





turn around

发布者: ieboy | 发布时间: 2008-1-28 18:18| 查看数: 2244| 评论数: 2|

turn around


turn around
Is it me or did we agree to love?
tell me why I don't feel we got enough.
it's you but what about me?
it seems like you live a life without me.
everything seems to have your time but us
my space in your heart is closing up
and the place where your picture's hanging
is the only time you're with me.
don't leave me out here all alone - oh no.
I'm still right here where'd you go
Look around
don't you feel something missing?
I'm the one you promised you would love
but you got ahead so far away
while I'm holding on
please turn around
I see you but i don't feel you
can't get your attention to save my love
look back and see me now
don't let me down please turn around
I think I must  gave too much
cause I felt that the road was getting rough
suddenly I felt lonley out here
I look beside me to find you're not there
said you would love and protect me
all I have are the words you left me
here I stand with the plans in my head
This cant be the kinda love that you said
dont leave me out here all alone
I'm still right here where'd you go
Look around don't you feel something missing.
I'm the one you promised you would love.
but you got ahead so far away
while I'm holding on
please turn around
I see you but I don't feel you
can't get your attention to save my love
look back and see me now
don't let me down
please turn around
If you only see the tears I'm crying on my pillow.
that doesnt compare to what your doing to my soul
dont you even know that im in need of love
I'm calling you but you dont seem to hear a thing
I'm losing you now
Please just look around
don't you feel something missing
I'm the one you promised you would love
but you got ahead so far away
while I'm holding on
please turn around.
I see you but I don't feel you.
can't get your attention to save my love.
look back and see me now
don't let me down
please turn around.
Don't you feel something missing
I'm the one you promised you would love
but you got ahead so far away
while I'm holding on
please turn around
I see you but I don't feel you
can't get your attention to save my love
look back and see me now.
don't let me down.
please turn around.
turn around.
just turn around.
turn around.
look around baby
look around baby.
look around baby.
samantha jade-模特儿界转战歌坛的澳洲漂亮宝贝
    ★ 拥有天使般美貌与绝佳歌喉,受到美国票房亚军励志舞蹈电影「Step Up」青睐,获邀演唱同名主题曲,初试啼声之作令人惊艳万分。
    ★ 完全展露对节奏蓝调、流行、舞曲乐派的节奏掌握度。
    ★ 向前辈凯莉米洛、娜塔莉等人看齐,单枪匹马靠着全新单曲“Turn Around“勇闯国际音乐舞台。


椰风树影 发表于 2008-1-28 18:28:39
烛光宾 发表于 2008-2-20 21:24:53
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