






发布者: lyyenglish | 发布时间: 2006-1-7 00:09| 查看数: 3853| 评论数: 5|

Danxia Mountain
Danxia Mountain, “the No.1 miraculous south of the Five Ridges”, stands in Renhua County in Guangdong Province. With its massif mainly composed of red sandy rock, the mountain gets the name “Danxia”, meaning “red rays of the sun” in Chinese. Danxia Mountain, together with Luofu Mountain, Xijiao Mountain and Dinghu Mountain, boasts the “four famous mountains” in Guangdong Province. Geographically, it is also the birthplace of the special term “Danxia Landform”. Among the places in the world found to have the Danxia landform, Danxia Mountain is the one with largest area, the most typical characteristics, the richest landform and the most beautiful scenery.
With an area of nearly 300 square kilometers, the Danxia Scenic Area contains more than 680 stone hills, stonewalls, stone pillars and natural bridges of various size. With intermittently towering precipitous rocks, steep cliffs and the beautiful views, the mountain has earned the reputation “Chinese Redstone Park”. Some people ever said “though the mountains and waters of Guilin boast No.1 under the heaven, it can never compare with Danxia Mountain.”


lyyenglish 发表于 2006-1-7 00:11:31
Danxia Mountain Geopark(图)

news.dayoo.com   2004年09月02日 16:50   来源: GZMP

by Flanky   DANXIA Mountain National Geo-park is situated in the border area of Renhua and Qujiang counties, the northeast environs of Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province.   Danxia Mountain consists of over 680 stone peaks, castles, walls, pillars, and bridges, resembling a sculpture park with rubies. It has more than 380 stone peaks of various shapes, the highest of which is 681 meters. The rest ones range from 300 meters to 400 meters high. All these peaks are formed with red stones, vertical rock walls and cliffs looking like glowing, rosy clouds.   Some peaks resemble ancient castles. The isolated stone pillars are in a lifelike state, either in the shape of human beings or animals. The mountain area is covered by sub-tropical evergreen forest with the Jinjiang River meandering southward. The inverted images of red peaks in clear water make this geo-park appealing to tourists.   The Danxia landform of the Mt. Danxiashan is distinctive and diversified. The Danxia landforms have been found in more than 650 places in China, but the Danxia Mountain the largest, richest and most beautiful one.   Danxia Mountain has over 40 cavern temple including the Biechuan Buddhist Temple, where scholars and writers created many legends, stories, poems and petroglyph with great historic and cultural value. Now, four scenic areas have been developed here: Zhanglao Peak scenic area, Xianglong Lake scenic area, Jingjiang River scenic area, Yangyuan Mountain scenic area. In these scenic areas, Yangyuan Stone and Yingyuan Hole, resembling the male and female’s reproductive organs respectively, have proved to be the wonders of the world and have attracted people from all over the world.   Travel tips:   (1)Trip distance:   Guangzhou-------------Qujiang-----------   Shaoguan----------Danxia Mountain    约230公里 15公里 50公里   广州-------曲江--------韶关--------仁化丹霞山   There is a tour bus stop at Shaoguan railway station, which has a tour bus going to the Danxia Mountain抯 new gate every 15 minutes. The fare is 10 RMB per passenger and it takes about 44 minutes. You can buy the entrance ticket at the new gate and then a bus will take you directly to the foot of the mountain free of charge. The series ticket is 60-70 RMB for each tourist, covering -Danxia main scenic zone and Yangyuan scenic zone.   (2)How to arrange your trip:   One-day travel   Plan one: The new gate-Yangyuan stone--Jinjiang-river wandering by boat--have lunch at the foot of the Danxia Mountain--climb the mountain--Jinshi Stone--Biechuan Temple--watch the sunset at the mountaintop--leave off by a cable car(funicular railway)--going out of the new gate   Plan two: the new gate--go up by a cable car(funicular railway)--Zhanglao Peak-- Biechuan Temple--Jinshi stone--have lunch at the foot of the mountain--boat to the Yangyuan dock--Yangyuan stone--going out of the new gate   内容简介:丹霞山,一座美佳天下的风景名山,座落在广东省仁化县城南9公里。历史上居广东四大名山之首,被誉为岭南第一奇山。狭义的丹霞山仅限于北部的长老峰、海螺峰和宝珠峰构成的山块,以宝珠峰最高。广义的丹霞山却包括了由红石组成的280平方公里的丹霞山区,即丹霞山风景名胜区。风景区位于南岭山脉南侧的一个山间盆地中,整体呈现一种红层峰林式结构,有大小石峰、石堡、石墙、石柱、石桥680多座,最高峰海拔681米。大多山峰在300-400米之间。整个风景区山石林立,错落有致,形象万千,宛如一方红宝石雕塑园,故又称“中国红石公园”。其中阳元石几乎以假乱真,被称为“天下第一奇石”;阴元洞亦被称为“神州第一绝景”。

lyyenglish 发表于 2006-1-7 00:23:27
welcome to my hometown--Saoguan,and I will show you to the famous DANXIA Mountain .
BlueMask 发表于 2006-1-9 22:43:13
lyyenglish 发表于 2006-1-9 23:42:09
是啊,是特有的地貌,所谓丹霞,丹,乃朱红的意思,霞是晚霞,丹霞山,晚霞照在朱红色的石头上. 我今年元旦刚去,但是也只是游了三分之一.留点遗憾下次再去.
coffee 发表于 2006-1-10 22:23:26
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