





[每日一译]------ 2008.1.2

发布者: daisy95071 | 发布时间: 2008-1-2 16:04| 查看数: 1696| 评论数: 5|

1.* 莎莉第一次遇见她的男朋友是在一个聚会上。

2.* 我对你有信心。

3.* 别把我当作你的对手。




pestsun 发表于 2008-1-2 16:34:05
1. The first time that Sally met her boy friend is at a party

2. I have confidence in you

3. Don't regard me as your rival

4. We inquire him whether Russian people will like the golf
yunyi0315 发表于 2008-11-25 11:54:48
1. The first time that Sally met her boy friend is at a party

2. I have confidence in you

3. Don't regard me as your rival

4. We inquire him whether Russian people will like the golf
ericachow 发表于 2008-11-28 15:44:50
The first time Shirley met her boyfriend was in a party.

I believe in you.

Don’t treat me as your opponent.

We inquired him whether Russians fond of golf or not.
ivy21608 发表于 2008-12-1 08:45:21
1.* 莎莉第一次遇见她的男朋友是在一个聚会上。

Saly meeted his boyfriend for the frist time in a paty.

2.* 我对你有信心。

I am trust of you

3.* 别把我当作你的对手。

Don't take me inyour match


We inquire he forRussianaren't love the golf
jy071103148 发表于 2008-12-1 15:25:42
1.* 莎莉第一次遇见她的男朋友是在一个聚会上。

saly met his boyfriend in the fist time that is in a party

2.* 我对你有信心。

I 'mfully trust you

3.* 别把我当作你的对手。

don"tconside me for you match


i asked thatthe russian likedthe golf or not
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