





We Could Learn A Lot

发布者: ieboy | 发布时间: 2008-1-3 22:12| 查看数: 2214| 评论数: 2|

We Could Learn  A Lot
Out in the darkness
Lightyears from home
Galaxy distant
Planet unknown
Somebody's watching
Life here on earth
Somebody's out there
We're not the first
We could learn a lot from you
Can you travel space and time?
Do you have a face like mine?
Are you far from humankind?
Don't you want to say hello?
Maby spend a week or so with us
Don't you want to say hello?
Maby spend a week or so with us
Pluto and Saturn
Venus and Mars
Meteor showers
Infinite stars
Other dimensions
Yet to be known
Somebody's out there
We're not alone
We colud learn a lot from you
Can you travel space and time?
Do you have a face like mine?
Are you far from humankind?
Don't you want to say hello?
Maby spend a week or so with us
Don't you want to say hello?
Maby spend a week or so with us
Amy Diamond是近年新兴的15岁少女歌手,1992年於英国出生后来移居到瑞典一直到现在,在4岁的时候Amy就开口唱歌,自信的她在儿时就展现与生俱来的天赋,2000年的时候第一次登台表演,这些年也参加了8项比赛,当中就赢了7次,在8到11岁的时候Amy接受相关的课程并曾参与音乐剧的演出,Amy的首张专辑 This Is Me Now 在瑞典大获成功达到金唱片的销量,挺进了排行榜的好望角,这个结果对於一位小女孩的第一次发声着实难得,Amy在专辑中展现乾净却强劲的歌喉及精湛的歌艺,如果不是若隐若现的稚气嗓音,音感极佳和缩放自如的演唱技巧,充满现代感的铺陈几乎要以为这是张成年女歌手的作品。


海伦 发表于 2008-1-4 08:06:24
mayflora 发表于 2008-1-5 11:06:24
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