






发布者: 流水绯红 | 发布时间: 2006-1-13 18:18| 查看数: 5639| 评论数: 1|

台湾同胞 Taiwan compatriots

· 台湾、香港、澳门保持原有的资本主义制度和生活方式长期不变 Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao will retain the current capitalist system and way of life for a long time to come.

· 炭疽 anthrax

· 踢皮球 pass the buck

· 逃废银行债务 evasion of repayment of bank loans

· 韬光养晦 hide one’s capacities and bide one’s time

· 讨价还价 wheel and deal

· 统筹兼顾 make overall plans adn take all factors into consideration; overall planning and all-round consideration

· 同乡会 an association of fellow provincials or townsmen

· 筒子楼 tube-shaped apartment

· 团队精神 team spirit; esprit de corps

· 团结就是力量 Unity is strength.

· 退耕还林还草 grain for green

· 退耕还林还牧 convert the land for forestry and pasture

· 鸵鸟政策 ostrich policy; ostrichism

· 脱贫致富 “cast (shake, throw) off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity“

· 拖欠工资 arrears of wage

· 西部大开发 Western Development

· 西电东送 transmit the electricity from the western areas to East China; West-East electricity transmission project

· 西电东送 transmission of electricity from the western to the eastern region

· 洗礼 baptism

· 西气东输 transmit the natural gas from the western areas to East China; West-East natural gas transmission project


flying0422 发表于 2006-1-13 20:22:10
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