





视频商务英语口语18:价格谈判 Negotiating prices(2)

发布者: daisy95071 | 发布时间: 2007-11-21 11:47| 查看数: 3146| 评论数: 1|



daisy95071 发表于 2007-11-21 11:47:30
DON BRADLEY: Don Bradley. 堂.布拉德利:堂.布拉德利。

EDWARD GREEN: Hi, Don. How' s the meeting? 爱德华.格林:堂,你好。会议开的怎样?

DON BRADLEY: It' s just finished. 堂.布拉德利:刚刚结束。

I' m on my way over. How' s your meeting? 我在过来的路上了。你的会面怎样?

EDWARD GREEN: he' s definitely interested. 爱德华.格林:他很有兴趣。

We' re having a break. 我们在休息。

DON BRADLEY: What' s the situation? 堂.布拉德利:情况怎么样?

EDWARD GREEN: It' s becoming difficult, we' re stuck on the size of the order for Big Boss. 爱德华.格林:变的有点难,我们还在订购“大老板”的量上。

He wants a unit price of 19.5 on an order of 25,000. 他想要19.5,买的量是2.5万件。

DON BRADLEY: That sounds good to me. 堂.布拉德利:我觉得不错。

EDWARD GREEN: I think we can push him further. 爱德华.格林:我认为还可以再逼下他。

DON BRADLEY: Do you think so? 堂.布拉德利:你是这样认为的吗?

EDWARD GREEN: I think so...I hope so. 爱德华.格林:我是这样认为的…… 希望如此。

DON BRADLEY: Be careful. He' s a clever man. 堂.布拉德利:小心点,他可是个聪明人。

I've dealt with Mcneil before. 我以前跟麦克内尔打过交道。

When he starts banging on the table, that' s as far as you can go with him. 如果他开始敲桌子的话,那就是你能做的极限了。

Good luck! 祝你好运!

EDWARD GREEN: Thanks. So let' s clarify the position so far.


As far as Big Boss is concerned we have agreed on a unit price of 20 for 30,000, and I can' t go below that price for an order of this size. 仅就“大老板” 我们同意给20的单价,但要购买3万件,对这样的订购量我不可能低于这个数。

Now let' s look at terms of payment. 现在我们看一下付款条款。

DANNY MCNEIL: Ninety days. 丹尼.麦克内尔:90天。

EDWARD GREEN: I' m sorry Mr. Mcneil, but that' s completely unacceptable. 爱德华.格林:对不起 麦克内尔先生,不过这完全不可接受。

Our standard policy on discounts of over thirty percent is payment within thirty days of delivery. 我们对于超过30%的优惠的优惠政策通常是交货后30天之内。

DANNY MCNEIL: This is not a standard situation. 丹尼.麦克内尔:但这不是个通常情况。

I am making a very large order... 我订购的货量很大……

EDWARD GREEN: Can I just come in here, Mr. Mcneil? 爱德华.格林:麦克内尔先,我能插两句吗?

I know you' re making a large order but you are also getting an excellent product at a very large discount. 我知道你的订购量很大,但你也是以很大的优惠获得一件很棒的产品。

DANNY MCNEIL: I can' t believe that this is your final offer. 丹尼.麦克内尔:真不能相信,这就是你们的最终报价。

EDWARD GREEN: If you order 35,000 then I can authorise payment in 90 days. 爱德华.格林:如果你订购3.5万件,我可以授权90天内付款。

DANNY MCNEIL: We have already decided on quantity.


This is my last offer. 30,000 at 60 days payment. 这是我的最后出价:3万件,60天内付款。

Take it or leave it. 要么接受要么一拍两散。

EDWARD GREEN: I think that offer will be acceptable. 爱德华.格林:我认为这个出价可以接受。

So all we have to do now is finalise the delivery arrangements. 那么我们现在要做的就是商定交货的安排了。

DANNY McNEIL: Well, let' s discuss the details tomorrow.


DANNY MCNEIL: Come in! Don, how are you? 丹尼.麦克内尔:近来! 堂,你好!

DON BRADLEY: Hello, Danny, Edward. 堂.布拉德利:你好,丹, 爱德华。

I' m sorry I' m late. 对不起,我迟到了。

DANNY MCNEIL: You are late. 丹尼.麦克内尔:你真是迟了。

I' d rather do business with you than this young man. 我宁愿跟你打交道,也不愿跟这个年轻人做生意。

What have you been feeding him? 你都给他吃了什么啊?

DON BRADLEY: Oh, we don' t feed him. 堂.布拉德利:哦,我们不给他们吃的。

We like to keep our staff hungry. 我们喜欢使员工有饥饿感。
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