





The Ascent of Man 人之上升

发布者: 流水绯红 | 发布时间: 2006-1-2 02:13| 查看数: 4182| 评论数: 0|

<IMG src="http://www.putclub.com/showimg.php?iid=1256" align=right border=0><FONT face=Tahoma color=#cc6600>此片被称为BBC历史节目的经典,讲述了科学在人类文明背景下的进化:从结绳记事到几何学,从牛顿力学到相对论…渐渐勾画出一幅科学发展史的全景图。 </FONT>
The ascent of man is always teetering in the balance. There is always a sense of uncertainty, whether when man lifts his foot for the next step it is really going to come pointing ahead. And what is ahead for us? At last the bringing together of all that we have learned, in physics and in biology, towards an understanding of where we have come: what man is.<BR>The ascent of man is always teetering in the balance. There is always a sense of uncertainty, whether when man lifts his foot for the next step it is really going to come pointing ahead. And what is ahead for us? At last the bringing together of all that we have learned, in physics and in biology, towards an understanding of where we have come: what man is.<BR>[RM=480,360,true]http://down02.putclub.com/virtual/backup/update/vaonline/Culture/Ascent/Ascent_Of_Man08.rm[/RM]


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