






发布者: david | 发布时间: 2005-10-1 21:10| 查看数: 22227| 评论数: 65|



babyblue 发表于 2005-10-1 21:32:53
音乐是文化的重要组成部分,所以我们不能忽略音乐和语言学习的联系。我觉得音乐板块的宗旨是从音乐中学习语言文化和感受它的变化! 记得以前学习英文,第一句就是,“hello", "How are you?"... 现在,大家都会问一个,“whats up?"从这里就可以知道现在社会文化的变化了!虽然现在的hip-pop音乐有很多“三级“文化,例如:杀人,粗言,性爱等等。不过,也不能不承认他们也在推动整个社会的发展!音乐文化就是大众的文化,让我们一起感受“众乐乐“的乐趣! 如果我是斑竹,我会将我感受到的和听到的介绍给大家。我会尝试不同类型的音乐,例如,hip-pop, country, and classical介绍给大家!希望大家以后能够经常投入到音乐板块这个富于活力的板块中来! 请多多支持! babyblue
david 发表于 2005-10-1 21:44:55
spade 发表于 2005-10-2 00:54:53
fairy 发表于 2005-10-2 09:18:04
david ,建一個旅遊的或談天說地的呀,我想當電影 和這個還有那個故事的,希望你可以考慮一下啦!我喜歡外國電顥,一般都看的,而且覺得看外國電影可以提高听力還有學 一些日常生活要用的句子,我喜歡看英文書,覺得那個可以增加詞匯量的,想多推荐好書給大家,謝謝[em43][em43][em43][em43][em43]

samin 发表于 2005-10-3 10:18:26
support with Fairy
soso 发表于 2005-10-4 14:26:45
应聘的版块名称:答疑解惑 版块的管理构想: 1〉视此版块为与时俱进的资源库、众人实践英语的互动型交流平台、及我的人生修炼之所,而非仅仅是一个实时的、各问求各答的凌乱菜市场。 2〉用本版块的块内第一置顶帖,逐步推出渐进系统化的礼法制度,在鼓励众人积极参与的同时尽可能地减低所有大型论坛都必然面对的混乱之程度。 [例子] 规范发问帖的主题格式 如 [时限][中/英/任][语音/语法/语义/学法/……][题目] 一目了然地点明该问题需要在何时之前、用何种语言回答,以及该问题大致属于哪个范畴,等等。 3〉用本版块的块内第二置顶帖,作为汇总帖,不断纳入精彩问题及其链接。 4〉点评、分类、加权、高亮:对问题精彩度进行点评、归类,并在各自的类中打分(即所谓加权),标注得分及精彩楼层于发问帖主题之后,方便众人检索。 5〉逐步建立与互联网上国内外众多语言学习论坛(或其答疑板块)的横向联系,并将其链接罗列于本版块的块内第三置顶帖中。将无力给以满意回答的问题转发到这些站点,并从其中节选一些精彩问答加以转载。
Sarah 发表于 2005-10-4 15:06:32
spade 发表于 2005-10-4 22:16:17
以下是引用Sarah在2005-10-4 15:06:32的发言:
support soso!
alphabet 发表于 2005-10-4 23:00:39
我也要做版主~ 嘻嘻, 翻译版好像没人申请哦~ 如果我是翻译版的的版主呢,我会将我看到的好的或者有趣的中英翻译发上来给大家分享的~然后呢,会尽最大的努力管理好翻译版块的~ [em44]
david 发表于 2005-10-4 23:36:27
xiyang209 发表于 2005-10-4 23:53:52
babyblue 发表于 2005-10-5 06:28:16
以下是引用spade在2005-10-4 22:16:17的发言:

is it mean attacking people? i dont know.. anyone knows?
397685595 发表于 2005-10-5 14:22:58
alphabet 发表于 2005-10-6 14:28:34
thank you for your giving me an opportunity,i will try me best!
BlueMask 发表于 2005-10-6 21:46:03
以下是引用spade在2005-10-4 22:16:17的发言:

米吐 is it mean attacking people? i dont know.. anyone knows? that means 'me too'. Are you get it?[em04]
babyblue 发表于 2005-10-7 09:38:24
no.... something like bad words!
Cactus 发表于 2005-10-7 17:47:36
Application for "Specific Area" Dear Boss and other memebers, I'm here to apply for "Specific Area", in accordance with slowpoke's claim to create a forum for original writings. According to David's plan, "Specific Area" is for some English study materials, such as Crazy English, New Concept English, and Business English, etc. However, I just noticed that Stone has already sent some articles about those famous learning materials in "Exchanging experiences in Study". Personally, I think that will be a better place for these kind of learning materials, and the "Specific Area" can be reserved for "Oringal writing", since it's relatively empty now. As we all know, writing is one of the indespensible elements of the five English skills, how can we create an English Forum without this content? Slowpoke wants to run a forum for original English writings, and I'm willing to give him a hand in the management and maintance of this forum. Hopefully, our wise decision-maker David will take what I said above into consideration and offer us the chance to realize our mutual aim to encourage more English writings. Thanks a lot for your attention. Sincerely yours, Cactus
david 发表于 2005-10-7 21:49:47
hi,cactus and slowpoke. I agree with you. i will do it. thank you very much.
imshe 发表于 2005-10-8 12:40:37
good. but i have no engough time. i long for to be a master, but can't let go my current job. how about you? do you have another job to earn life?
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