





Pet slimmer of the year

发布者: david | 发布时间: 2006-1-9 14:44| 查看数: 4161| 评论数: 1|

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Pet slimmer of the year  </DIV></TD></TR>
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<P align=left><FONT color=#808000><FONT color=#000000>A combination of two undated handout photographs shows Mischief the cat before (L) and after losing weight. Mischief lost 5kg (11 lb) in nine months and won Britain's pet <STRONG><FONT color=#808000>slimmer</FONT></STRONG> of the year competition in 2005. A survey of British vets and owners showed that one in three pets, or 33 percent, were considered overweight and 38 percent of pet owners said their animals put on weight over Christmas. (Reuters) </FONT></FONT></TD></TR>
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<TD class=e12b><FONT color=#ff9900>Vocabulary: </FONT></TD></TR>
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<TD class=e12>
<STRONG>slimmer</STRONG> : 减肥者</TD></TR></TABLE>


流水绯红 发表于 2006-1-9 14:54:55
Now of living raise.This be the proof
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