






发布者: 权萍有我 | 发布时间: 2008-1-21 02:57| 查看数: 5221| 评论数: 12|


Test Twenty?Six???


range, reach, scope, compass, scale?












The bird now came within my range of vision.那只小鸟飞入了我的视野。?

Keep the pills out of the reach of the children!把药放到孩子们够不到的地方!?

Is Romanticism in the scope of your book?你的书涉及到浪漫主义吗??

Construction is not within the compass of the department.工程建设不属这个部门管辖。?

This thermometer has two scales marked on it, one in Fahrenheit and the other in Centigrade.温度计上有两种刻度,一种是华氏,另一种是摄氏。??

scarce, rare?






The panda is one of the rare animals in the world.熊猫是世界上稀有动物之一。?

Water is scarce in Sahara.撒哈拉沙漠上缺水。


权萍有我 发表于 2008-1-21 02:57:30



1. ?____? plastics, the machine is light in weight.?

A. To make ofB. To be made of?

C. Having made ofD. Made of?

2. “?____? all three people in the car injured in the accident?”?

“No,?____? only the two passengers who got hurt.”?

A. Were/it was B. Are/there is?

C. Were/it were D. Was/there was?

3. ?____? is to be in the flowing “river” of bears.?

A. Stand on the tip of the cape?

B. To stand on the tip of the cape?

C. Standing on the tip of the cape?

D. Being standing on the tip of the cape?

4. The speech which he made ?____? the football match bored a lot of fans to death.?

A. being concernedB.be concerned?

C. concerned D. concerning?

5.?____? in an atmosphere of simple living was what his parents wished for.?

A. He was educated B. He educated?

C. His being educatedD. He to be educated?

6. No sooner ?____? than he realized that he should have remained silent.?

A. the words had spokenB. had the words spoken?

C. the words had been spokenD. had the words been spoken?

7. He went out of the General Manager’s office, looking as if he ?____?.?

A. has been severely punished?

B. were severely punished?

C. was severely punished?

D. had been severely punished?

8. The factory manager and secretary ?____? our party.?

A. is to attendB. are to attend?

C. were to attend D. is attended?

9. This project is known to ?____? for three months.?

A. having been going onB. go on?

C. have been going onD. be going on?

10. ?____? the car accident, they would have arrived earlier.?

A. Except forB. But forC. BesidesD. Save for?

11. Jane is slow but her brother, on the contrary, is quick at ?____? the point of an argument.?

A. grabbingB. graspingC. capturingD. snatching?

12. In an attempt to get to the ?____? of the problem, the reporter interviewed every eyewitness.?

A. rootB. stemC. centerD. base?

13. The tourists ?____? through the fog, trying to read what was engraved on the gravestone Shakespeare had chosen for himself.?

A. peeredB. peepedC. glancedD. glimpsed?

14. The noise was so faint that you had to ?____? your ears to hear it.?

A. stirB. strengthenC. strainD. stride?

15. Because of the severe drought, the government has urged people to be ?____? with water.?

A. economicB. thriftyC. cautiousD. economical?

16. They came to inspect the house ?____? buying it.?

A. in the event of B. with a view to?

C. with reference toD. on account of ?

17. If a child is brought up in isolation away from human beings, he does not ?____? language.?

A. inquireB. requireC. acquireD. request?

18. The use of sound is widespread as ?____? of animal communication.?

A. a meansB. waysC. a toolD. signals?

19. There is no ?____? evidence to date that people in the Western world can control their dreams, at least in experimental situations in a lab.?

A. solidB. hardC. goodD. fine?

20. Many of the inventions that made people ?____? and have determined the direction of American industry were related to agriculture and food production.?

A. affluentB. abundantC. sufficientD. bankrupt?

21. They ?____? a coin to decide who would go first.?

A. tickedB. tiledC. towedD. tossed?

22. You should ?____? to one or more weekly magazines such as Time,or People.?

A. subscribeB. orderC. prescribeD. reclaim?

23. No one knew the man’s age until he ?____? it by accident.?

A. displayB. revealedC. exhibitD. exposed?

24. Rising from the table he ?____? his hat and went out.?

A. put onB. dressedC. had onD. wore?

25. His hard work ?____? him a good reputation.?

A. obtainedB. acquiredC. gainedD. earned
权萍有我 发表于 2008-1-21 02:57:58


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