, I feel quite isolated and lonely to be here most <BR>of the time, and the only consolation and pleasure for me is to weave the rosy d<BR>ream that I can meet the other half of mine, whose smile is as bright and warm a<BR>s the sunshine. Never had I told this to any other ice cream, as I know, I must <BR>be laughed at; for romance with human in the sunshine really seems to be ridicul<BR>ous and impossible, however, I’m such a silly ice cream, I’m willing to take t<BR>he risk fulfilling my dream with the hope that there will be a miracle, therefor<BR>e, I keep on waiting with great patience.<BR><BR> As it’s extremely hot outside, ice creams sell very well, gradually I’m no lo<BR>nger surrounded by the darkness and coldness, instead I can realize the existenc<BR>e of sunbeam, once the master opens the fridge and takes something out. Obviousl<BR>y, I have been in the surface, and can clearly see the outside world through the<BR> opening door of the fridge. <BR><BR>One day, a boy came to buy an ice cream. He looked very tall, clean, and what at<BR>tracted me most was his sunny smile, which looked exactly the same as I had been<BR> dreaming of. Suddenly, he had a glimpse at me, and asked, “How about this one?<BR> How much does it cost?” He pointed at me, which made me really excited. <BR><BR>“You know, this is a new kind of ice cream with entirely new taste and beautifu<BR>l packaging, so it costs a bit more than the previous one you ordered just now.”<BR> replied the boss.<BR><BR>“Humm, an entirely new kind? May I have a look at it then?” The boy thought fo<BR>r a moment, and then said.<BR><BR>“Sure.” Said the boss, and he swiftly took me out and gave me to him.<BR><BR>“Please bring me home, I think I have fallen in love with you since the first s<BR>ight.” I said to him with a soft voice, and without any hesitation. <BR><BR>He caught my words, and opened his eyes widely; obviously, he was too shocked by<BR> my love expression. He gave me back to the boss in a flurry, and hurried off, I<BR> was shocked either, and I strongly sensed that my heart was bleeding at that ve<BR>ry moment.<BR><BR>I didn’t tell how aching I had been suffering to anybody else, as I had already<BR> got accustomed to be isolated, but I still couldn’t understand why cannot an i<BR>ce cream love a human being, why the God set such strict gap between different t<BR>hings, but all that I was wondering wouldn’t be replied, as I was only a plain <BR>ice cream, I could hardly make clear about many happenings in this world.<BR><BR> The days followed, I was really blue, but never had I felt regretful about what<BR> I had said to that boy, as I was convinced that the real love meant that you ha<BR>d to let the other part know, and even you had been refused, you wouldn’t regre<BR>t not to have done that in the rest of your life, when it appeared to your mind <BR>once again. I wait peacefully for my fate as an ice cream, that’s be eaten by s<BR>omebody in the not distant future, without no other stories, such as romance, wh<BR>ich I’ve ever dreamed of. <BR><BR>But it’s totally beyond my imagination that I got to see that boy again, he cam<BR>e back to buy me?! Do you believe that? When being held by him, I felt I almost <BR>turn to melt in his sunny smile. <BR><BR>“I find I miss you so much these days.” Said him with a gentle voice.<BR><BR>I couldn’t help smiling; I really thought I was the happiest ice cream in the w<BR>orld at that moment, cause of my extraordinary life and story. Yes, everything i<BR>s so dreamy and fantastic that I, an ice cream, was offered the opportunity to h<BR>ave courtship with my Mr. Right!<BR><BR>He brought me home, and put me in the fridge for fear I would melt into water. A<BR>t first, I didn’t care it at all, cause he opened the fridge and talked with me<BR> occasionally, I felt happy, thus ignoring the distance between us. To me, calli<BR>ng the short moment we are together to mind and ponder over it is enough, I didn<BR>’t expect more. However, little by little, he turned out to be so busy and left<BR> me alone in the fridge. I suffered a lot form not seeing him in a few days occa<BR>sionally, and time seemed to slow down its running steps, every second in waitin<BR>g turned out to be great torture. I felt even more painful and isolated than bef<BR>ore. Not seeing him and missing him almost drove me mad. <BR><BR>Occasionally, there were power-cut, and whenever it happened, surrounded by the <BR>endless darkness and loneliness, I couldn’t help weeping. As a result, my body <BR>was melting into water. However, when it went back to the normal state, my tears<BR> were frozen again, leaving numerous of bumpy scars in the surface. Even in this<BR> case, I didn’t know where he has gone, all that I could do was to count these <BR>scars, almost in despair.                          <BR><BR>One day, two days, three days, time went on so slowly…I could hardly remember t<BR>he exact date when he made his appearance, and told me that he had thought about<BR> our relationship thoroughly, and drew a conclusion that we could never be real <BR>lovers. On that dark night, there was a long-time power-cut; I clearly found tha<BR>t the entire body of mine was melting piece to piece; due to the tears I shed, I<BR> knew my life is disappearing with the romance of my life.<BR><BR>…</FONT><BR>
                                                                                            Joan wrote in 2003


Quickie 发表于 2006-1-18 10:13:24
<STRONG>Can you do a shorter version for me.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Lazy wolf was here... </STRONG>
芥末膏 发表于 2006-1-18 17:43:27
<FONT face="Wide Latin" color=#f79709 size=5><STRONG>Cactus. Your story is touching. What do you want to tell from the story? Let me share with your feeling.</STRONG></FONT>
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