






发布者: 权萍有我 | 发布时间: 2008-1-21 02:50| 查看数: 3068| 评论数: 8|


Test Twenty?Two???


edge, border, rim, verge?










verge常用于on the verge of 这一固定搭配中。如:?

This is the north edge of the field.这是这块地的北边线。?

The plane flew across the border.飞机飞越了边境。?

He wears a pair of spectacles with gold rims.他戴一副金丝边眼镜。?

She was on the verge of speaking out the secret.她差点儿把秘密说出来。??

brief, concise, condensed, short?











I left him a brief note.我给他留了一个便条。?

Most of Bacon’s essays are concise.培根的多数小品文都很简洁。?

This news story is condensed.这篇新闻报道被压缩了。?

His answer was short and to the point.他的回答简明扼要。


权萍有我 发表于 2008-1-21 02:50:34



1. ?____? a fine day, we decided to go for a picnic.?

A. Having beenB. BeingC. WhatD. It being?

2. He came to know that the knowledge from books can be useful only ?______? it is linked with practice.?

A. asB. whenC. whileD. for?

3. ?____?, it is quite easy to drill a hole in it with laser.?

A. Hard although a diamond is ?

B. As a diamond is hard?

C. Hard as a diamond is?

D. How hard is a diamond?

4. Silk, printing, paper, the compass and powder originated in China, and ?____? introduction in the west had far?reaching effects.?

A. theseB. theirC. thoseD. its?

5. The problem is believed ?____? at the meeting two days ago.?

A. to have discussed?

B. to have been discussed?

C. being discussed?

D. having been discussed?

6. Ultrasonic sounds produce pulsed signals ?____? various defects in metal can be detected.

A. for whichB. of which ?

C. as a result of whichD. by means of which?

7. In computer programming, this model is ?____? to any of the others we have ever had.?

A. more superiorB. the more superior?

C. the most superior D. superior?

8. The introduction of the coal pulverizing system in Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant vastly reduces the time it took ?____?.?

A. to mill the coalB. milling the coal ?

C. for milling the coalD. while milling the coal?

9. Some members suggested ?____? a party for the visitor, but the Chairman didn’t approve.?

A. to arrangeB. arrange?

C. arrangingD. to be arranging?

10. If the maid comes today, please have her ?____? my shirts.?

A. washedB. washingC. to washD. wash?

11. ?____? racial problems have not been solved and full equality has not been attained yet, progress in these directions has been quite remarkable.?

A. SinceB. AlthoughC. Now thatD. Before?

12. ?____? they are alarmed at the interference with the natural balance of the environment, and its possible consequences.?

A. All in all B. After all?

C. Above allD. In all?

13. Rumor ?____? it that the man has been nominated many times for the Nobel Prize.?

A. hasB. spreadsC. carriesD. learns?

14. Just because I’m ?____? to him, my boss thinks he can order me around without giving me any respect.?

A. redundantB. versatileC. trivial D. subordinate?

15. In our society, a wedding invitation is also an ?____?invitation for a gift.?

A.ingeniousB. intelligibleC. implicitD. inclusive?

16. The strong scent of Kate’s perfume ?____? the air in the small room.?

A. radiatedB. permeatedC. extractedD. dispersed?

17. An atom bomb would ?____? a city.?

A. destroyB. damageC. spoilD. wreck?

18. The climate here is pleasant. It is ?____? all the year round.?

A. dampB. humidC. moistD. wet?

19. The room is partly ?____? with a few old chairs.?

A. providedB. decoratedC. beautifiedD. furnished?

20. If Karl were more ?____? about her voice, she would never sing outside of the shower.?

A. punctualB. practicalC. sensitiveD. objective?

21. Renewing my driver’s licence today is ?____?. Otherwise, the licence will expire at midnight.?

A. imaginativeB. feasibleC. imperativeD. empirical?

22. For those with poor eyesight, large print ?____? reading.?

A. facilitatesB. rectifiesC. reinforcesD. magnifies

23. Nancy complained about the ?____? air?conditioner she bought from the department store.?

A. inefficientB. deficientC. ineffectiveD. defective?

24. ?____? the large amount of time devoted to listening every day, most college students do not listen effectively.?

A. HoweverB. IfC. DespiteD. Even?

25. If we continue to argue over minor points, we won’t get ?____?near a solution.?

A. anywhereB. somewhereC. elsewhereD. nowhere?
权萍有我 发表于 2008-1-21 02:51:03


ch- 发表于 2008-2-22 08:05:01
Thank you very much. Pingping.
kys 发表于 2008-2-25 13:50:29
xcl80225 发表于 2009-1-14 04:52:08
kankan a
ziyelin 发表于 2009-1-18 23:17:55
heih ei lao lo
Crystal.zr 发表于 2009-2-2 19:02:14
thank you very much
sonia4310 发表于 2009-6-13 21:46:35
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