






发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-12-7 17:39| 查看数: 1130| 评论数: 1|


  She's know for being dark and brooding, but Kristen Stewart looked white hot in a tiny bikini while taking a beach break with Robert Pattinson. Newly-released pictures of the couple show them playfully stripped down and swimming together in the ocean in Brazil. Kristen, 20, looked toned in her bandeau two-piece as she emerged from the water with her wet hair slicked back.   吸血鬼电影《暮光之城》女主角克里斯汀·斯图尔特一改在电影中吸血鬼喜阴暗环境的性格,身穿性感白色比基尼与男友罗伯特·帕丁森在日光的海边嬉戏,两人如胶似漆羡煞旁人。在巴西拍摄暮光之城完结篇--《破晓》的空隙,这对好莱坞神仙眷侣趁着剧组人一不注意,就跑到海边放松去了。20岁的克里斯汀头发湿漉漉地披在肩上、白色两件套比基尼展现出她的较好身材。   Robert, 24, seemed in very high spirits as the pair cavorted together. took a running jump into the water wearing only his underwear. Clad in a pair of black Calvin Klein boxers, the Twilight star was taking time out from filming Breaking Dawn, the latest instalment in the vampire saga.   24岁的男友罗伯特·帕丁森玩得high过了头,丝毫没有注意到狗仔队的镜头,仅穿着一条CK性感黑色紧身泳裤便跳入水中,与女友大玩水上游戏。   Witnesses also spotted Kristen jumping on Robert's back for a piggyback ride. Twilight: Breaking Dawn is set for release on Nov 18th, 2011. In the meantime Kristen fans can see her current film, Welcome To The Riley's, in which she plays an under-age stripper.   有目击者称,克里斯汀·斯图尔特与罗伯特·帕丁森完全不顾他们在荧幕中的形象,竟然在水中玩起了“骑马”的游戏。据悉,暮光之城系列终结篇--《破晓》将与2011年11月18日与粉丝见面,若众吸血鬼粉丝们等不及见到他们崇拜的女主角的话,他们还可以提前观赏克里斯汀的最新作品《欢迎来到李雷家》,她在里面饰演一名脱衣舞女。

  Vocabulary:   brooding adj. 沉思的;徘徊不去的

  piggyback adj. 背着的;在背肩上的


sgxf 发表于 2012-10-16 08:37:37
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