





Prince William begins army career 威廉王子入军校 弟弟哈里成学长

发布者: yucc | 发布时间: 2006-1-11 16:50| 查看数: 6231| 评论数: 1|

<FONT color=#0080ff><FONT color=#000000> 7okurToT.jpg </FONT><BR>Britain's Prince William, centre, is greeted by Major General Andrew Ritchie, the Commandant of Sandhurst, as he arrives with his father, the Prince of Wales, right, at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, southern England, at the start of his Army Officer training Sunday Jan. 8, 2005. </FONT>
<FONT face="MS Sans Serif" color=#080000 size=3>rince William launched his army career on Sunday when he entered the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst.
<FONT face="MS Sans Serif" color=#080000 size=3>The second-in-line to the British throne is following younger brother Prince Harry into the elite academy to train to become an officer.
继弟弟哈里王子后,这位英国王室的第二王位继承人也将在这所"精英院校"接受培训成为一名军官。 </FONT>
<FONT face="MS Sans Serif" color=#080000 size=3>William, 23, arrived with his father, Britain's Prince Charles, at the site in Camberley, southern England, looking a bit apprehensive on the first day of his one-year training course.
今年23岁的威廉王子和他的父亲查尔斯王储一同来到这所位于英国南部坎巴利的学校,他将在这里接受一年的培训,在入学的第一天,他显得有点不安和担忧。 </FONT>
<FONT face="MS Sans Serif" color=#080000 size=3>Last October William passed the Regular Commissions Board exams -- a series of tests and tasks to gauge the ability of candidates to meet the mental, physical and emotional demands facing army officers -- to gain entry to the academy.
去年10月,威廉通过正规军服役委员会的考试后,被桑德赫斯特皇家军事学院录取。此项考试包括一系列的测试和任务,旨在评估应试者在智力、生理和情感上是否符合军官的要求</FONT><FONT face=宋体>。 </FONT>
<FONT face=宋体></FONT>
<FONT face="MS Sans Serif" color=#080000 size=3>"I am absolutely delighted to have got over the first hurdle, but I am only too well aware, having spoken so much to Harry, that this is just the beginning," he said.
威廉王子说,"我很高兴自己闯过了第一关,但是通过与弟弟哈里多次交谈后,我也非常清楚入学只是考验的开始。" </FONT>
<FONT face="MS Sans Serif" color=#080000 size=3>"I am really looking forward to taking my place alongside all the other cadets at Sandhurst."
"我真的很期待和桑德赫斯特的其他同学一起'并肩战斗'。" </FONT>
<FONT face="MS Sans Serif" color=#080000 size=3>William has the prospect of eventually becoming Commander in Chief of Britain's armed forces -- the role traditionally occupied by the monarch.
威廉有望成为英国的三军总司令,这个职位长期以来都是由君主执掌的。 </FONT>
<FONT face="MS Sans Serif" color=#080000 size=3>The academy's commandant, General Andrew Ritchie, jokingly warned of tough times ahead.
军校司令安德鲁·里奇将军打趣说,苦日子还在后面呢。 </FONT>
<FONT face="MS Sans Serif" color=#080000 size=3>"They have been used to working for four hours a day and sleeping for 20, and we reverse that," he said.
他说:"他们都习惯了一天工作4个小时,睡20个小时的日子。而我们将把这颠倒过来。"</FONT><FONT face=宋体> </FONT>
<FONT face=宋体></FONT>
<FONT face="MS Sans Serif" color=#080000 size=3>In 2004, when William announced he was considering joining the army, he said he would not expect or accept special treatment.
2004年,威廉王子宣布考虑参军时就说过他不期待也不会接受特殊待遇。 </FONT>
<FONT face="MS Sans Serif" color=#080000 size=3>"The last thing I want to be is mollycoddled or wrapped up in cotton wool," he said. "If I was to join the army, I would want to go where my men went and I would want to do what they did."
他说,"我最不想变成一个娇生惯养的人,像温室里的花朵一样。如果我要参军,我会和其他士兵们同甘共苦,并肩战斗。" </FONT>
<FONT face="MS Sans Serif" color=#080000 size=3>
Harry, 21, who entered Sandhurst last year and will therefore initially be senior to William, has joked that he was looking forward to his elder brother having to salute him.

<FONT face="MS Sans Serif" color=#080000 size=3><B>Vocabulary:
<FONT color=#ff0000>second-in-line :(第二继承人)
gauge :estimate or evaluate(评估;衡量)
only too :extremely(太;极其)</FONT>


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