





Olympic Fun Facts 奥运会小趣闻

发布者: 流水绯红 | 发布时间: 2006-1-1 04:39| 查看数: 8915| 评论数: 1|

< align=center><STRONG><FONT color=#ffa500 size=4>Olympic Fun Facts 奥运会小趣闻</FONT></STRONG>
< align=left>

<TD>  The first recorded ancient Olympic Games were held in 776 BC with only one event - the stade. A stade was a unit of measurement (about 200 meters) that also became the name of a footrace of the length. Since the track for the stade was a stade in length, the location of the race became the stadium.<BR>  有记载的第一届奥运会于公元前776年举行,那时候只有一个项目:赛跑(stade)。stade原本是一个计量单位(约200米),称作“斯塔德”,这个词后来成为该距离赛跑项目的名称。自从赛跑的跑道长度定为一斯塔德后,赛跑的场地就称为stadium。</TD>
<TD><IMG src="https://mlls.englishvod.net/jasinda/media/text/20051109103317234/editor/20051116104104125.jpg"></IMG></TD></TR></TABLE><BR>Host Greece won the most medals (47) at the first Olympic Summer Games in 1896.<BR>在1896年第一届夏季奥运会上,主办国希腊赢得最多奖牌(47枚)。<BR><BR>Tug-of-war was an Olympic event from 1900-1920.<BR>从1900年至1920年,拔河比赛曾被列为奥运会比赛项目。<BR><BR>In 1908 the standard length of the marathon was extended from 26 miles to 26 miles and 385 yards so that the British royal family could have a better view of its start and finish.<BR>1908年,马拉松的标准长度从26英里(约41834米)延长到了26英里385码(约42186米),这样,英国皇室就能更清楚地看到比赛的起点和终点了。<BR><BR>Athletes at the Athens Games will produce as much as 2 million pounds of dirty laundry. A family or four would need 264 years to go through that much laundry!<BR>雅典奥运会的运动员将有两百万磅(约907吨)的脏衣物要洗。一个四口之家要花264年才能累积这么多的脏衣物!


Quickie 发表于 2006-11-27 11:53:10
new records will be set in 2008
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