






发布者: ieboy | 发布时间: 2008-2-23 20:43| 查看数: 1680| 评论数: 0|



This is as quiet as it gets
hush down now
go to sleep
we were once perfect me and you
will never leave this room
H H H Hush
you color my eyes red
your loves not live its dead
this letters written itself inside out again
when rivers turn to roads and lovers become trends
This is the calming before the storm
this absolution is always incomplete
its always bittersweet
H H H Hush
you color my eyes red
your loves not live its dead
this letters written itself inside out again
when rivers turn to roads and lovers become trends
H H H Hush this is where it ends
I wont make a sound so you don't wake
don't wake don't wake you don't wake you don't wake
you color my eyes red
your loves not live its dead
this letters written itself inside out again
when rivers turn to roads and lovers become trends
H H H Hush this is where it ends
you color my eyes red
your loves not live its dead
this letters written itself inside out again
when rivers turn to roads and lovers become trends
H H H Hush this is where it ends
This is where it ends
乐队EP唱片《Recover(恢复)》在苹果iTunes网上音乐商店开始发售,这张EP唱片中的第三首歌曲“Hush(沉寂)”是一首制作十分精良的歌曲,大气而华丽的配器加上主唱极富感召力的歌唱,令聆赏者深深地沉思其中,在此特别推荐。Automatic Loveletter(自动情书)乐队的歌曲以目前全球最流行的Emo风格为主,美女主唱Ross Gruet的嗓音很有韧性,穿透力强而又饱含情感。


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