






发布者: Stone | 发布时间: 2006-1-12 23:02| 查看数: 13206| 评论数: 2|





Kim’s NoteThere are some words that just give an instant lift to your English level. The best way to improve your vocabulary is to incorporate challenging words into daily conversation. This way is far more effective than just memorizing lifeless words on a page. We selected the following words just for you because they are not only challenging, but useful.




1. of the highest degree or intensity; greatest possible; at the very beginning or very end


2. of opinions or people who hold them going beyond the usual limits; far from moderate



1. We faced extreme danger when we traveled to the mountains of India.


2. The little town is located in the extreme north of the country.


3. She is now in extreme pain.


4. An extreme illness bothered the poor old man.


5. He showed extreme patience / kindness / gentleness.


6. The extreme penalty of the law in some countries is the death penalty.


7. In order to lose weight, she goes on an extreme diet almost once a month.


8. Judy is crazy about following the extreme fashion in clothes.


9. She is moderate, I am extreme.


10. His political ideas are too extreme for me.


11. He is a supporter of the extreme right / left.





1. to accept as true or probable; believe; imagine


2. assume or to pretend that (sth.) is true; take (sth.) as a fact



1. Let’s suppose it’s true.


2. What makes you suppose I’m against it?


Kim’s Note Some offices are controlled by gossip. Sometimes your boss will think he knows your opinion about a project or idea before you discuss it with him. If he assumes you are against an idea, this sentence can be useful to open a discussion.

3. She’ll be there today, I suppose.


4. I suppose you want to borrow money from me again?


Kim’s noteThis is an extremely useful sentence to send away people who always borrow money or other things from you without returning. To deal with this kind of person sarcasm can be extremely effective! If you blurt out this sentence before the person can ask, you will probably save yourself some money.

5. It was generally supposed that it would not happen again.


6. We always supposed that he was innocent.


7. Suppose that the news is true, what then?


8. Suppose you had a million dollars, how would you spend it?


Kim’s noteThis sentence is sure to start an interesting discussion. You can also tell a lot about a person based on his answer. People who answer mainly by describing what they would buy for themselves are usually more self-centered and shallow than people who describe what they would buy for others.

9. Suppose we go for a swim!


10. Am I supposed to clean all the rooms or just this one?


11. You were supposed to be here an hour ago.


Kim’s noteI always use this sentence when someone is late. I don’t bother asking why someone is late because I am not interested in excuses. I just let them know they were supposed to be present an hour before!

12. You’re not supposed to play football in the street.


13. Suppose he were to see us!


Kim’s noteThis is a classic sentence for students who like to skip (miss) class. They are always worried about the teacher seeing them!




1. thing that is suggested or implied; thing not openly stated; hint


2. involving or being involved, esp. in a crime





1. She said very little, but a great deal by implication.


2. Failure to say ‘No’ may, by implication, be taken to mean ‘Yes’.


3. He seemed by implication to acknowledge that fact.


4. He smiled, but the implication was that he didn’t believe me.


5. The new report has far-reaching implications for the future of broadcasting.


6. The implication of your statement is that I was wrong.


7. Stone is very interested in studying the implications of the president’s statement.


8. China’s entry into the WTO carries global implications.


Kim’s NoteThis is definitely a show-off sentence! If you can blurt out this sentence many people will be stunned!

9. The economic decline has grave implications for unemployment.


10. The trial resulted in the implication of several major figures in the organization.



Stone 发表于 2006-1-12 23:04:59


十个a 字母开头的单词:

1. abroad:adv.)在国外;出国;(在)海外

* I’m thinking of going abroad to study next year.


2. accumulate: (v.) 积累;聚积(某物);聚集(某事物);增加

* If you just learn two or three sentences a day, you will accumulate a wealth of English in a very short time.


3. adequate: (adj.) 适当的;足够的;充分的;胜任的;符合要求的

* Your work is adequate but I’m sure you could do better.


4. administration: (n.) 管理,经营;管理部门;政府;实施,执行

* This office is under the administration of the Chinese Government.


5. amaze: (v.) 使……大为惊讶;使惊愕

* I am amazed by what you have told me.


* We were amazed by your English!


6. amend: (v.) 改正,修正;修改;改进;改好

* Some people think that the US Constitution should be amended.


7. announce: (v.) 宣布;宣告;发表

* They announced the winning Olympic city on July 13.


8. anxious: (adj.) 忧虑的,担忧的;渴望的,急切的

* She is very anxious about her son’s health.


* We are anxious to find our exam results.


9. appoint: (v.) 挑选(某人)做某工作或任某职务;任命;委托

* Who shall we appoint as chairperson?


10.argue: (v.) 争论,说理;争辩;讨论,辩论;争吵

* Life is too short to argue about little things.


* We argued with the waiter about the price of the meal.



十个含发音 [ ei ] 的单词:

1. ancient: (adj.) 古代的;古老的;远古的

* Xi’an was once an ancient capital.


2. behavior: (n.) 待人态度;举止;行为;

* She was ashamed of her children’s bad behavior.


3. conversation: (n.) 交谈;谈话;对话

* He was deep in conversation with his boss.


4. dangerous: (adj.) 有危险的;危险的

* It is too dangerous to walk home alone.


5. escape: (v.) 逃脱;逃走;

* There was no way to escape the boring meeting.


* She longed to escape from her mother’s domination.


6. famous: (adj.) 出名的;著名的

* The Great Wall is famous all over the world.


* New York is famous for its skyscrapers.


7. favorite: (adj.) 最喜欢的

* Who is your favorite writer?


Kim’s NoteAsking someone about her favorite writer or singer is a great way to start a conversation. Most people love to talk about their likes and dislikes. Take advantage of this opportunity to practice your English.

8. mistake: (n.) 错误;过失;误解;误会

* If you always worry about making mistakes, you’ll never make any progress in your English!


* The waiter made a mistake in the bill.


9. operate: (v.) 工作,运转;操纵,操作;经营,管理

* He operates three factories and a huge warehouse.


10. patient: adj.)有耐性的;忍耐的;容忍的

* Learning English takes time. You have to be patient.


* You should be more patient with your family.


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