






发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-12-2 18:09| 查看数: 1150| 评论数: 0|


  Lindsay Lohan is completing a court-ordered stay at the Betty Ford Center in Los Angeles after failing drug tests, and she has been seen a number of times by her ex Samantha Ronson since she was admitted in September.

  A source close to them both told E! News: "I've spotted Samantha there a few times, which is good. Lindsay seems to be in a really good head space.

  "Not sure how to explain it, but she seems lighter, like a weight has been taken off. She's come to terms with how bad things got and no longer wants that for her life."


  Lindsay is said to be making good progress at the facility and the friend added she is looking "amazing" and is working out every day.


  She has progressed to the stage where she is even allowed day passes for visits outside of the treatment center to her apartment, and she was allowed to spend 15 hours with her family and friends for thanksgiving last Thursday.

  It is not known if Lindsay and Sam met up on that day, but Sam did tweet: "This thanksgiving I am thankful that I'm spending today with someone else's family. Everyone else's dysfunctions always seem so much 'cuter'."

  As a another sign of her continuing progress, the actress and her sober house at the Betty Ford Centre are to be awarded a 'Sober Shine Award' for staying clean.

  Lindsay, 24, is scheduled to stay at the clinic until January 2011.



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