






发布者: 权萍有我 | 发布时间: 2008-1-21 02:58| 查看数: 3200| 评论数: 7|


Test Twenty?Seven???


recall, remember, remind, recollect?



意为“想起”,强调有意识地去“回忆,回想”,常与can, could等词连用,强调一次性回忆。




表示“使…想起”,指人受到一定媒介的启发或提醒而慢慢地唤起对往事的记忆,常用在remind sb. of sth.的结构中。?



I can’t recall having met him before.我记不起以前曾见到过他。?

I suddenly remembered I had left the book in the library.我突然想起我把书忘在图书馆了。?

Your telling me that story reminds me of another.你给我讲的故事使我想起了另一个故事。?

She thought back and tried to recollect the exact wording of the letter.她回忆着,试图回想起那封信的准确字眼。??

shift, move, remove, transfer?










It’s no use trying to shift the blame to anybody else.想把过错推到别人身上是没用的。?

Please help me move the desk to the corner.请帮我把桌子搬到墙角。?

The obstacle has been removed; the two countries continued their dialogue.障碍已经排除,两国又继续对话。?

The head office of the company has been transferred to New York.该公司总部已迁至纽约。


权萍有我 发表于 2008-1-21 02:59:21



1. It wasn’t sucha good dinner ?____? she had promised us.?

A. thatB. whichC. asD.what?

2. ?____? can we yield to the pressure.?

A. By and largeB. By means of ?

C. By no meansD. In return?

3. By the time we reach an agreement, the approvals ?____?.?

A. will be gotB. have been got?

C. shall have been got D. are got?

4. The World Trade Center, the top ?____? is 410 meters high, is the tallest building in the world.?

A. of whichB. whichC. of whoseD. that?

5. Doctor Godwin says that ?____? what forceful arguments against smoking there are, many people persist in smoking.?

A. thoughB. howeverC. no matterD. but?

6. ?____? many times, this radio receiver is found very sensitive.?

A. Being testedB. Having been tested?

C. Having testedD. Testing?

7. If traffic problems are not solved soon, driving in cities ?____? impossible.?

A. becomesB. will have become?

C. will become D. become?

8. On this busy road drivers ought to be especially careful, ?____???

A. ought itB. oughtn’t they?

C. oughtn’t it D. don’t they?

9. Only when the war was over in 1945 ?____? to his hometown.?

A. did he returnB. he did return ?

C. he returnedD. had he returned?

10. ?____? his eyes when she told him that it was time for them to leave.?

A. Hardly had he openedB. Scarcely did he open?

C. No sooner did he openD. He had no sooner opened?

11. She has?____? as a singer; she’s worth training.?

A. abilitiesB. capabilities?

C. talentsD. capacities?

12. The atomic clock is ?____? to within 3 seconds in a century.?

A. exactB. clearC. accurateD. explicit?

13. That consciousness is being transformed into ?____?.?

A. actionB. actC. deedD. activity?

14. To stress the importance of a rich vocabulary, the teacher used a(n) ?____?.“Writing with a severely limited vocabulary”, she said, “is like trying to paint a circus with only a few colors.”?

A. exampleB. comparisonC. contrastD. analogy?

15. When my father listens to classical music on the radio, he often swings his arms as if he’s ?____? the orchestra.?

A. leadingB. controlling?

C. conductingD. practising?

16. The disappearance of that money from my wallet is quite ?____?. I’m sure the wallet was in my pocket all day.?

A. dramaticB. doubtfulC. mysteriousD. dangerous?

17. A completely new situation is likely to ?____? whe

n the school leaving age is raised to 16.?

A. riseB. raiseC. ariseD. arouse?

18. The campers ?____? their tent in a sheltered valley.?

A. establishedB. placedC. fixedD. built?

19. An almost ?____? line of traffic was moving at a snail’s pace through the center city.?

A. continuousB. constantC. longD. continual?

20. On entering another country, a tourist will have to ?____? the customs.?

A. pass throughB. pass byC.pass overD. pass away?

21. Experiments enable young scientists to judge what must be accepted and what must be viewed with ?____?.

A. beliefB. curiosityC. suspicionD. doubt?

22. The city has decided to ?____? overhead wires.?

A. do off B. do with?

C. do away withD. do away?

23. George ?____? tears when he heard the sad news.?

A. broke throughB. broke up ?

C. broke intoD. broke out?

24. As the airliner began to take off, Jane , together withher boyfriend ?____?, took a last look at their parents who had come to see them off.?

A. on boardB. at mostC. on scheduleD. at random?

25. She’s ?____? as a very promising young singer.?

A. looked onB. looked forC. looked overD. looked up
权萍有我 发表于 2008-1-21 02:59:49


xcl80225 发表于 2009-1-14 04:58:00
kankan a
ziyelin 发表于 2009-1-15 17:21:02
Crystal.zr 发表于 2009-2-2 19:10:26
风╬oοHui◇ 发表于 2009-3-20 13:53:24
sonia4310 发表于 2009-6-14 13:12:26
I want it!
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