





视频商务英语口语5:介绍产品Describing your company’s products(2)

发布者: daisy95071 | 发布时间: 2007-11-21 11:54| 查看数: 2620| 评论数: 1|



daisy95071 发表于 2007-11-21 11:55:02
DEREK JONES: Let' s move from the general to the specific.


I' m going to talk about two of our products.


Friendly Fish and Mad Monkey are two products that use the same mechanism.

Friendly Fish和Mad Monkey 这两个产品用的是同一个机制。

It is a simple mechanism... 这个机制很简单……

But this diagram here shows how well the mechanism works with the design of the product.


For instance, take a look ... 例如,看一下……

EDWARD GREEN: I don' t like the slogan. 爱德华.格林:我不喜欢这个标语。

PHIL WATSON: No. It' s no right. 菲尔.沃森:不好。这是不对的。

EDWARD GREEN:"Every office needs a new boss". 爱德华.格林:每个办公室需要一个新老板。

It' s just not right. Any ideas? 这样不对。有没有新想法?

PHIL WATSON: "Some bosses are big; some bosses are small...Big Boss is the best!"

菲尔.沃森:有些老板是大的,有写是小的 …… “大老板”上做好的。

EDWARD GREEN: No. 爱德华.格林:不好。

KATE MCKENNA: ...So this slide here shows a total net income from the previous year.


The blue line represents income from those products in the low volume niche market category.


The red line represents products in the high volume, low margin category.


MR. SAKAI: Excuse me, what does the dotted line represent?


KATE MCKENNA: I' m sorry, this dotted line represents income from accessories and add ones.

凯特.麦凯纳:对不起, 这条虚线代表的是来自配件和附加产品的收入。

MR. SAKAI: Thank you. And why the sharp decrease in February?


KATE MCKENNA: This is a combination of two things: 凯特.麦凯纳:这牵涉到两个方面:

First, seasonal factors, and second the end of the product life cycle.


PHIL WATSON: Okay. So it' s not right. 菲尔.沃森:好的。那这就是不对的。

We' ll get you some alternatives tomorrow or the day after. 我们明后天会给你些选择。

EDWARD GREEN: No. I think I' ve got it. 爱德华.格林:不。我想好了。

"The one boss your office needs". 你办公室需要的是这个大老板。

PHIL WATSON: "The one boss your office needs". 菲尔.沃森:你办公室需要的是这个大老板。

That' s good. That' s the slogan. 这个好。就用它作标语吧。

MR. SAKAI: Thank you for your very interesting presentation. 酒井先生:谢谢你们的演示,很有趣。

I would like to tell you one or two things about our operation.


As you know, we specialise in electronic games. 正如你们多了解的,我们专门经营电子游戏。

We have a very large market share in the Far East. 我们在远东有很大的市场分额。

We manufacture computerized games for young children. 我们为青少年生产电脑游戏。

Some games are for adults. 有些游戏上为成年人制作的。

This game for example is the number one best seller in Japan. 例如这个游戏就是日本最畅销的游戏。

The office workers love it. 办公室工作人员都喜欢。

We know the market responds well to any kind of hi-tech executive toy.


Big Boss can succeed in the same market. 大老板”在同一市场上也会取得成功。

But there is one question I would like to ask. 但我要问一个问题。

It is possible to launch Big Boss before January 28th?


DON BRADLEY: January 28th? 堂.布拉德利:1月28日?
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