






发布者: 上官飞飞 | 发布时间: 2007-12-13 00:21| 查看数: 2822| 评论数: 3|

III、图表题(table, bar graph, pie chart, line graph)  图表题的写作逻辑结构:

  Paragraph I1)概括描述图表:趋势描写;


  Paragraph II1)提出自己理由和观点(本段主题句);


  Paragraph III1)预测未来和提出解决方法;


  【标题】Changes in People’s Diet

  Directions: Write a three-paragraph composition to:

  1. State the changes in people’s diet in the past five years.

  2. Give possible reasons for the changes.

  3. Draw your own conclusion.

  You should quote as few figures as possible.

  【短文】Changes in People’s Diet

  In the past five years there have been many changes in people’s diet. Grain, as the main food of most Chinese, is now playing a less important role, while the proportion of some high-energy foods, such as milk and meat, has increased.

  What has caused these changes? I think there are two reasons. First, people now have more money. The price of meat and milk is much higher than that of grain, so in the old days people couldn’t afford them. Now they have enough money to buy both meat and milk. Second, people nowadays pay more attention to the elements of their diet. They look for a well-balanced diet that will be good for their health.

  In short, there have been changes in people’s diet in the past five years because of financial and health reasons, and there will be further changes in the future


  As can be seen from the table, the past five years has witnessed dramatic changes in people’s diet. Grain, as the staple food of most Chinese, is now playing a less important role in their diet, while the consumption of high quality food such as meat, milk and fruit has greatly increased.

  There are two factors leading to the change. For one thing, people now enjoy a higher standard of living. In the old days few families could afford meat and milk every day, which often meant a big chunk of the family income. But now people have enough money to taste a rich verity of foods. For another, people of today attach more attention to nutrition. They are not merely content to fill the stomach. They are seeking the most reasonable diet which will do good to their health.

  In a word, with people’s standard of living getting higher and higher, changes in their diet will be more obvious and greater.


  1. As we can see from the chart/ graph/ table/ diagram, ...

  2. The chart/ graph shows/ displays that ...

  3. As can be shown in the table ...,

  4. The figures/ statistics in the chart reflect/ show/ reveal that ...,

  5. It is clear/ apparent from the chart/ table that ...


  Paragraph I:(1)点明要阐释的谚语或名言( general );

  (2)用自己的话解释这一谚语或名言的意思,有时有正反两面的逻(specific )。

  Paragraph II:(1)作者对该谚语或名言的观点态度,即文章的论点句;


  Paragraph III:总结全文,定下结论(通常为阐明其现实或更深远意义)。

  Practice Makes Perfect

  Practice is the key to success in all fields of activity. It is practice alone which enables us to build up speed and efficiency. When we accomplish something perfectly without wasting effort, this is the result of long practice.

  【改写为】An English proverb says/ One of the greatest men once remarked/ Nearly every civilization has its own equivalent to the proverb: "ractice makes perfect". It means that/ In other words, it is practice alone which enables us to build up speed and efficiency. When we accomplish something without wasting effort, this is the result of long practice.

  Practice Makes Perfect(续)

  Take the study of English for example. Only practice can enable us to spell words correctly and master the rules of grammar. And it is only through practice that we can become fluent in speaking and writing, there is no other way. Another good example is sports. Practice is the only way to become stronger and run faster. Besides, in team games practice is what improves our sense of cooperation and helps the team to win.

  【改写为】History/ Our society abounds with the examples of "ractice makes perfect". ......(正反两方面都举例子) On the other hand/ On the contrary, no practice will only lead us to failure. There is hardly/ scarcely a man who can achieve success without practice. All evidence points to/ justifies/ lends supports to the fact that practice is the key to success in all fields of activity.


  To sum up, there can be no achievement which is not based on a solid foundation of practice.

  【改写为】For us college students, the saying/ proverb has a profound and realistic significance: there can be no achievement which is not based on a solid foundation of practice

  课后复习(self-study Program)


  2、写作练习:2002年6月真题(Student Use of Computers)


  4、完型填空练习:完成Passage 1--Passage 3








  Topic: Student Use of Computers (at least 150 words)

  1、 上图所示为1990、1995、2000年某校大学生使用计算机的情况,请描述其变化;




上官飞飞 发表于 2007-12-13 00:22:11

  As is shown by the bar graph, the average number of hours a student in a certain university spends on the computer per week increased dramatically over the period from 1990 to 2000. In 1990, it was less than two hours. And in 1995, it hit/ reach four hours. And in 2000, the number soared to(飞速上升) nearly twenty hours, which is over ten times than that of 1990.

  注:soared to/ boom/ shoot up/ rocket/ jump 飞速上升

  climb 上升很慢

  shrink 下降,缩水

  第一段还有一种写法:……In 1990, the number was less than 2 hours, while the figure hit 4 hours(或者这样写:while in 1995,)as compared with that of 1990, it had almost doubled. And what impress us most is that the figure soared to..., which…

  Obviously computers are becoming increasingly popular for males and for females. A multitude of factors could account for the rise. In the first place, computers facilitate us in more aspects of life. Also, the rapid development of the internet enlarges our demands for using computers. We can easily contact friends in remote places through the internet. In the second place, the prices of computers are getting lower and lower, which enable more students to purchase them.

  However, there still exist some problems, such as, poor quality, out-of-date designs and so on. And how to balance the time between using computers an studying is also a serious problem. Anyhow, we will benefit a lot from computers as long as we use them properly.






  称呼(后面的标点是逗号)ear Sir or Madam, To whom it may concern,


  签名:sincerely yours



  2、咨询/ 建议1、2、3、





  1、 告知对方你的身份(假如对方不认识你)

  Dear Sir/ Mr. Prometheus,

  I was a student at your college, enrolled in Philosophy Department.

  / I am a… at your…

  / I am a … at your college, enrolled in the… course.

  / My name is…, I am…

  2、 问候收信人(假如他/她是你的朋友)

  Dear Prometheus,

  Hello / Hi. How are you? / I hope everything is fine. / How are things going with you?

  / How are you getting on in / getting along with…..?

  3、 解释写信的原因

  (1) 致谢:

  I deeply appreciate your courtesy and I hope to reciprocate your favor when the opportunity arises.

  / I am greatly indebted to you for (the double) you have gone to on my behalf.

  / Thank you for your letter about studying in Canada.

  / I am writing to tell you how grateful I am for…

  / I would like to thank you most sincerely for…
上官飞飞 发表于 2007-12-13 00:22:25
(2) 抱怨:

  I am writing to complain about the poor service at your dining-room.

  / I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with / at…

  / I wish to make a complaint about…

  / I am writing to draw your attention to….

  / I am afraid I have got a complaint about….

  (3) 致歉:

  I would be grateful if you would be so kind as to provide me with certain essential information regarding the following aspects.

  / I am writing to you because I am unable to….

  / I an terribly sorry that….

  / I would like to express my apologies for not being able to….

  (4) 询问:

  I would like to obtain /request/seek/inquire about some information about…

  / I am writing to ask if you can do me a favor.

  / I would like some detailed information on/about….



  (1)Please give this matter your immediate attention.

  (2)I would very much appreciate it if……as soon as possible.

  (3)Please render me some valuable advice which is conductive to my final decision.


  (1)I hope these……will be helpful, and please feel free to contact me for more information.

  (2)……will be taking responsibility for you and if you should need any assistance, she/he will be pleased to help you

  3、 再次表示歉意或感激

  (1)Thank you for your kind assistance.

  (2)Please accept my heartfelt thanks and deepest gratitude, now and always.

  (3)I am sorry that I cannot……, and trust that you will understand.

  (4)In addition, let me apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused.

  (5)I shall feel obliged by a reply at your earliest convenience.

  (6)Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.
上官飞飞 发表于 2007-12-13 00:22:43
4、 期盼回信:R.S.V.P.

  (1)I look forward to your prompt response.

  (2)Looking forward to a prompt reply,

  (3)I expect to hear from you very soon.

  (4)I hope to receive your reply shortly.

  (5)I am already eagerly awaiting your reply to this first letter.


  Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter.

  Suppose you are Zhang Ying. Write a letter to Xiao Wang, a schoolmate of yours who is going to visit you during the week-long holiday. You should write at least 100 words according to the suggestions given below in Chinese.

  1. 表示欢迎

  2. 提出度假安排的建议


  A Letter to a Schoolmate

  June 23, 2001

  Dear Xiao Wang

  Example I:

  Dear Xiao Wang,

  I am very happy to learn that you are going to visit me during the week-long holiday. My parents will also be happy to see you again. I am sure you will enjoy every minute here.

  I know you like swimming. A river lies not far away from my home. We can go swimming there. I think it would be very pleasant and refreshing to swim in such hot summer days. In every big room of my home there is an air-conditioner. We can watch TV, play VCDs or read books very comfortably at home.

  A mountain about two miles away from here is beautiful and it is worth touring. We can go there on foot. When we climb to the top of the mountain, we can have a wonderful birds eye view of the whole village.

  Just phone me before you set off. There is no need for you to take anything. I’ll prepare everything for you.

  I am looking forward to seeing you soon.


  Zhang Yin

  公文信函: 2002.1

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic:

  A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus You should write at least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:


  January 12th, 2002

  Dear Mr. President,

  Li Ming

  freshman 大一

  sophomore 大二

  junior 大三

  senior 大四

  Example II:

  Dear Mr. Prometheus,

  I am a student at your TOEFL class and I am writing to explain my absence from classes since March 11, 2001.

  On March 10, 2001, I was involved in a serious motor vehicle accident. I was transported to the hospital in an ambulance, where I was treated for a broken ankle, fractured collarbone, and 3 bruised ribs. My doctor advised complete bed rest for 6 weeks, and as a result, I have been unable to attend classes since March 11, 2001.

  I am concerned about keeping up with my studies, and have been doing the required readings, as assigned by you. My biggest concern is whether I will be able to participate the final class. Would you please advise me regarding my courses, specifically if there will be any special consideration given to me in light of my current situation? Thank you for your kind assistance.

  I look forward to hearing from you soon.



  Student No…







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