





【NBA】Jackson questions Kobe's commitment

发布者: 风の语 | 发布时间: 2007-10-29 15:53| 查看数: 3073| 评论数: 1|

"I'm ready to play. Period," Kobe Bryant said in response to PhilJackson's comments questioning his commitment. "You don't have to worryabout me."

Jackson questions Kobe's commitment

‘He hasn't thrown his heart and soul into performing,’ Lakers coach says

MSNBC News Services

Updated: 11:30 a.m. ET Oct. 28, 2007

ELSEGUNDO, Calif. - After Kobe Bryant didn't practice Saturday because ofa sprained right wrist, Los Angeles Lakers coach Phil Jackson said heexpected Bryant to play Tuesday night in the season opener against theHouston Rockets, but he was critical of Bryant, questioning hiscommitment, the Los Angeles Times reported Sunday.

"Obviouslyhe hasn't thrown his heart and soul into performing on the floor,"Jackson said, the Times reported. "That hurts me a little bit. . . . Hewas going to work at this thing and (would) put his full being intothis. Right now, he's having a hard time doing that."

Bryant shot back with comments of his own.

"That (should be) the least of (Jackson's)concerns or anybody's concerns," Bryant told the Times. "You don't haveto worry about that. . . . I'm ready to play. Period. You don't have toworry about me."

Bryantdidn’t travel to Las Vegas with the team and his status was day-to-day,Lakers spokesman John Black said. Bryant was injured after Utah centerMehmet Okur struck him Tuesday night in an exhibition game in Anaheim.

The Lakers and Chicago Bulls have been having daily talks about a Kobe Bryant trade, ESPN reported Saturday.

Accordingto the report, the Lakers have asked for Luol Deng, Ben Gordon, TyrusThomas and Joakim Noah, but the Bulls do not want to give up that muchfor Bryant. The other problem is that Bryant would likely not want toplay in Chicago if the Bulls gave up that much talent to get him.

ESPNreported that there are two camps within the Lakers organization — onein favor of keeping him, one in favor of trading him — which iscomplicating matters. The report also cited an unnamed source as sayingthat any Bryant trade seemed less likely now than it did a couple ofdays ago.

[ 本帖最后由 风の语 于 2007-10-29 15:55 编辑 ]


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